Another bet
"By the way, I forgot to tell you something." Ye Xingchen said suddenly.

Lin Miaomiao asked, "What's the matter?"

Ye Xingchen got up and sat down on Lin Miaomiao's table.

This aroused Lin Miaomiao's dissatisfaction: "Ye Xingchen, you got all my books underground, pick them up for me."

"Wait a minute, let me tell you the good news first."

"Brother Chen, you should speak up quickly, don't be a secret." Deng Xiaoqi asked anxiously, she didn't like half-talking the most.

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao's endurance is almost reaching the limit of explosion: "Hurry up, it's better to have good news, if you don't let it, you will be finished."

Ye Xingchen: "I watched the sky last night, and found that the school will organize a spring outing for everyone in the near future. The time is three days and two nights, and the location is Wuxi, Suzhou."

As soon as Lin Miaomiao heard that she was going on a spring outing, she immediately became interested: "Is it true? Our school will organize outings? Is the news accurate?"

As Ye Xingchen said, he still pretended to stroke the beard that he didn't have: "Accurate, 100% accurate, I'm our famous fortune teller, just pinch your fingers and you'll know."

Lin Miaomiao gave him a blank look: "Hehe, it's a good fortune, I believe you are a ghost."

On the other hand, Deng Xiaoqi thought for a while and said, "Elite middle schools are relatively strict schools. I don't think it's possible to go on a spring outing."

"What else can I do to show the power of my fortune teller? Let's see, the school will issue a notice within two weeks." Ye Xingchen said, looking at the dubious eyes of the two.

Lin Miaomiao turned her eyes and thought of a good idea, she said to Ye Xingchen, "What if we don't give a notice?"

"If you don't give notice, I'll just eat this book." Ye Xingchen picked up a Chinese textbook and said.

"Brother Chen is so confident, did you get some notice in advance?" Deng Xiaoqi said with a half-smile.

"Didn't I tell you just now? God gave me instructions."

"It's really annoying that you keep playing tricks every time." Lin Miaomiao reached out and gave Ye Xingchen a hammer.

Ye Xingchen: "What are you doing, Lin Miaomiao, I messed with you."

Lin Miaomiao said with peace of mind: "No, I'm willing to beat you if I wish, what's the matter, can't you?"

Ye Xingchen complained in a low voice: "Violent girl!!"

"What did you say?"

Deng Xiaoqi watched this scene from the side and finally couldn't help it: "Hahaha, you two are really happy friends, a natural couple."

"Tch, Xiaoqi, let's ignore him, let me teach you math problems."


In this way, Ye Xingchen was successfully left alone, feeling that it was meaningless for him to be here, so he lay down on his desk and entered the library to study.

Lin Miaomiao has been thinking about the spring outing in her heart, she is going to find an opportunity to ask her little uncle, the teacher should know about such a big news.

Lin Miaomiao went to find Tang Yuanming in the office during the big class break.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao coming, Tang Yuanming put down his work and asked concerned: "Miaomiao, why are you here? What can I do for you?"

Lin Miaomiao said in a low voice, "Little uncle, let me ask you something."

Tang Yuanming: "Ask. What's the matter?"

Lin Miaomiao hesitated and said it out: "I heard people say that our school is going to organize a spring outing?"

Hearing the news, Tang Yuanming couldn't help being stunned: "No, who did you hear it from? Our teachers don't even know about it."

"Ah, I just heard what my classmates said about this, so shouldn't I ask whether this news is true or not?" Lin Miaomiao said a little embarrassedly.

Tang Yuanming took a sip of tea from the table, and then said earnestly: "You know how to be playful. Now that your academic performance has just started, you need to consolidate it. When you go to 985 211 university in the future, your parents will Happy, I am happy too, of course the most important thing is that you are happier."

Lin Miaomiao nodded: "Uncle, I understand, the reason I go to school is to study better."

"That's good. By the way, I heard that you and Ye Xingchen are neighbors." Tang Yuanming asked suddenly.

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

Tang Yuanming: "It's nothing, let me ask. I generally know that you two have a good relationship, but you still have to focus on your studies. After you finish the college entrance examination, you are thinking about other things, understand?"

Lin Miaomiao blushed when she was told, and replied weakly: "Got it."

"Okay, let's go back. Class is about to start. There is really no news about the spring outing, so stop thinking about it."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Miaomiao escaped out of the office.

On the way back to the classroom, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Ye Xingchen knew how to lie, and he was given a "lesson".

When she came to the classroom and found that Ye Xingchen was still sleeping on her stomach, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help thinking of a tricky idea when she saw this scene.

She came to the podium, picked up a piece of chalk, and threw it at Ye Xingchen. When she thought she was about to explode her head, Ye Xingchen suddenly caught the piece of chalk with her hand.

"Lin Miaomiao, what are you doing?" Ye Xingchen looked up at Lin Miaomiao dissatisfied and said.

Lin Miaomiao was shocked, she felt that this was not scientific at all, it is possible that Ye Xingchen still has eyes on his head.

"Are you, aren't you sleeping?"

"I call it danger sensing. I'll tell you that you don't understand, so I'll ask you why you threw me away."

Lin Miaomiao straightened her chest and said firmly, "Who told you to lie to me?"

"What did I lie to you about?"

"Didn't you say that the school will organize a spring outing?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I'm going to ask my little uncle. My little uncle doesn't even know, so you still say you didn't lie to me?" Lin Miaomiao said, staring at Ye Xingchen with her hands on her hips.


After hearing this, Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "That's it, didn't I tell you, we'll see the outcome in two weeks, so why panic, we'll make a bet if you don't believe me."

Lin Miaomiao sneered and said, "I believe in you, tell me what bet you want to make."

She won't be fooled this time.

Ye Xingchen: "Tsk tsk tsk, Lin Miaomiao, did you say you won a bet with me? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

When Lin Miaomiao heard Ye Xingchen say this, she thought he was being cowardly, so she started the aggressive method: "Why, don't you dare? Do you feel that you are 100% going to lose? Don't change the subject, tell me what the bet is?"

"Hey, you brought this to your door yourself. Don't regret it. It's still the previous bet. Agree to any request from the other party."

"It's a deal, you're sure to lose this time." Lin Miaomiao happily returned to her seat, thinking that she was sure of winning.

Ye Xingchen smiled and didn't speak, and continued to sleep on the table.


Lin Miaomiao told Jiang Tianhao, Deng Xiaoqi and others about the bet to prevent Ye Xingchen from playing tricks, and asked them to testify for herself.

After Jiang Tianhao heard this, he suddenly became interested. For some reason, he always felt that Ye Xingchen had won.

Lin Miaomiao thought he had a fever at first, otherwise how could she believe Ye Xingchen's nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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