Chapter 141 Ripe Tomatoes
"Really not, I only like you." Ye Xingchen replied seriously.

"I don't believe it, Xiaoqi is so beautiful, if it weren't for me, I wouldn't believe that you wouldn't fall in love with her." Lin Miaomiao raised her face as if waiting for an answer.

Ye Xingchen's gaze slowly moved away from Lin Miaomiao, looked at the distant scenery and said slowly: "A few years ago, I might really like Deng Xiaoqi, but not now. "

"Why not now?" Lin Miaomiao was very curious and continued to ask.

Ye Xingchen looked at her dotingly and said softly, "Idiot, because of you."

Lin Miaomiao was caught off guard by Ye Xingchen's sudden love words, she blushed and said, "I, I, I am not as beautiful as Xiaoqi."

"No, no, I don't believe in love at first sight, so I can tell you clearly, I just fell in love with you, so you are very beautiful, but you haven't bloomed." Ye Xingchen gently provoked her with his hand His chin looked straight into Lin Miaomiao's eyes.

At first Lin Miaomiao could bear it, but as time passed and the Ferris wheel slowly fell, Lin Miaomiao finally couldn't help looking away, her eyes drifted, and she didn't dare to continue looking into Ye Xingchen's eyes.

Lin Miaomiao felt her face was scorching hot, and she knew how red her face was right now without even thinking about it.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Ye Xingchen teased and said, "Your face is so red, like a ripe tomato in the field."

"Ye Xingchen, do you want to die?"

Lin Miaomiao beat Ye Xingchen's shoulder with her small fist angrily, but this strength was not painful to Ye Xingchen, but she still begged for mercy:
"Hey, Lin Miaomiao, can you stop hitting people at every turn, isn't it a lady?"

"Lady, what is a lady? Can a lady eat it? I know lady, if you dislike me, you will dislike me and kill you."

"Hey, hey, it hurts."

Because of Ye Xingchen's mouth, Lin Miaomiao successfully left a neat tooth mark on his shoulder.

As the ferris wheel slowly fell, Lin Miaomiao walked out from inside with her head held high and her chest held high, while Ye Xingchen followed behind, clutching her shoulders in an aggrieved manner.

Deng Xiaoqi and the others were waiting for them in the flower bed next to them. They saw Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen in the crowd at a glance. After they came over, Deng Xiaoqi realized that something was wrong.

"Brother Chen, what is this?" Deng Xiaoqi asked suspiciously.

Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi were also worried when they saw this situation.

"Brother Chen, are you injured? What happened?" Jiang Tianhao hurried over to check the situation.

Qian Sanyi: "Is it serious, do you need to go to the hospital?"

Seeing them coming to check on his injuries, Ye Xingchen avoided Jiang Tianhao and said calmly, "It's all right, it's just a touch, don't worry."

Just kidding, if they know about my face, where will I save my face?But I don't know why, Ye Xingchen always feels like he forgot something, but he can't remember it for a while, forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Lin Miaomiao raised her chin and asked Ye Xingchen: "I'm going to ride the roller coaster, do you want to play?"

Ye Xingchen shook his arm and said, "I won't go for now, you and Xiaoqi go play first, and I'll buy you something to eat."

"Oh, that's fine. I want to eat strawberry cake." Hearing that Ye Xingchen was not going, Lin Miaomiao's interest was obviously not as high as before.

"No problem, I'll go buy it, you guys play first." Ye Xingchen readily agreed, anyway, anything other than ice cream will do.

"Then I'll go with Brother Chen. Haozi, Xiaoqi, Miaomiao, you go and play." Qian Sanyi made an excuse to accompany Ye Xingchen to do some shopping and prepare to escape.

Seeing that Qian Sanyi wanted to find an opportunity to escape, Jiang Tianhao immediately resorted to aggressive tactics: "Qian Sanyi, don't be so boring, you are all out to play and you don't play anything, are you scared?"

"Who's afraid, me, I'm just a little uncomfortable, besides, it would be bad if we all went to play and left Brother Chen here." Qian Sanyi quickly defended after hearing what Jiang Tianhao said.

Seeing Qian Sanyi's distressed appearance, Ye Xingchen hurried out to make a rescue.

"Okay, okay, you three go first, just ask Qian Sanyi to help me get some things, after all, I can't get that much by myself, Haozi Xiaoqi, help me take care of Miaomiao."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen had spoken, Jiang Tianhao didn't continue to press Qian Sanyi, after all, without him, he could just give himself a chance to get along with Deng Xiaoqi: "Okay, Xiaoqi Miaomiao, let's go, tell me what you want to play, and stay with me until the end .”

Lin Miaomiao excitedly said: "Okay, Haozi, roller coaster, big pendulum, pirate ship, dare you?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Must! Go, open the way ahead."

"Let's go Xiaoqi, let's go play." Lin Miaomiao took Deng Xiaoqi's hand and ran towards the roller coaster venue.

Deng Xiaoqi was pulled away before she had time to react: "Hey, Qian Sanyi, I'll be back in a while. Slow down, Miaomiao."

"After a while, there will be more people."

Looking at the people going away, Ye Xingchen said to Qian Sanyi indifferently: "Fear of heights is not your problem, speak up boldly, and I won't make fun of you."

Qian Sanyi was surprised: "How do you know?"

Ye Xingchen smiled mysteriously at him: "Guess?"

"This...well, I'm a little afraid of heights, I've got an old problem, and I want to overcome it, but..." Seeing that Ye Xingchen knew about it, Qian Sanyi didn't continue to hide it.

"It's okay, everyone has something to fear, and I'm no exception." Ye Xingchen shrugged his shoulders and said it was nothing.

Qian Sanyi changed the subject: "Well, I know. Didn't you say to go shopping? Let's go."

"Okay, let's go ahead." Ye Xingchen pointed to the shop over there, signaling Ye Xingchen to follow.

At this time, a tall and beautiful female classmate in the cake shop was explaining to the cake shop clerk.

"After the finished cake is sold, it cannot be returned. Besides, if it is made according to your requirements, no one else will want it."

"But my mobile phone is out of battery and I can't pay, and you can't charge it here..."

"That can't be helped. You can find a way to ask your classmates or teachers to help you."

Seeing this scene, Ye Xingchen walked forward and asked, "Does this classmate need any help?"

"My phone is out of battery, and I don't have a wallet with me. I can't refund the cake, so..."

Hearing what she said, Ye Xingchen generally understood what was going on. He took out his mobile phone and said to the clerk, "Let me pay for her."

She showed a grateful expression and said to Ye Xingchen: "Thank you, I'll add you to WeChat, and I'll return it to you as soon as my phone has power."

"You're welcome." Ye Xingchen gave her the phone and entered his contact information.

I saw that she opened Add Friend, entered her contact information skillfully and selected the Add button, and then returned the phone to Ye Xingchen:

"My name is Ling Long, may I ask you..."

"Ye Xingchen!"

"Ye Xingchen, I remember, thank you for helping me out today."

"I said you're welcome, you probably aren't a student from an elite high school."

(End of this chapter)

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