The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 142 Don't worry, I won't tell Lin Miaomiao

Chapter 142 Don't worry, I won't tell Lin Miaomiao

"No, I'm a student of Minghai Middle School."

Ye Xingchen asked: "Oh, okay. Let me tell you why I look a little unfamiliar."

Ling Long: "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first, and I'll give you the money before dinner."

"Okay, goodbye. Money doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry."

"See you."

After she left, Qian Sanyi suddenly said at this moment: "I remembered, Ling Long, I wonder why this name is so familiar."

Ye Xingchen asked, "What's the matter, do you know each other?"

"I've seen the list of the National Mathematics Olympiad from Teacher Zhao. Ling Long is one of the main players in Minghai Middle School, and it is said that her grades are not inferior to mine." Qian Sanyi briefly explained to Ye Xingchen.

"Huo, she's quite a goddess-level figure, Xueba is beautiful and you can tell by her clothes that she's a kid from a rich family." Ye Xingchen said looking at Ling Long's back.

Qian Sanyi looked at Ye Xingchen hesitantly in a strange way and said repeatedly: "Brother Chen, you won't empathize with someone else, right? Well, don't worry, I won't tell Miaomiao."

"Fuck off, I'm just feeling f*cking, don't think about it." Ye Xingchen kicked him and said displeasedly.

"Yes, I understand everything." Qian Sanyi said cheaply.

"Huh?" Ye Xingchen glanced at him coldly.

"I'm going to buy a cake."

Qian Sanyi ran to the front desk as if fleeing and ordered four small cakes. After all, he still needs to finish his meal later, so he didn't order too much.

Since this cake shop is made fresh, the procedure is a little more complicated, and the most important thing is freshness, and of course the time is a little longer.

While waiting, Ye Xingchen received the content of the system update.

Dear host, the system has sufficient energy and is preparing to upgrade
Please wait……

"Why is the system updated suddenly? Forget it, let it update itself, it probably has some new functions." Ye Xingchen thought to himself.

Qian Sanyi looked at Ye Xingchen suddenly stupefied and shouted beside him for a long time, ignoring himself, and hit him with a heavy hammer on the back.

Ye Xingchen regained his composure and looked at Qian Sanyi angrily and said, "I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

"I've been calling you for a long time just now, and you seem to be deaf, so... what happened to you just now?" Qian Sanyi took two steps back and raised his hands to explain quickly.

"Just now I suddenly remembered something, I'll let you go this time, don't make an exception, just take your things and leave." After Ye Xingchen paid the money at the front desk, he left the cake shop early.

"It's inexplicable, Brother Chen won't really like that girl, right? Hello, please help us pretend." Qian Sanyi muttered, and said to the front desk.

"OK, wait."


When Qian Sanyi left the shop, he found Ye Xingchen sitting on the seat next to him looking at his phone.

So he went forward with his things and said, "Brother Chen, what's the matter, I found you strange."

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen looked up at him and asked.

Qian Sanyi scratched his head: "I can't tell, it's kind of weird anyway."

Ye Xingchen got up: "I think you are the one to blame, stop talking nonsense, take your things and go to Miao Miao and the others."

"Oh, good."

"Wait, don't tell Miaomiao what happened just now, I'm afraid she might misunderstand, so don't talk too much." Ye Xingchen's tone was a little threatening.

"Understand, understand, I will never talk too much." Qian Sanyi hurriedly expressed his opinion.

"Alright then, let's go."

When Ye Xingchen was walking towards the entertainment area, he sent Lin Miaomiao a message, asking where they were now.

Soon Lin Miaomiao replied with a message: We just finished playing, and now we are going to find you. By the way, I saw that there seems to be a place to take pictures at the Ferris wheel. Let's gather there.

Ye Xingchen replied: Okay.

Then he said to Qian Sanyi behind him, "Let's go, they're done playing, and now they're taking pictures at the Ferris wheel."

"So fast?"

"What do you think."

"I thought it would take a while, after all, I haven't played before."

"You'd better think about how to reject them for a while, I guess they might pull you to play exciting." Ye Xingchen reminded.

Qian Sanyi's tone was naturally not worried at all: "Um, I'll just say I'm not feeling well, it's okay."

"That's fine."

Ye Xingchen didn't continue the topic either, and the two quickly came to the photo booth under the ferris wheel.

At this time, Sun Chuanchu was yelling at that place: 10 yuan for a photo, everyone who needs it, hurry up.

Lin Miaomiao and others have already arrived, searching for her figure in those photos.

With sharp eyes, Sun Chuan saw the photos of Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen at a glance.

"Lin Miaomiao, isn't this you? Wow everyone, look, how romantic Lin Miaomiao and Brother Chen are."

When Lin Miaomiao heard what he said, she snatched it away. The photo was the scene of Ye Xingchen picking her chin. From that angle, it looked really interesting.

"Hey, let everyone see Miaomiao, don't be shy." Sun Chuanchu continued to make troubles.

Ye Xingchen came over at this time and kicked him away: "Sun Chuanchuu, if you don't hit you for a few days, your skin will itch. Get out, what are you doing here?"

"Brother Chen, am I joking?" Sun Chuan said tremblingly when he saw Ye Xingchen.

"Get out!" Ye Xingchen didn't give him a good face, after all, the eye incident last time was also because of him.


Sun Chuanchu was still in awe of Ye Xingchen. After all, he was the big brother, so he didn't get angry and just walked away silently.

"It deserves it. Whoever made him so annoying should be scolded." Lin Miaomiao complained beside her.

"Okay, don't be angry, this photo is pretty good." Ye Xingchen took the photo and found that it was pretty good, but maybe it was a snap shot, but it was a little blurry.

"It's okay." Lin Miaomiao quickly put away the photo to avoid gossip after being seen by others.

Seeing her putting away the photo, Jiang Tianhao hurriedly said, "Ah, ah, I didn't even look at Miaomiao."

"What to look at, what's interesting, I want to see myself take pictures." Lin Miaomiao directly turned back.

"Okay, here is the cake I bought for you, let's put it on a cushion, and I will take you to eat delicious food later." Ye Xingchen took the cake from Qian Sanyi and distributed it.

"My, mine, where is the strawberry one I want?" Lin Miaomiao was very excited when she heard about eating it, she completely lost her girlish appearance.

"Here, here, I'll keep it for you, don't worry." Ye Xingchen handed over Lin Miaomiao's share.

"Thank you, I know you are the best."

Sure enough, as long as you give Lin Miaomiao something to eat, you can talk about anything. Ye Xingchen, who was a hooligan on the Ferris wheel just now, is now the best. Alas, the world is impermanent.

Jiang Tianhao really didn't want to watch these two throw dog food here, so he quickly suggested: "Let's go to the rest area to eat something, I'm hungry."

"I agree." Qian Sanyi immediately raised his hand in agreement.

Seeing that Qian Sanyi agreed, Deng Xiaoqi quickly expressed that she had no objection
(End of this chapter)

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