Chapter 139 Think about whether to play at night and take Lin Miaomiao over

"Don't worry, you won't find it."

Lin Miaomiao put the snacks aside and looked at Ye Xingchen with concern, and said, "Go to sleep, and tell me if you feel uncomfortable. Promise, put on earphones and listen to music, close your eyes and go to sleep, right away."

Hearing Lin Miaomiao's unquestionable tone, Ye Xingchen was slightly moved.

At this time, Ye Xingchen said coquettishly like a child who needs to be taken care of:

"But I can't sleep."

"Hey, I will fall asleep when I close my eyes." Lin Miaomiao also cooperated with Ye Xingchen very much, coaxing him to sleep like a child.

Ye Xingchen put on the headphones obediently and slowly closed his eyes.Because the distance is too long this time, it is easy to cause motion sickness, so sleeping in the car is the best choice.

Lin Miaomiao took out a U-shaped pillow from her schoolbag and put it on Ye Xingchen's head.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Ye Xingchen opened his eyes and asked in confusion.

Lin Miaomiao said seriously: "It's more comfortable to wear this."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ye Xingchen, who was wearing a U-shaped pillow, obviously felt much more comfortable than just lying down, and fell asleep quickly.

The bus stopped a few times on the way to make it easier for the students to go to the toilet.After more than 4 hours of trekking, we soon arrived at the destination of this spring outing.

When the bus stopped, Tang Yuanming got up and organized the students to get off the bus and gather.

"Everyone, don't leave your things behind. Let's take them down first and put them in the hotel. Don't move freely when you get off the car. I will lead everyone to get the room card. Do you hear me?"

"heard it!"

"Okay, get out of the car."

The students got off the car one by one with their schoolbags and the garbage on the car, and Lin Miaomiao also woke up the sleeping Ye Xingchen.

"Miaomiao? Have we arrived yet?" Ye Xingchen rubbed his hazy eyes with his hands after waking up.

"Here we are, get out of the car and gather now, let's go." Lin Miaomiao was very excited, because this was the first time she went out to play with everyone, and as soon as she saw the place, she pulled Ye Xingchen out of the car.

"Slow down, don't drop anything."

"Don't worry, everything has been checked, and there is nothing left behind."

After Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen came down, Tang Yuanming counted the number of people in his class, and when they were all there, he took everyone to the hotel and took the room cards. They were almost all standard rooms, with two people sharing a big bed. team up.

After the room cards were distributed, Tang Yuanming ordered: "You can only play in the scenic spot, you can't run too far, and you must come here to gather when the time comes. Call me if you have anything to do. It's OK to disband."

"Yeah, let's go play."

"Let's go over there..."

"It's been a long time since I came out to play."

Lin Miaomiao found Xiaoqi, and then the two went to the room to put down the things. Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao lived in the same room. Ye Xingchen was lucky and had another bye, so he had a room alone. After putting away the things, the five gathered at the hotel entrance .

Jiang Tianhao said cheaply: "Brother Chen, aren't you lonely sleeping in a room by yourself? Aren't you going to take Miao Miao over?"

Ye Xingchen followed Jiang Tianhao's words without hesitation and said, "I think, the teacher will definitely not let me."

"It's okay, the teacher won't be bored enough to make ward rounds, and it's not just our two classes here, there are other classes, so don't worry, as long as Brother Chen thinks about it, there will be absolutely no problem." Jiang Tianhao said.

"Well, I understand, let's see what Miaomiao thinks tonight." Ye Xingchen said lightly, "I'll go up first to see if Miaomiao and Xiaoqi have packed up. You guys wait here for a while."

Ye Xingchen walked into the hotel after speaking.

Looking at Ye Xingchen's outrageous back, Jiang Tianhao was a little confused: "I'll go, they really don't avoid suspicion at all."

"Oh, what is this? You don't even know what I went through when I woke up this morning." Qian Sanyi said aggrievedly.

Jiang Tianhao leaned over and asked, "What? Did the two of them bully you?"

"This morning...that's how it happened." Qian Sanyi eloquently told the whole story.

After hearing this, Jiang Tianhao immediately said with righteous indignation: "Killing the dog, killing the dog, it's too much, Qian Sanyi, we will be comrades-in-arms in the future, and resolutely resist this behavior of spreading dog food."

"Well, resolutely resist." Qian Sanyi pretended to touch his tears and nodded.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi had just come out of the hotel and asked them, "Who are you boycotting again?"

"No one, Brother Chen, why is it just the two of you." Jiang Tianhao quickly changed the subject.

"In the back, isn't this coming?" Lin Miaomiao just said Ye Xingchen and came out.

Jiang Tianhao suggested: "Okay, everyone is done, let's go climbing."

Deng Xiaoqi resisted after hearing the mountain climbing: "I still climb the mountain, I didn't climb enough last time, I don't want to climb the mountain anymore."

Seeing that Deng Xiaoqi didn't want to go to Jiang Tianhao, he immediately went forward to coax him: "Xiaoqi, we will go to play wherever you say."

"Tsk tsk tsk, we'll play wherever you say." Ye Xingchen couldn't help teasing.

Lin Miaomiao followed closely behind: "Tsk tsk tsk, let's play wherever you say."

"Oh, are you annoying? I'm going to ride the Ferris wheel. Whether you want to go or not, I'll go by myself." Deng Xiaoqi didn't bother to pay attention to the booing guys.

"Go, it's been a long time. Let's do a roller coaster after we're done." Lin Miaomiao especially likes exciting and fun entertainment.

Ye Xingchen played with Lin Miaomiao's hair and said to everyone, "I'm fine!"

"I'm fine." Of course, Jiang Tianhao agreed with Deng Xiaoqi's opinion unconditionally.

"I, I...well, I'm fine." Facing the eyes of everyone, Qian Sanyi really couldn't talk about his fear of heights.

"Since it's all right, let's go. There are quite a lot of people today, and there are students from other schools. I'm afraid we'll have to queue up if we go late." Jiang Tianhao reminded.

Lin Miaomiao asked: "Students from other schools? Which school is there?"

"It's the aristocratic school in the city next door. Let me tell you that that school is not inferior to our school at all, and there is also a super female schoolmaster." Jiang Tianhao popularized them.

"Wait, how did you know?" Ye Xingchen was a little confused, the school was not mentioned in the original drama, but it's right to think about it, the TV drama has removed some unnecessary plots.

"I asked Old Zhao."

"It doesn't matter anymore, we don't care about them, leave Xiaoqi, let's go buy tickets."

Lin Miaomiao took Deng Xiaoqi and ran towards the playground excitedly.

"Brother Chen, you don't know the news?" Jiang Tianhao approached mysteriously and said.

Ye Xingchen asked suspiciously: "Why do you think I will know?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Aren't you good at foretelling?"

Qian Sanyi became interested when he heard this: "Foretelling? Brother Chen still has this ability? What else are you hiding from me?"

 Thank you Xiaoyi.Xiaoyi. for your reward,
  Thanks for the reward of Zhongzheng
(End of this chapter)

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