The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 143 Lin Miaomiao with Four Stomaches

Chapter 143 Lin Miaomiao with Four Stomaches

Seeing that everyone wanted to eat, Ye Xingchen took a look at Lin Miaomiao who was already eating. Well, the vote is unanimous, so Lin Miaomiao doesn't need to ask, just ask to eat.

When they came to a restaurant in the rest area, Ye Xingchen gave Lin Miaomiao the menu without even looking at it, and asked her to look at it.

Lin Miaomiao was not polite either, took the menu and ordered everything that looked delicious.

Seeing her so little, Qian Sanyi couldn't help complaining: "Hey, Lin Miaomiao, you're really impolite if you don't spend your money, even if it's brother Chen's treat, you can eat so much."

"Believe in my strength, it's absolutely fine." Faced with Qian Sanyi's complaints, Lin Miaomiao didn't care at all, she just wanted to serve the food quickly.

"It's okay, Miaomiao eats a lot, let's take it away if I can't finish eating." Ye Xingchen patted her head habitually.

"I told you not to touch my head, or I won't grow taller." Although Lin Miaomiao said so, her body was honest and she didn't dodge, and continued to touch Ye Xingchen.

"Qian Sanyi, I'm a little full." Jiang Tianhao said to Qian Sanyi in a heartless manner.

Qian Sanyi: "Oh, me too."

"Jealousy has changed my face." Seeing this, Deng Xiaoqi also joined the Tucao team.

Lin Miaomiao hurried over to coax Deng Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, don't be like this, promise, Ye Xingchen treats guests, you can order whatever you want."

"No need, we can't finish what you ordered." Deng Xiaoqi quickly refused.

"Okay." Seeing that everyone said there was no need to order, Lin Miaomiao didn't continue to ask.

Soon the dishes were ready, and Lin Miaomiao switched to the big eater mode and started working on the delicious food.

Ye Xingchen served her food in his spare time, doing what a boyfriend should do.

Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi saw that these two people did not avoid suspicion at all, and immediately vented his anger on the food, eating more, and ruining Ye Xingchen.

Only Deng Xiaoqi chose some vegetarian dishes to eat.

Seeing this, Lin Miaomiao asked: "Xiaoqi, I see why you don't eat it. Is it because you don't like your appetite?"

"No, I'm losing weight, so I eat less."

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help admiring: "Xiao Qi, you have such strong self-control, I give you a thumbs up."

"Thank you Brother Chen."

The meal soon came to an end, except for Lin Miaomiao, the other three put down their chopsticks.

"You guys are not good at fighting!" Lin Miaomiao mocked.

Jiang Tianhao: "You eat more than the three of us combined."

Deng Xiaoqi was worried: "I really can't shrink my stomach if it's too big."

Qian Sanyi: "Don't worry, she has four stomachs."

"Yes! One is for meat, one is for vegetables, one is for staple food, and the other is for desserts and drinks. Keep safe and not disturb each other." Lin Miaomiao said intoxicatedly, "This dessert is so delicious! You guys Let’s eat some more. Eating sweets makes people feel happy! It really feels like an intracranial orgasm! The brain is as wonderful as fireworks bursting!”

"It's okay, eat it, eat more meat, it's not enough for me, I'm giving you something." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

"No, no, no. That's enough, let's pay the bill. Waiter?"

When the waiter handed over the bill, Lin Miaomiao began to roll her eyes and calculate in her mind: "It's so expensive, but luckily I brought enough money."

"Miaomiao, I'll be fine." Ye Xingchen got up and took out his wallet, ready to pay the bill.

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly stopped her: "Hey, hey, I'll be fine if I come, I can't spend your money every day, I have money, promise to give it."

Lin Miaomiao took out her small treasury and quickly settled the account.

"Wow, I didn't expect that Lin Miaomiao would be able to treat guests one day. It seems that he really started to save money for Brother Chen, and he didn't pass the door this time." Qian Sanyi teased.

"Get out!" Lin Miaomiao cursed fiercely, "What's the name of a single dog here?"

Qian Sanyi suddenly felt a pang in his chest, and a mouthful of old blood almost spewed out.

"Lin Miaomiao is not allowed to do this next time, how can a girl pay the bill." Ye Xingchen was very happy, but still pretended to be angry and said.

"Oh, the snacks and so on are all your money. I have to pay for a meal. Don't be angry, I won't grab it for you next time." Lin Miaomiao took Ye Xingchen's hand Said coquettishly.

Jiang Tianhao really couldn't bear these two people getting bored here: "I feel like I can't stay in this place anymore."

Qian Sanyi: "Agreed."

Deng Xiaoqi: "+1"

"I said the three of you are really boring, and besides, you can talk, and no one is stopping you." Ye Xingchen said meaningfully.

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Jiang Tianhao suddenly regained his energy: "What, Xiaoqi, what else do you want to play this afternoon, I'll take you there."

Deng Xiaoqi: "It's almost time to play. It's time to go back after a while. I feel that it's a bit cold."

Jiang Tianhao: "It's okay, I brought clothes, you wear mine."

"I don't." Deng Xiaoqi turned her head away.

A woman walked by from afar, and Deng Xiaoqi's face changed when she saw her.That was her mother, Deng Xinhua, with a "smiling smile and beautiful eyes looking forward to her", holding a domineering president on her arm, describing her as intimate.Her eyes fluttered slightly, and she glanced at her daughter lightly, as if hesitating for a second, but her footsteps did not stop at all, and she walked past the table slowly.Deng Xiaoqi: "My parents are so annoying."

Lin Miaomiao said softly, "Your father is very handsome."

Deng Xiaoqi remained silent, her face darkened.The atmosphere was a little weird for a while.

Ye Xingchen hurried out to break the atmosphere: "Then I see there are dolls with air gun sets over there in the afternoon, we can go and play."

Jiang Tianhao glanced at Ye Xingchen's eyes and quickly echoed: "Oh, I'm good at air blowing against Xiaoqi, and I'll bring you back with a first prize then."

Both Ye Xingchen and Jiang Tianhao knew what was going on, but after all, it was Deng Xiaoqi's mother, not Deng Xiaoqi, so they still understood this point. Since Xiaoqi refused to tell, the only thing Ye Xingchen and others could do was to give Deng Xiaoqi Save face.

Just then, the phone rang.

Lin Miaomiao took it out and saw that it was Wang Shengnan.

"Shh, mom."

As soon as he pressed the answer button, Wang Shengnan said anxiously like a cannonball: "Miaomiao, have you arrived yet? Why didn't you tell the family that you are safe? Do you know how worried my mother is?"

Lin Miaomiao: "It's here, I was eating just now..."

Wang Shengnan: "What did you eat? Who did you eat with? Is the living condition good? I checked the weather forecast, and it's raining over there. Oh, you're disobedient and refuse to bring clothes. Isn't it cold now? Little What about Chen, is Xiaochen beside you?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Yes, he..."

Before Lin Miaomiao finished speaking, Ye Xingchen took the phone over: "Auntie, I'm here."

Wang Shengnan instructed: "Xiaochen, you must take care of Miaomiao, don't let him catch a cold or something, and you must pay attention to safety."

Ye Xingchen replied politely with a smile: "Don't worry, auntie, I brought a few thick clothes, and I'll put them on for Miaomiao when I go back. I don't have to worry about Miaomiao's safety."

"That's good, that's good. I'm really worried about Miao Miao's first trip."

"Auntie, the teacher and the others are all here, and there are our classmates accompanying Miaomiao, so nothing will go wrong."

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(End of this chapter)

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