Chapter 131 Couple's Pajamas
"Do you trust me so much?" Ye Xingchen blinked funnyly.

"Ye Xingchen, do you have any misunderstandings? I mean, I am not afraid that you will eat me, but it does not mean that I trust you, understand?" Lin Miaomiao asked Ye Xingchen cutely with her head tilted.

"Oh~ Were you mocking me just now?" Ye Xingchen suddenly realized.


"How dare you mock me."


"Lin Miaomiao, do you really think I dare not attack you?" Ye Xingchen said through gritted teeth.

"Just wait a moment."

Lin Miaomiao took out the phone from her pocket, fiddled with it for a while, then turned the screen of the phone to Ye Xingchen and said, "It says that if you force me, you will be sentenced to three to ten years in prison. "

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao's searches were full of black lines.

"Lin Miaomiao, why have you become like this now? What are you thinking about all day long?"

"Blame me, who told you to do it every day without my consent... This is called self-protection. By the way, the above said that even if you are a boyfriend and girlfriend, you can't do it, so Ye Xingchen, please regulate your behavior." Xingchen's hand was slapped off his body.

Ye Xingchen said in astonishment: "Uh, no, I don't usually do anything, it's something that couples should do."

"That doesn't work either. By the way, I forgot to check your bedroom last time I came to your house. Today I will check it carefully to see if you have hidden any unhealthy things."

After speaking, Lin Miaomiao looked around, and began to search for things in Ye Xingchen's bedroom.

"Hey, this is my room. Someone asked you to touch my things without my consent. Isn't it too much for you to do so?" Ye Xingchen hurriedly stopped him.

Lin Miaomiao didn't stop working and looked for it and said, "I'm doing this for your own good. Frequently watching unhealthy things is not good for your health."

Ye Xingchen thought to himself: "Fuck, that's not how it was written in the original book. Miaomiao is pure in the original book. This is the wrong script."

"Okay, I don't have anything in my room, you can do whatever you want." Ye Xingchen is not afraid of the shadow, and he really doesn't look at that kind of thing now. Since Lin Miaomiao likes to look for it, let her look for it, and he himself It was playing with snowballs on the side.

The current Snowball has grown up a lot, and it is no longer the little one it used to be. Ye Xingchen took good care of it, and now it is a little fat.

"Hey, Ye Xingchen, what is this? It looks like an hourglass." Lin Miaomiao picked up the hourglass on the table and asked.

"That's an hourglass." Ye Xingchen glanced over there and said.

"Why do I look so familiar? Didn't that so-and-so, that master give it to you?"

"Well, yes. A souvenir from the first time we went."

"It's very beautiful. By the way, the master told me last time that the two of us will be together in the future. I didn't expect it to be true." Lin Miaomiao said excitedly.

Ye Xingchen didn't feel too fluctuated when he heard that, so he continued to play with Snowball, but didn't reply.

"Why don't you talk anymore? The master said that we will always be together, aren't you happy?" Seeing Ye Xingchen

Without speaking, Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously.

"Actually... I'd rather the master be inaccurate." Ye Xingchen said slowly after a while.

"Ah, why?"

Lin Miaomiao didn't understand what Wei Ye Xingchen meant by saying that.

"It's nothing, it's getting late, go to bed early, are you going to sleep in my room?"

"Is it so early? What time is it? It's finally a holiday. Let's not play for a while. I haven't played with Snowball yet."

"Then you can go to your room, I'm sleepy and I'm going to bed." Ye Xingchen immediately gave the order to evict the guest.

"I don't, I want to play here." Lin Miaomiao started to be naughty again.

It's just that Ye Xingchen was really tired at this time and was in no mood to care about her, so he just reminded: "Okay, then go back to your room if you're sleepy, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, you can watch it if you want."

"What? Ah, what are you doing, rascal."

As soon as Lin Miaomiao looked up, Ye Xingchen began to undress directly in front of her, and Lin Miaomiao was so frightened that she quickly turned her back.

I have to say that Ye Xingchen's figure is really good, his back is wide and thick, with clear grooves, and every bundle of muscles looks as if carved out. Although Lin Miaomiao turned her back, she still couldn't help but want to take a peek.

"You can watch it if you want, I don't mind, don't be sneaky." Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing as he looked at her.

"Who wants to take a peek, it doesn't look good at all, you are really shameless, don't you see a girl here?" Lin Miaomiao said a little bit angrily.

"Oh, I told you to go and you didn't go. Get out of the way, I'm going to take a shower, is it my fault?" Ye Xingchen took the washing clothes and pajamas and prepared to take a bath. Before leaving, he still teased:
"By the way, your auntie put your change of clothes in the suitcase of your room for you, and your toiletries are there, as well as the pink pajamas, I didn't expect you to have a girl Heart."

Lin Miaomiao said angrily, "Who told you to touch my things!!!"

"It opened by itself, I just saw it accidentally." Ye Xingchen looked up at the ceiling and pretended to be stupid.

"You, pervert." Lin Miaomiao slammed the door angrily and left.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao leaving angrily, Ye Xingchen said proudly to himself, "Little girl, I can't cure you yet."

Then I took my things to take a shower.

Lin Miaomiao returned to the guest room, took out her suitcase and looked for her pajamas inside, but there were only a change of clothes and no pajamas or anything else.

"Ah, being cheated by this guy again, it's really annoying."

Lin Miaomiao found out that she was being teased again and started to complain about Ye Xingchen, but when she suddenly thought of Ye Xingchen's perfect figure, her face was burning hot, and she thought to herself: That guy seems to have an eight-pack abs.Ah, what am I thinking, no, I have been spoiled by them.Huh, calm down.

Ye Xingchen, who was taking a shower at this time, didn't know what was going on in Lin Miaomiao's mind. He just wanted to calm himself down and stop thinking about those miscellaneous things.After taking a bath, I feel much more comfortable physically and mentally.

He put on the pajamas he just bought and knocked on the door of Lin Miaomiao's room.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Miaomiao opened the door and found that this guy was wearing husky pajamas, she couldn't help but feel a little cute.

This is a set of pajamas I bought online the day before yesterday. It's new. You can wear this.

"This...isn't it a couple's pajamas?"

Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise.

Ye Xingchen: "That's right, what else? You can't tell."

"It's not so blatant, you are not afraid..."

"You can also wear it between good friends. If you want it, I'll throw it away." Ye Xingchen pretended to throw it away.

"Hey, hey, I want it, it's okay if I want it."

 Thank you Jinmailang who wants Maimai for your reward,

  Thank you Trojan King monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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