Chapter 147 points, direct points

"You are everywhere." Lin Miaomiao gave him a white look.

Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi would quarrel occasionally, and Ye Xingchen would sometimes protect the calf, and would stand by Lin Miaomiao's side regardless of reason. Knowing this, Qian Sanyi restrained himself a lot.

Soon a few people returned to the hotel, because the weather suddenly turned cold, everyone changed into slightly thicker clothes, but Deng Xiaoqi only took so for the sake of beauty, instead of thick clothes, Jiang Tianhao took one from his room very gentlemanly A brand new coat was given to Deng Xiaoqi, and Deng Xiaoqi didn't dislike it, so she took it and put it on her body.

Ye Xingchen's room is No. 402, and Jiang Tianhao's room 403 is next to each other, but the rooms of Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi are a little far away from them. At the far end of the corridor, there is a South Pole and a North Pole.

Ye Xingchen sent a message telling them to come to his room to play.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of his room.

Ye Xingchen opened the door: "You two so fast?"

"Please, we're next door. It took you 2 minutes since you read the news?" Qian Sanyi said.

"That's right, come in. I just sent a message to Xiaoqi and Miaomiao, and I think they will be there in a while." Ye Xingchen turned his head and walked towards his bed, motioning for the two to follow.

Jiang Tianhao unceremoniously took off his shoes and went to bed: "It's so cool for you to sleep in such a big bed by yourself."

"Go down, who allowed you to come up." Ye Xingchen kicked him in disgust.

Jiang Tianhao: "I washed my feet, ask Qian Sany if you don't believe me."

Qian San nodded and said, "He did."

"Okay, is this important? It's not important, get on the number and get on the number." Jiang Tianhao took out his phone and opened the initial interface of King of Glory.

Ye Xingchen reminded: "Xiaoqi will come to see you like this later, do you think..."

"Oh, yes yes yes, I forgot about this." Jiang Tianhao quickly got off the bed and put on his shoes.

When Ye Xingchen saw Jiang Tianhao playing this game, he was slightly surprised. He didn't expect this game to exist in this world. The important thing is that the studio is also Tianmei Studio.

"Monkey is an invincible hero. It's so cool to kill in stealth." Jiang Tianhao called up Monkey's equipment and modified it.

Obviously, the glory of the king in this world has not undergone hero modifications, nor has it been weakened. Monkey naturally belongs to the top five assassins.

"We'll do matching later. Miaomiao and Xiaoqi don't have accounts yet. I'll help them apply for them later." Ye Xingchen said leisurely while lying on the head of the bed, leaning on the pillow.

"Playing games with really is." Qian Sanyi couldn't help complaining.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen asked with a smile.

Qian Sanyi shook his head and smiled helplessly: "It's nothing, it just feels quite challenging."

"He's just scared. Last time the two of us picked up a passer-by girl. At first we were talking and laughing, but within 5 minutes, everyone was silent." Jiang Tianhao explained to Ye Xingchen that Qian Sanyi hated bringing The cause and effect of girls.

Contrary Ye Xingchen nodded to express his understanding of Qian Sanyi's difficulties: "Normally, I don't like to bring it either, it's very troublesome, and the game experience is really poor."

"You two are really straight guys, be careful..." Jiang Tianhao wanted to say that he would never find a partner, but when he looked at Ye Xingchen, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

When Qian Sanyi saw that he was half-spoken, he couldn't help but asked in doubt: "What are you careful about?"

"Yeah, be careful, keep talking." Ye Xingchen looked at him with a half-smile.

Jiang Tianhao pretended to be okay: "No, it's okay, I mean, be careful of your winning streak."

Just when Qian Sanyi wanted to continue asking, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"The two of them are here, and I'll open the door."

Ye Xingchen got out of bed and opened the door.

Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi stood outside the door impressively.

"Why did it take so long to open? What shameful things are you doing in there?" Lin Miaomiao questioned Ye Xingchen when she came up.

Ye Xingchen was speechless when he heard her words: "It took less than 30 seconds from when you knocked on the door to when I opened the door. What can you do?"

"Who knows." Lin Miaomiao pushed Ye Xingchen away, and dragged Deng Xiaoqi into the room swaggeringly.

Seeing Deng Xiaoqi coming, Jiang Tianhao quickly got up from the bed: "Miaomiao Xiaoqi, sit down quickly."

Lin Miaomiao unceremoniously took off her shoes and lay down on the bed with big characters, and then asked, "Ye Xingchen, you sleep in such a big bed by yourself."

"Well, luck can't help it. Who made our class have an odd number." Ye Xingchen closed the door and lay down in the same position just now, "Lin Miaomiao, go over there, don't blame me if I touch you with my feet."

"I won't, I won't, I'll piss you off."

Lin Miaomiao has this kind of temperament. If you coax her to obey her, she will still think about you, but if you are aggressive with her or order her, she will sing against you.

"Miao Miao, you said that you don't pay attention to your image in front of Brother Chen, are you afraid that Brother Chen will bother you in the future and don't want you anymore?" Deng Xiaoqi made a joke at her.

When Lin Miaomiao heard Deng Xiaoqi say this, she felt a little furious. She said viciously, "He dares? If he dares to abandon me, I will bite him to death."

Don't look at Ye Xingchen after speaking.

Ye Xingchen ignored her murderous eyes, opened the game and adjusted the hero equipment on his own.

Qian Sanyi turned his head and said to Ye Xingchen: "Brother Chen, can you bear Lin Miaomiao's words? Anyway, I don't believe she can kill you. Divide, just divide."

"Yeah, I don't believe it either. Brother Chen is not used to her, so I support you." Jiang Tianhao also booed beside him.

Lin Miaomiao was already furious at this time. If there were special effects at this time, Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao would have been burned to slag by Lin Miaomiao's Cyclops.

Just when Lin Miaomiao was about to curse, Ye Xingchen said: "Believe it or not, I believe it."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Oh, Miao Miao, did you hear that Brother Chen said Thaksin?"

At first everyone thought that Lin Miaomiao would be moved, but of course Ye Xingchen thought so too, who knew that Lin Miaomiao suddenly said to Ye Xingchen: "Believe me, believe me, I'm so fierce in your heart."

Ye Xingchen looked at her with a smile and said lightly: "No, in my heart, you are more fierce than this."

"Ye Xingchen, I'll bite you to death!"

Lin Miaomiao opened her teeth and claws and was about to speak to Ye Xingchen, but was stopped by Deng Xiaoqi.

"Miaomiao, it's not impossible, Brother Chen is just joking."

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao was almost funny, and followed Deng Xiaoqi and said, "That's right, I was just joking."

Although hearing what Ye Xingchen and Deng Xiaoqi said, Lin Miaomiao still wanted to bite Ye Xingchen.It's not that I want to bite him because I'm angry, but I just want to bite him, um, I just want to bite him.

"Okay, I'm sorry, didn't you mean playing games? You give me the next one, and I'll use your mobile phone to play first." Lin Miaomiao gave Ye Xingchen her mobile phone, and at the same time snatched Ye Xingchen's mobile phone.

 Thank you for the monthly vote from the vast sheep
  Thank you Trojan King for your monthly vote
  Thank you Xiaojin martial arts fan for the monthly ticket

  Thank you pearl00 for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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