Chapter 137 The Spring Outing Begins

The wait is always long, and the few people just spent two weeks fighting around like this.

Seeing that the deadline was approaching, Lin Miaomiao had already seen the dawn of victory.

But on this day, all the second-year teachers were suddenly notified to hold a meeting, and the students studied independently. This made Lin Miaomiao, who was originally excited, suddenly have a bad feeling.

Deng Xiaoqi said in surprise: "At this time, the meeting will be announced, and the class will not be in class. Will Brother Chen really guess right?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at the teachers who were going to the administration building and said suspiciously, "I'll go, what is the school doing, really let us have a spring outing?"

Ye Xingchen turned around at this time and said with a smile: "If my guess is correct, after the meeting, the teacher will announce the spring outing time and precautions for us."

"Maybe it's about the exam. You don't know until the end. Don't be complacent." Lin Miaomiao still didn't believe that the school would organize a spring outing, and she still held on to her last hope.

"Okay, then we'll just wait for the final announcement. Anyway, it's probably the next class." Ye Xingchen didn't refute, because he knew that spring outing was inevitable and there would be no accidents.

Lin Miaomiao didn't continue to talk to him, but silently brushed up the questions by herself, because doing the questions could make her calm down.

In class 2 of the second year of high school, the students in the science class were also whispering, discussing what kind of meeting the teacher is holding, whether they will simulate the big exam and so on.

Although Qian Sanyi knew about the bet between Brother Chen and Lin Miaomiao in advance, he was also very surprised, thinking that elite middle schools did not have the custom of spring outings in the past.And the most important thing is that Lin Miaomiao's head teacher made it clear that he didn't say anything about the spring outing. He didn't understand how Ye Xingchen knew about it.

Compared to Qian Sanyi, Jiang Tianhao showed such an expression, just like the last time he reminded himself that there might be a fire in the dormitory, this time it was predicted by Ye Xingchen again.

As soon as the result came out, if it was really a spring outing, then what I thought might be true.

Sure enough, in the second class, the head teachers of all classes came back from a meeting, and when they came to the classroom, they began to announce the matter.

Tang Yuanming coughed lightly at the door, and the class fell silent instantly.

"Oh, it seems that everyone is very excited. Are they all wondering what the teacher is going to do, is there any big move?" Tang Yuanming walked up to the podium and said to the students outside with a smile.

"Teacher, don't be a fool, tell me quickly."

"Yes, teacher, is there another big exam?"

Lin Miaomiao also asked urgently: "It's not really a spring outing, is it?"

The other students immediately asked, "What spring outing?"

Tang Yuanming clapped his hands at this time to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Don't worry, everyone, it's not an exam. The school leaders decided temporarily that our senior two classes will organize a group outing. The target is Wuxi, Suzhou, and the time is set for next week."


Deng Xiaoqi looked at Ye Xingchen adoringly and said, "Oh my God, it's really a spring outing. It's amazing, Brother Chen, where did you get the news from?"

Ye Xingchen pretended to be an expert outside the world: "The secret of the sky must not be leaked, this is my ability to eat in the future, can I tell you so easily?"

"Cut, what are you pretending for? You must have received inside information." Lin Miaomiao knew that she had lost again this time, and since she hadn't paid off the conditions last time, she already owed several of them.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with a smile and said, "Miaomiao, I would like to admit defeat. You don't even have a chance to go back on your word this time."


Deng Xiaoqi stroked Lin Miaomiao's hair and said comfortingly: "Don't cry, don't cry, is it the first day you met Brother Chen? You still bet with him, when will he make an unsure bet, just fool you."

"Ah woo woo woo woo!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Tang Yuanming also talked about the precautions, and it is said that this time you can camp in the wild at night, of course, it is a special venue, so you don’t have to worry about safety issues, you just need to prepare your usual clothes and toiletries, and Living expenses or something.

Next to the camping site is the hotel where we were going to stay, so it is very convenient for everyone to go back and wash up. It depends on your choice, whichever you like to sleep in.

Ye Xingchen never thought of this matter, because it was not mentioned in the original drama, and no students chose to go camping. It may be that there is this value-added project, but the protagonist group is useless.

The beginning of camping was the time when Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi first had a relationship, but at this time Lin Miaomiao was completely his own.

After school in the afternoon, Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen reported the incident to their parents when they returned home.

Wang Shengnan prepared a lot of things for Lin Miaomiao, but Lin Miaomiao basically passed them all, because this is a spring outing and not a long-term stay, so there is no need to bring so many things.Instead, bring some snacks.

On the other hand, Ye Xingchen has a lot of things in his possessions, and the whole thing is like a miniature warehouse.The suitcase is not big but has everything you need.

After getting ready, both Wang Shengnan and Lin's mother urged Ye Xingchen to take good care of Miaomiao. As for themselves, let's forget about it. This is a sad story.

Before leaving, Ye Xingchen asked Lin Miaomiao: "You didn't leave anything behind, did you bring your pajamas?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Bring it here, it's in the suitcase."

"That's good. How much money did you bring this time?"

"My mother gave me 300, and I took 700 from my small treasury. Have you brought enough? I'll cover your living expenses if you don't have enough." Lin Miaomiao waved her hand proudly.

Ye Xingchen fondled Lin Miaomiao's hair and said, "No, I brought it myself, and I brought a lot, so I won't let you raise me in the future."

"Why don't you want me to raise you?" Lin Miaomiao looked at him arrogantly.

"That's not what I mean, what I mean is how can I let you support me." Ye Xingchen explained.

Lin Miaomiao didn't quite understand: "Um, is there a difference?"

"How can a man be supported by a woman? That's too shameful."

Lin Miaomiao gave him a white look: "Cut, it's not machismo."

Hearing what Lin Miaomiao said, Ye Xingchen was unwilling: "Hey, don't talk nonsense. I'm not called a machismo. I'm called a man. The nature is different, okay?"

"Okay, it's okay if it's different, let's go, we won't be able to catch the school bus in a while, by the way, what about Qian Sany?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"Just wait below."

"Oh, let's go then."

When the two saw Qian Sanyi outside the community, they had already booked a car and waited.

"You are too slow, let's go quickly. Otherwise, we will really miss it later." Qian Sanyi urged.

(End of this chapter)

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