The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 148 Rewards After System Upgrade

Chapter 148 Rewards After System Upgrade (Key Chapter)

"Lin Miaomiao, I told you that this is not the reason why you want to check Brother Chen's cell phone." Qian Sanyi looked at Lin Miaomiao suspiciously, with a bright light in his eyes, as if everything was under control.

"It's none of your business, play with your own mobile phone." Facing Qian Sanyi's suspicion, Lin Miaomiao was never used to it, and came directly to complain.

"Lin Miaomiao you."

Qian Sanyi was so stunned that he was speechless. Ye Xingchen was about to return a few words at this time and said: "My mobile phone Miaomiao can be viewed casually, I allow it, just take this time for the two of you to teach Miaomiao first." How to play with Xiaoqi, I will help them download and install it."

Qian Sanyi was stunned for a long time when he heard Ye Xingchen say this before he uttered a word: "Damn."

Jiang Tianhao also enthusiastically explained the gameplay of the game and the professional division of each hero to the two of them.

Sometimes Qian Sanyi would add a few sentences in order to make it clearer for the two of them.

As for Ye Xingchen, he also took advantage of the gap in downloading the game and turned on the system, because just now the system notified that the update was complete, and presented an update gift package.

Ye Xingchen looked at the gift bag in the system space package, and chose to open it without hesitation.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining a fusion sublimator (sealed), whose function is unknown.

Congratulations to the host for getting a mobile phone.

Congratulations, the host's full attribute has been increased once (this effect can be superimposed)

Congratulations to the host for obtaining a skill upgrade card.

Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 billion Kuwaiti Nar (Usable across time and space, and can freely convert currencies of various countries)
The system library has been upgraded, the exchange system has been added, and the exchange methods have been added.

Ye Xingchen was lost in thought when he looked at the thing similar to the transforming toy in Ultraman Orb. This toy has wool and is still sealed. It looks like an ordinary toy from the outside. .

Ye Xingchen looked at other rewards again, especially the 10 billion Kuwaiti dinars, which he had never even heard of, so it was off the charts, and then he opened the library to look it up again, 1 Kuwaiti dinar is equal to 21 RMB, which is an exchange rate that he really did not expect.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help giving the system a thumbs-up. From today on, he will be a tens of billionaire, buying luxury cars, living in villas, and taking a lot of wives. When thinking of this, Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao, Then he turned his head and thought about it carefully, be determined.

After the excitement subsided for a while, Ye Xingchen turned his attention to other rewards.

Ye Xingchen is very familiar with this thing of strengthening all attributes. After all, his previous novels are not for nothing. He decisively clicked to use. He thought that strengthening his body might be a little uncomfortable, but after using it, he found that he didn’t feel it at all. No.

Ye Xingchen checked the package again and found that it had indeed been used, which made him suspicious again, the reward must have expired.

Just when he wanted to continue watching the last two rewards, Lin Miaomiao touched him.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"What's the matter, why did you tell you not to speak just now, just staring at your phone in a daze, we thought you were deaf." Lin Miaomiao patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Ye Xingchen asked in disbelief.

Jiang Tianhao said: "Really, if I didn't see that you were still breathing, I would have thought you were dead."

"Sometimes I was thinking about something else just now, by the way, is the download complete?"

"Well, it's done. It shows Penguin and Weixin login. Which one are you playing?" Lin Miaomiao looked at the game interface and asked everyone.

"WeChat, you go in and get a name first, and then complete the novice mission. Xiaoqi, you are the same as Miao Miao. Novices must complete the novice mission." Ye Xingchen said.

"Okay Brother Chen." Deng Xiaoqi nodded, quickly took the number and name, and went to the novice task on her own.

On the other hand, Lin Miaomiao hesitated in choosing a name.

Ye Xingchen looked at her tangled look and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing, controlling the phone with your consciousness?"

"I'm thinking of a domineering name." Lin Miaomiao replied.

"It's just the name, just choose it casually." Ye Xingchen didn't understand why some people struggled with the name for so long.

"What do you know, a summoner will resound throughout the Canyon of Kings because of her name, so she must choose a nice name." Lin Miaomiao just got acquainted with it and knew that she was the role of a summoner in the Canyon of Kings.

Lin Miaomiao thought for a while but couldn't think of a good name. She looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "Choose one for me."

"Me?" Ye Xingchen pointed to himself.

"Yes, help me choose a nice name." Lin Miaomiao waited for Ye Xingchen's answer.

Ye Xingchen was lost in thought. When he chose the king's name, he didn't even think about typing in the name Xingchen, because it had already been registered, and he added a more beautiful symbol.

"My ID is Xingchen, how about your ID being called Miao Ke Zhai Xingchen?" Ye Xingchen replied after thinking for a while.

This name seems to be the name of a couple, and it is not very complicated, and the semantics are very clear.

"Miao Ke Picking Xingchen. Well, that's the name." Lin Miaomiao turned on the input method and entered directly. Compared with Ye Xingchen, she was much luckier, and she didn't need to add messy symbols behind.

"Okay, you can do the novice task now." Lin Miaomiao was doing her novice task with great interest.

Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao thought it would be boring to wait for them, so they opened the queue directly.

Now Ye Xingchen was left alone with nothing to do, so he got up and got out of bed.

"Ye Xingchen, where are you going?" Lin Miaomiao asked.


"Oh, let's go."

Ye Xingchen went to the toilet to turn on the system again, and took out the phone.

" is this possible? Isn't this my mobile phone?" Ye Xingchen looked at the Bluemi k40 on the mobile phone, suddenly feeling unreal.

Because this phone is exactly the one Ye Xingchen used before time travel, and the screen played on the phone is exactly Boy Pi.

"Damn! System, is this my phone?"

It took a while for the system to answer
"Yes host."

"So, your reward is to reward me with my mobile phone?"

"Returning to the host, this mobile phone has been upgraded to a technological product of a higher era through system enhancement. Please study the specific functions of the host by yourself."


Ye Xingchen looked at it, this phone can also search things normally, but the news and news searched are all before his original world travels, and it seems that he can't search the news and news of the Boys' Pi world with this phone.

"It seems that this mobile phone is just a decoration. The only useful thing is probably this TV series." Ye Xingchen fell into deep thought as he watched the 30th episode of Youth Pi played on the screen of the mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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