Chapter 146 Double Happiness
"It's only one shot, don't panic." Ye Xingchen looked at the boss and asked, "Give me another 20 rounds, let's challenge again."

"Then you don't want this chance?"

"Well, no more, just call again."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, the boss directly gave him 20 rounds of ammunition again, and then replaced it with a new target filled with balloons.

The two quickly loaded the new bullets.

"We continue."

Ye Xingchen whispered in Lin Miaomiao's ear.

"Oh, good." Ye Xingchen's breath hit his ear, and his face turned red and hot.

"It's still the same as before, I told you to shoot and you are shooting."


Ye Xingchen adjusted the position of the muzzle of the gun, and when he felt that it was almost the same, he said softly, "Shoot."

"Crack", with the explosion of the balloon, the first shot hit, followed by the second shot, the third shot...

Lin Miaomiao became more and more nervous as she went further, as did the three people behind her.

By the time of the last shot, Lin Miaomiao's palms were a little sweaty, because their performance was amazing just now, and many students came to watch at the small booth.


"Yeah, if you hit the last shot, you can win the grand prize."

"This buddy can do it."

"Don't you think the two of them are very sweet?"

At this time, Ye Xingchen completely ignored the voices from the outside world. He was concentrating on adjusting his posture and preparing to win the grand prize together.

As the last bullet was loaded, there was a little noisy sound just now, but it immediately fell silent, and everyone held their breath, for fear that their own sound would affect the two of them.

"Ye Ye Xingchen, are you ready?" Lin Miaomiao asked nervously.

Ye Xingchen adjusted the muzzle of the gun upwards and said in a low voice, "Shoot."

"Bang" the last bullet successfully hit the target.

Seeing the last balloon burst, Lin Miaomiao jumped up excitedly.

"Yeah, I succeeded, Ye Xingchen, you are too good." She turned around excitedly and hugged Ye Xingchen behind her tightly.

"Miaomiao, there are so many people watching." Ye Xingchen reminded.

"Ah~" After being reminded by him, Lin Miaomiao realized that there were so many people behind her, including adults, children, and classmates.

She quickly let go of Ye Xingchen, and shyly hid in front of Ye Xingchen, letting him block her.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao lowering her head like an ostrich, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but want to laugh.

He looked up at the boss: "Maybe we can take away the prize."

"That's right, I'll get it for you later." Although the boss looked fine on his face, his heart was full of distress.

"Thank you."

Ye Xingchen took the big bear and handed it to Lin Miaomiao.

"It's so heavy, Ye Xingchen, help me carry it."

"It's not that heavy."

"Yes, you hold it for me, I still have something to eat."

"You really... can't stop talking." Ye Xingchen had no choice but to accept it.


"Brother Chen, how did you fight? I just felt that this gun is very good." Jiang Tianhao hurried over to learn, after all, he promised Xiaoqi that he would win one for her.

Ye Xingchen didn't hide anything either, and generously told Jiang Tianhao about the gun, and taught him how to adjust it.

"So that's the case. I'm not sure. Let's see mine next." Jiang Tianhao picked up the gun confidently.

"Boss, give me 20 rounds."

"Well, we are a small business, so please let me go."

Seeing the embarrassment of the stall owner, Deng Xiaoqi said, "Hao Zi, why don't you just forget it. Actually, I don't really want it."

Jiang Tianhao couldn't believe his ears, she called herself Haozi, she used to call herself Haozi, now she started calling herself Haozi like Lin Miaomiao, maybe she has slowly accepted herself.

Thinking of this, he was encouraged and said: "Xiaoqi, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

Ye Xingchen looked at the situation and quickly said to the boss: "I won't fight, he will."

The stall owner hesitated for a while, looking at these people outside, if they are not allowed to fight, it will definitely affect the business, so he can only grit his teeth and agree: "Okay."

After Jiang Tianhao took it, he skillfully fixed it.

Then he aimed, and then used the method Ye Xingchen gave him to slowly raise the muzzle of the gun, hitting the target accurately.

Then I became proficient, and quickly finished 20, and the result was of course a full hit.

"Boss, I want the pink one." Jiang Tianhao put down the air gun and pointed at the bear hanging on the wall.

The face of the owner of the air gun stand turned black. Ye Xingchen and Jiang Tianhao made such a mess today, which is considered a big loss today.

"Here, two classmates, I beg you, please let us go, can't I stop collecting money?"

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Don't worry, we won't call anymore, and the remaining money won't be changed. You can keep it."

Then he whispered in the boss's ear: "You won't lose out if we do it like this. Look at the students around you, we can also count as an advertisement for you."

Ye Xingchen turned around and said, "Okay, let's go back."

Jiang Tianhao came to Deng Xiaoqi's side: "Xiaoqi gave it to you, forget it, I'll take it back for you first."

"Thank you." Deng Xiaoqi looked at Jiang Tianhao and said sincerely.

"Look, what are you thanking me for? I promise you, of course I will do it."

Seeing Jiang Tianhao's stupid look, Deng Xiaoqi realized that she didn't seem to hate him anymore, and her feelings for him also became weird.

"I mean, thank you, I love this gift."

After being told by Deng Xiaoqi, Jiang Tianhao obviously wouldn't do it anymore. Deng Xiaoqi's sudden change of attitude towards him made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Well, I... as long as you like it"

Lin Miaomiao looked at Jiang Tianhao like this and smiled as her aunt: "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be embarrassed, Haozi."

"Yeah, this is also the first time I've seen Haozi like this, Xiaoqi is the only one who can make Haozi show shyness." Ye Xingchen directly gave an assist.

Qian Sanyi didn't speak, but he could tell from his expression that he was also watching a play.

"What, don't talk nonsense, am I not the same as usual?" Jiang Tianhao argued.

"You guys are so boring. I'm going back. You guys like to stay here." Deng Xiaoqi was a little shy when they said that.

Ye Xingchen said: "Okay, let's go back, it will be dark in a while, let's go back and play games."

Jiang Tianhao: "I am monkey thief six."

Lin Miaomiao: "You are Haozi, not a monkey."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing and said, "He's talking about game characters."

"Then let's go back quickly, I just go back to see who else is there." Lin Miaomiao excitedly said.

"Too many, Mage Warrior Assassin tank support. I guess you can only play a tank, at least you can die more slowly." Before this time, Qian Sanyi would ridicule Lin Miaomiao.

(End of this chapter)

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