The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 138 Qian 31: Help, kill the dog

Chapter 138 Qian Sanyi: Help, Kill the Dog
Ye Xingchen said lightly, "Why panic, the school bus doesn't leave until 9 o'clock, and it's only 7.30 now."

"Then, we can't let them wait for us."

"That's right, Ye Xingchen, your mental awareness is not good enough." Lin Miaomiao also mocked Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen looked at the air-tight little padded jacket in front of him, and felt angry for a while. He didn't want to make you relax. Damn, he also followed other people to ridicule me and ignore you, hum! (Author: Hahahahaha)
Since Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen were sitting in the back, Lin Miaomiao talked about what camping was like all the way, but Ye Xingchen deliberately ignored Lin Miaomiao, who told her to say that she was here.

"Ye Xingchen, why are you ignoring me? I just said it by myself, and you didn't say a word."

But Ye Xingchen still didn't speak.

"What's wrong? Are you angry with me?" Lin Miaomiao asked in a low voice.

Ye Xingchen pouted and turned his head to that side.

"Oh, didn't I just say something to you? Cheapskate? Don't be angry, can you stop being like this as a big boy." Lin Miaomiao stroked Ye Xingchen's hair.

Ye Xingchen reached out and knocked off her little hand.

But Lin Miaomiao just moved his hair. If you ignore me, I will make a fuss. Anyway, in the end you have no choice but to talk to me.

Ye Xingchen looked at her speechlessly: "Lin Miaomiao, can't you see that I'm angry?"

"I see." Lin Miaomiao replied seriously.

Ye Xingchen said angrily: "Then why don't you coax me."

"You are a big boy and let me coax you." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen as if she had discovered a new world.

"I'm going to use up an opportunity to make arbitrary demands now, please coax me, otherwise I'll be angry all the time." Ye Xingchen looked away arrogantly.

"Okay, okay, can't I coax you, let me think about it." Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and thought carefully.


"There is."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao chirping like a tiger, Ye Xingchen suddenly had a bad feeling.

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao shook Ye Xingchen's hand and said softly, "Chenchen, don't be angry, okay, I'll buy you candy."

Qian Sanyi, who was sitting in front just now, burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, no, I can't help it if you continue, just pretend that I don't exist."

"Lin Miaomiao, why don't you coax the children here?" Ye Xingchen said, holding back his embarrassment.

Lin Miaomiao took it for granted: "You don't want me to coax you, I can only coax children."

"You... Forget it, I don't want to talk to you." Now Ye Xingchen turned his head aside again and sulked.

Qian Sanyi was still peeking at the two people behind, Lin Miaomiao immediately said after finding out: "What are you looking at, and then look at it and pull your eyes out."

"Cut, who cares." Qian Sanyi also knew he was wrong, and after making complaints, he withdrew his gaze.

"Ye Xingchen, will this make you feel better?"


Before Ye Xingchen could react, Lin Miaomiao took the initiative to post it.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

"Are you still angry?" Lin Miaomiao said strangely.

Ye Xingchen raised the corner of his mouth and said slowly:
"Don't be angry anymore."

"Hmph, silly." Lin Miaomiao grabbed his hand and looked out the window.

Ye Xingchen also closed his eyes and squinted for a while in satisfaction.

Qian Sanyi, who was sitting in the front, was not in a good condition at the moment. He regretted getting in this car a little bit. He never expected that the two people behind him would be like this... Oh my god, let the dog come in and kill him. This is too cruel, woo woo woo!
This feeling was painful and tormented. After finally making it to school, Qian Sanyi quickly got out of the car and left with his luggage.

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao in the back still don't understand why Qian Sanyi left in such a hurry.

Ye Xingchen shouted in confusion: "Hey, why are you walking so fast, there is still time."

Qian Sanyi didn't reply, which made Ye Xingchen very strange.

"What's wrong with him, I remember you just yell at him in the car, so you won't be angry."

"Who knows, maybe he's having a convulsion. Leave him alone, let's go too." Lin Miaomiao didn't care about Qian Sanyi's affairs, she was afraid that she would be late if she stayed for a while.

"it is good."

The two quickly arrived at the designated place with their luggage.

At this time, most of the students had already arrived. Ye Xingchen couldn't help sighing when he saw the big and small bags. After all, he didn't even dare to think about it in the original world.

Being able to go on a spring outing with everyone in high school is also a good memory when I grow up.

Deng Xiaoqi was dressed very beautifully today, she could finally wear enough good-looking clothes that she couldn't wear in school these days, before Ye Xingchen and the others came over, she waved hello from a distance.

"Brother Chen, Miao Miao we are here!"

Lin Miaomiao immediately dropped the suitcase in her hand when she saw Deng Xiaoqi, and the two had a big hug.

"Wow, Xiaoqi, you're so beautiful in what you're wearing today. The clothes are so pretty." Lin Miaomiao touched Deng Xiaoqi's new clothes everywhere, her eyes full of envy.

Deng Xiaoqi is indeed dressed very beautifully today. The light blue lapel long-sleeved shirt and lotus-colored trousers give people an unusual feeling from a distance.

"You look really nice in what you're wearing today. You look so beautiful and cute on purpose." After speaking, Ruo gave Ye Xingchen a deep look.

"What, these are my clothes from a long time ago. By the way, are we still leaving?"

Jiang Tianhao replied: "Because the teacher needs to count the number of people in a while, it may take a while. By the way, your class is the car, go up first, your head teacher should be waiting for everyone in the car."

"Oh, okay, Ye Xingchen, help me and Xiaoqi carry the luggage, I'll get in the car first."

As soon as Jiang Tianhao heard that the luggage was being moved, he immediately ran over to express himself: "No need, I will take Xiaoqi's."

Ye Xingchen didn't refuse either, after all, he wanted to give others a chance to show off.

Soon several people got on their respective buses, and after the teacher finished roll call, they departed on time at 9 o'clock.

As soon as the bus started, Lin Miaomiao took out potato chips from her school bag and ate them in big mouthfuls.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but reminded: "Miaomiao, eat less on the bus, the bus is very wobbly and you'll get motion sickness easily."

"No, I never get motion sickness." Although Lin Miaomiao's cheeks were swollen from eating, the movements of her mouth

Not at all idle.

Seeing what Lin Miaomiao said, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to bother her. He took out motion sickness stickers from his school bag and pasted two of them himself.Because Ye Xingchen has a small problem, that is, he will get a little motion sickness when he rides in the car for a long time.

After witnessing this process, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but asked, "You don't have motion sickness, do you? Why don't you sit in the front?"

"Don't be so troublesome, I have a small problem, just sleep and it will be fine." Ye Xingchen pampered Lin Miaomiao's head lovingly.

"Oh, don't make trouble, the teacher is right in front." Lin Miaomiao was startled by Ye Xingchen's action, and quickly looked around, but luckily no one noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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