The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 145 Can the two of you restrain yourself?

Chapter 145 Can you two restrain yourself?

Lin Miaomiao: "Everyone, please, I don't care about you!" She put her hands together. "Little girl Lin Miaomiao, a student in Grade 6 ([-]) of Jiangzhou Elite Middle School, is determined to study literature in this life, and she will never change her mind."

She rubbed herself in front of the statue of Confucius, hugging the thigh of the statue, "I came here today, kneeling down and begging the patriarch to give me a meal! Confucius, I don't ask too much, and it can be summed up in sixteen words: reap without labor, gain both wealth and sex." , Sit and wait for coins, drunk and dreaming of death!" Then there were three beeps of "Boom, Boom, Boom."

After kowtowing, I turned my head and looked at Deng Xiaoqi beside her. She was really a goddess, her hands were like catkins, her skin was like creamy fat, her eyes were slightly closed, her face was solemn and graceful, she opened her arms, flowing like clouds and flowing water, blooming like a water lotus, and then slowly Bow down and bow down.

Lin Miaomiao was immediately ashamed, feeling like a big potato sack just now.She sighed, got up from the ground, and accidentally hiccupped loudly.

Embarrassed, she wiped her face carelessly with her hands, rubbed the ashes from her forehead when she kowtowed, and then wiped it on her nose.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing and said, "Miaomiao, how clumsy are you, look at the ashes on your head."

Ye Xingchen took out a tissue from the carrying bag and wiped Lin Miaomiao carefully.

Lin Miaomiao also acted coquettishly: "I'm not careful."

Qian Sanyi: "Can you stop doing this?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Yes, Brother Chen, I know you two have a good relationship, but can you restrain yourself?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "..."

Ye Xingchen looked at them nonchalantly and said, "What's the matter? Is it illegal to show affection? Besides, you can find them yourself, anyway, there are so many campus resources."

"That's right. You can also solve it internally...Forget it, I didn't say it." Lin Miaomiao just wanted to say it casually, but suddenly stopped after looking at the three people.

"What's inside? Don't say anything halfway." Deng Xiaoqi asked.

"It's nothing. That's what, Ye Xingchen, I want to eat candied haws." Lin Miaomiao was about to change the subject, when she suddenly saw a seller of candied haws, which aroused the greed in her stomach again.

Qian Sanyi taunted him daily: "Still eating, Lin Miaomiao, I suspect that you were definitely an idiot in your previous life. Brother Chen may really be poored by you in the future."

"Cut, you know what a fart, it's a blessing to be able to eat, and Ye Xingchen won't mind, right?" Lin Miaomiao asked, raising her head.

"Yes, I don't mind. Eating a little more will make you fatter." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

"See, eating a little more will make you grow taller." Lin Miaomiao looked at Qian Sanyi proudly and said.

Qian Sanyi: "Hehe. I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

"Okay, let's stop making trouble, we'll go back after playing here, it's getting late." Ye Xingchen looked at the time and it was already past 5 o'clock.

"Okay, let's play again tomorrow, I have no objection, go back and play games." Jiang Tianhao suggested.

"What game are you playing?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"King, a type of MOBA game." Jiang Tianhao explained.

"MOBA game? What do you mean?" Lin Miaomiao didn't understand what they meant.

Ye Xingchen came out and explained: "To put it simply, it's a 5v5 competitive game. You've heard of League of Legends. It's that type of mobile game."

"Oh, is it fun? I want to play too?" Lin Miaomiao said excitedly.

Because she always liked to play this kind of competitive games, but Wang Shengnan was so strict that she basically didn't let her touch games.

Qian Sanyi: "Your rank is too low to play with us."

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "It's okay, we can match."

Qian Sanyi: "Okay."

Jiang Tianhao asked Deng Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, do you want to play, it's very fun."

"Forget it, I can't, and I don't like playing games very much."

"It's okay, I can teach you." Jiang Tianhao said.

Lin Miaomiao said: "Xiaoqi, let's go together, exactly five of us."

"All right, let me try."

Hearing that Deng Xiaoqi agreed, Jiang Tianhao was very happy, because in this way, he would be able to double row with Deng Xiaoqi in the future, but it was a pity that he was too happy.

The five people wandered around casually, and finally came to an air gun stand. Jiang Tianhao promised today to help Deng Xiaoqi beat a big baby, so he threw 100 yuan at the stall owner and started the battle.

As we all know, this kind of game is generally just for fun, because the air guns are all debugged, unless you are a master, it is difficult to get the big prize.

Although Jiang Tianhao had played before, he still missed a few shots in 20 shots, and after trying three or four chances, he only got a few small gifts.

Lin Miaomiao said: "It's outrageous, Haozi, can you do it?"

"No, there is definitely something wrong with this gun." Jiang Tianhao said.

Lin Miaomiao didn't believe his nonsense: "Come on, you are too good at it."

"Heh, are you here if you have the ability?"

Provoked by Jiang Tianhao, Lin Miaomiao said unconvinced, "I'll do it if I come. The boss gave me 20 bullets, and the account will be charged to his head."


Lin Miaomiao loaded the bullet, loaded it and took aim, but the first shot was empty.

"It's not like you can't hit, and you still blame me." Jiang Tianhao taunted when she saw that she missed the shot.

Lin Miaomiao quibbled: "I made a mistake, take care."

The second shot was still empty, followed by the third shot and the fourth shot. It took more than 10 rounds to hit two.

"What kind of broken gun is this? Boss, do you have a problem with this gun?" Lin Miaomiao asked the boss angrily.

"Hey, you female classmate, if you can't hit it, it's a problem with the gun. The male classmate didn't shoot well just now."

Lin Miaomiao was blushing at what she said, and wanted to find a crack in the ground for a while.

She threw down the gun, ran to Ye Xingchen, wiped her face
Buried deeply in his arms.

Ye Xingchen patted her on the back lightly and comforted her, "Okay, okay, don't be sad, I'll teach you how to fight."

Lin Miaomiao heard Ye Xingchen say this, raised her head and asked him expectantly: "Will you do it?"

"Of course, have you seen anything I don't know?"

Lin Miaomiao pointed to the biggest bear and said, "That's what you said, then I want the big bear."

"No problem, let's go and I'll teach you." Ye Xingchen pulled Lin Miaomiao to the booth, and picked up the gun that hadn't been fully loaded just now.

"Take it, I'll teach you how to aim."

Ye Xingchen stood behind Lin Miaomiao and guided Lin Miaomiao to operate.


Lin Miaomiao picked up the gun to aim again, but this time she was assisted by Ye Xingchen. After Ye Xingchen adjusted it for her, he said, "Shoot."

Then Lin Miaomiao fired the first shot.

Just heard a "bang", a balloon was broken.

Ye Xingchen generally knew that the gun's accuracy had been adjusted, but not much, and the trajectory was slightly higher.

Just now it was clearly aimed at the middle, and the hit was indeed a bit stronger.

"Wow, it hit." Lin Miaomiao excitedly said.

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  Thank you hyj930717 for the monthly ticket
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  Thank you boring dsa for the monthly vote
  Thank you keypet for your vote for "The Road to Learning Hegemony Starting from Youth School"

  Thank you Nanke Yimengtou for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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