Chapter 149 This is what you said (reward plus more)
"I almost forgot about the following plot, and the appearance of this mobile phone just made me think of a solution in advance." Ye Xingchen said to himself.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen hadn't come out yet, Lin Miaomiao urged her outside.

"Ye Xingchen, are you alright? It's been so long, did you fall into the toilet?"

"Oh, that's all right, it's coming soon." Lin Miaomiao's voice interrupted Ye Xingchen's thoughts and brought him back to reality.

I put the phone in my pocket, flushed it down the water carefully, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Why is it taking so long? Everyone has been waiting for you." Lin Miaomiao complained. From her appearance, she knew that she was very interested in this game and couldn't wait to start the game.

"Watched a video inside." Ye Xingchen explained.

Jiang Tianhao said with a look of surprise: "Video? Brother Chen, you are too impatient, at least wait until we leave."

When Ye Xingchen heard Jiang Tianhao say that he had a black thread, he certainly understood what Jiang Tianhao meant. The framing was Chi Guoguo's framing. Is this kind of person I am?
"Get out, what I'm talking about is Douyin. Jiang Tianhao, I really want to press a flush toilet in your mind and flush all those dirty things away."

"Oh, then Haozi may have washed out his entire brain." Lin Miaomiao also joked.

Jiang Tianhao received a [-]-point crit when he saw the two of them in unison: "Damn, it's too much, there is no reason for a couple to play doubles."

"You didn't ask for it yourself. You bullied me and my family, Miaomiao, of course helped me. Miaomiao, you are the best. Come, give me a hug!"

Ye Xingchen opened his hands and rushed towards Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao directly lowered her head to dodge, leaving Ye Xingchen in the air.

Ye Xingchen folded his hands in embarrassment: "Miaomiao, you despise me, so you won't let me hug you now. Woooooo~"

Seeing that Ye Xingchen started playing childish indirect tricks again, Lin Miaomiao covered her head and explained to everyone: "Don't be offended, this child is like this sometimes, causing trouble for everyone."

"No trouble, it's the first time I've seen Brother Chen like this, he's very cute, the boy who can act like a baby is the cutest, I want to hug him." Deng Xiaoqi didn't think so, she seemed to like Ye Xingchen's unknown side .

"That's right, if Brother Chen's female fans find out about Brother Chen's appearance, their jaws would drop in shock." Qian Sanyi said, looking at Ye Xingchen with a smile.

"Lin Miaomiao saw that it was your honor not to be embraced by me, and you still despise me." Ye Xingchen condemned Lin Miaomiao unceremoniously.

Lin Miaomiao gave Ye Xingchen a big roll of her eyes and said stiffly, "Yeah, I don't care. Whoever loves to hug him. It's your honor to let you hug me."

When Ye Xingchen said this, Lin Miaomiao rolled his eyes and suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Lin Miaomiao, is this what you said?"

"Yes, I did."

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen said to Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, can I hug you?"

Deng Xiaoqi was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Lin Miaomiao.

Seeing Deng Xiaoqi looking at her, Lin Miaomiao lowered her head, expressing that she didn't care at all.

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was silent, Deng Xiaoqi laughed and said, "Okay, it's a great honor."

Then he stretched out his hands to signal Ye Xingchen to hug him.

Ye Xingchen glanced at Lin Miaomiao angrily, and Lin Miaomiao also looked at him at the same time.From Miao Miao's eyes, it can be seen that if he hugs her, he will be finished.

But Ye Xingchen just wanted to play, how could a man be restrained by a little girl, so he hugged Deng Xiaoqi.

"Stop, don't hug!" Finally Lin Miaomiao couldn't take it anymore, well she gave up, she couldn't see Ye Xingchen hugging other girls, not even her best friend Deng Xiaoqi.

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao couldn't bear it anymore, Ye Xingchen felt a little happy, which meant that he was still very important in Miaomiao's heart, but he didn't show it.

"What's the matter, don't you just say you don't care?" Ye Xingchen repeated what she said just now with no expression on her face.

"I, I, I..." Lin Miaomiao blushed and said "I" for a while, but nothing "I" came out.

"Brother Chen was just teasing you, he didn't want to really hug me." Deng Xiaoqi ran over and said to Lin Miaomiao.

"Xiaoqi, are we good girlfriends?"


"Then you still help him bully me? It really is plastic sisterhood."

Deng Xiaoqi showed a wronged expression: "I didn't help Brother Chen, you said you didn't care."

"You...huh, I'm ignoring you." Lin Miaomiao knew she was wrong, and went away by herself, sullen.

Ye Xingchen saw that it was almost done, so he didn't continue to tease her, he walked to Lin Miaomiao's side and touched her.

Lin Miaomiao turned her head and ignored him.

"Miaomiao, I was joking just now, I didn't intend to really hug her."

"Hmph, who knows, if I didn't stop you just now, I would have hugged you."

"No, even if you don't stop me, I won't hug you."

Lin Miaomiao didn't appreciate it at all: "You must have done it on purpose."

"That's right, I did it on purpose. Who told you that you don't care about me, now you should."

"Bah, now I don't care too much."

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was still stubborn, Ye Xingchen hugged her directly from behind, and whispered in her ear: "Is it rare now?"

"It's not rare."

Lin Miaomiao's ears seemed to be her most sensitive part. Every time Ye Xingchen spoke in her ear, her body would always stiffen unconsciously.

The atmosphere between the two gradually heated up, as if they completely ignored the three people over there.

"Hey, hey, there are still people here, can you wait until we leave?" Jiang Tianhao finally couldn't help it when he saw the sour smell of love filling the whole room.

Ye Xingchen glanced back at him and said indifferently: A sensible person has consciously closed the door and walked out. "

Jiang Tianhao: "I tm."

Lin Miaomiao thought that there were other people in the room, she really couldn't be as shameless as Ye Xingchen.

"Can't I be careless? Stop making trouble."

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Ye Xingchen didn't make further progress, so he let her go.

"It's almost there."

After Ye Xingchen let go, Lin Miaomiao ran to hide behind Deng Xiaoqi.

"Okay, you two haven't had enough quarrel, you can't play anymore." Qian Sanyi complained.

Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone and turned on the king: "Let's play, sign up, I'm always online."


After all five people came over, Qian Sanyi disconnected from the game.

"Let me tell you in advance, because they are matched with a few of us, so the matched person may be a little stronger, Miaomiao Xiaoqi, you should try to be more insignificant." Ye Xingchen instructed.

Lin Miaomiao thought that Ye Xingchen was scolding herself, so she returned it directly: "Wretched, you are the wretched."

(End of this chapter)

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