The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 144 She Is Not As Beautiful As You

Chapter 144 She Is Not As Beautiful As You

Seeing that her mother continued to talk, Lin Miaomiao quickly ended the conversation: "Mom, we are going to gather, so let's not talk, hang up."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"I also convinced my mother, and I don't want to prove her greatness, glory and correctness all the time. It looks like a great plan."

"Auntie is also worried about you." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao gave Ye Xingchen a white look, and appealed for her dissatisfaction: "Oh, come on, my mother treats you like a mother treats a son, so I thought it was for the phone bill."

"Heh, you're talking like my mother is different. Compared to you, I'm more like picking it up from a trash can." Ye Xingchen couldn't help complaining.

"What do you think you two are complaining about here? Why don't you just change your parents?" Qian Sanyi said with a smile.

Jiang Tianhao: "That's right, go back and discuss with your two families to see if you can change the child."

The atmosphere gradually improved here, and Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing when she heard what they said, and she seemed to be in a much better mood than before.

Ding Dong!

A message came to Ye Xingchen's cell phone.

I have approved your friend request.

Ling Long: "The money has been transferred to you, thank you for today."

Ye Xingchen looked at the message and smiled, then typed a reply: "You're welcome, it's not a big deal."

Ling Long: "Well, okay, I forgot to ask, what's your name."

"Ye Xingchen!"

"Well, okay, if there is nothing else, I will go to work first."


Seeing Ye Xingchen busy typing for a long time, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking, "Who is it, Auntie?"

Ye Xingchen put the phone on the table and replied, "No, a stranger."

"Stranger?" Lin Miaomiao didn't know what he meant.

"Oh, when I went to buy you a cake today, a classmate from another school lost her phone when she paid for it, but the cake couldn't be returned, so I went to help her pay, it wasn't her plus I returned the money Me." Ye Xingchen handed over the phone and let Lin Miaomiao look at it by herself.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the name and said, "Ling Long, she must be a girl."

"Yes, girl." Ye Xingchen replied casually.

Lin Miaomiao continued to ask, "Is it pretty?"

At this time, Qian Sanyi rolled his eyes and thought of a bad idea: "She is very beautiful, and she is a top student. The most important thing is that the family has money."

Lin Miaomiao asked Ye Xingchen in surprise, "Oh? Is what he said true?"

At this time, Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi were doing the same movements, drinking milk tea, and looking at Ye Xingchen as if watching the excitement.

Ye Xingchen had already scolded Qian Sany bloody in his heart, and nothing happened at first, but let him say this, and if he didn't explain it, it seemed that something really happened.

"It's okay, I don't think she's prettier than you." Although there was suspicion of flattery, Ye Xingchen was telling the truth.

When I used Douyin in my previous life, there were quite a few Internet celebrities who were pretty good-looking, but afterward, they all looked almost the same. This may be because I got used to seeing them and got immune.

"You can talk." Lin Miaomiao got the answer she wanted, and she was very happy in her heart, and a happy smile appeared on her face again.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's still brother Chen's meeting. We Miaomiao seem to have been deceived by your sweet talk." Deng Xiaoqi looked at Ye Xingchen angrily at this moment.

Lin Miaomiao said angrily, "Xiaoqi! Can you be more serious?"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, can't I not say it?"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Tianhao said, "Where are you going in the afternoon?"

"I still want to play the roller coaster, it's so exciting. Just now I experienced the most embarrassing moment in my life. When the roller coaster turned upside down, I threw my drool in my was so embarrassing." Lin Miaomiao patted the table and said road.

Qian Sanyi interrupted Lin Miaomiao: "It's boring, I don't want to play, we haven't visited here yet, I want to visit all the scenic spots here this afternoon and then talk about it."

"Tch, you have a lot of things to do. Hey? By the way, I saw a pedestrian street over there on the Ferris wheel today. There are a lot of delicious food in it, and there is also a Confucian temple. Let's go there to play later." Lin Miaomiao blushed. After Qian Sanyi finished complaining at a glance, he suddenly remembered the pedestrian street over there.

"I have no objection." For Ye Xingchen, the most important thing was not where to play, but who to play with.

Jiang Tianhao: "Me neither."

Qian Sanyi: "That's a good idea, yes."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Totally agree."

Lin Miaomiao saw that everyone had no objection, so she raised her hands and cheered: "OK, we have reached an agreement, let's go, let's go now, or the door will be closed in a while."

Ye Xingchen stepped forward and held Lin Miaomiao's hand, leading her to the front again.

"Hey, what are you doing, Ye Xingchen?"

"Why not, I just want to hold you, no way." Ye Xingchen said.

"Okay, do you want to hold this hand?" Lin Miaomiao stretched out the other hand.

Ye Xingchen knocked on Lin Miaomiao's small head: "Are you stupid? If I hold everyone, we will have to walk like crabs."

Lin Miaomiao covered her head and said aggrievedly, "Woo, it hurts!"

"I know it hurts."

"Ye Xingchen, why do you always like to hit me on the head? You'd be stupid." Lin Miaomiao said angrily, puffing her cheeks.

"No way, I'm not smart in the first place. I can't go anywhere if I'm stupid."

"Ye Xingchen, believe it or not, I will bite you."

"Hey, hey, why do you know how to bite people every day, ah, shut up... ah..."


Lin Miaomiao spat: "It's really salty."

Then he walked ahead contentedly, leaving Ye Xingchen clutching his arms behind.

"What did I say, show affection, die quickly." Jiang Tianhao said triumphantly from behind.

"Oh, retribution is retribution." Qian Sanyi also revealed the same smile.

"Oh, brother Chen is so miserable, Miao Miao is too fierce." Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but sweat for Ye Xingchen's future life.

Ye Xingchen glared at the three of them, then followed up, holding Lin Miaomiao's hand again. Of course, Lin Miaomiao didn't refuse, but she was in a much better mood than when she came here just now.

Passing by the deserted Confucian Temple, Lin Miaomiao felt that it was much better than the noisy environment in the playground just now.

When Lin Miaomiao came here, she immediately greeted Jiang Tianhao behind, "Haozi! Haozi! Come and ask the sage Confucius to bless you to pass the Chinese exam."

Then he turned around and said to Ye Xingchen: "Forget it, I don't think you need it."

"No, although I don't need it, I can make a wish for you." Ye Xingchen replied.

Lin Miaomiao was overjoyed after hearing this, but there was no expression on her face.

"Okay, then you are here."

Both Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao believed in this. After all, these two were pure scumbags before, but now they have sublimated, that's all.

Jiang Tianhao was overjoyed when he knelt down next to Deng Xiaoqi, but other people's wishes were only for achievement, only this guy was for marriage.

As for Qian Sanyi, for some reason, he didn't believe it at first, but when he saw everyone kneeling down, he also knelt down.

(End of this chapter)

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