The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 150 Lin Miaomiao King's Way of No Return

Chapter 150 Lin Miaomiao King's Way of No Return
Ye Xingchen: "That...wretched, it's a game term, it means to make you be more careful."

Lin Miaomiao blushed again when she heard what Ye Xingchen said.

"I know, I want you to tell me!"

Jiang Tianhao hurriedly came out to stop it: "Okay, you two stop here. We came here to play games happily, not to trick dogs into killing you."

Qian Sanyi: "It's all brought in, then I'll open it."

Everyone nodded, and Qian Sanyi immediately started the game when he saw this.

At this time, the glory of the king is basically complete, and Angela has also ushered in a redo. Although Lin Miaomiao behaves like a boy in daily life, she is a girl after all, so Angela's cute appearance immediately attracted her.

"Is this hero a magician?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

Ye Xingchen answered carefully: "Yes, the mage in the middle lane, the damage is quite high. After level 4, the second skill stuns people, and the 1st and 3rd skills are directly seconds. It is best to squat in the grass."

"Oooh. I seem to understand." Lin Miaomiao nodded with a half-understanding at the moment, but seeing her cute look, she knew she didn't understand.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao and shook his head with a smile. It seems that he needs to teach her when he has time. After all, he used to play Angela with diamonds, it seems to be many years ago. At that time, I was only a freshman in high school...

Jiang Tianhao was on the first floor, and after telling everyone that I went wild, I picked Monkey in seconds.

Qian Sanyi chose Lu Bu, because Lu Bu is still very strong in this version.

Ye Xingchen also took Sun Shangxiang decisively. At that time, Xiangxiang was a hero who could hit 10000 violence with a single round of strengthening level A.

Lin Miaomiao really took Angela, she didn't even know what Angela's skills were, she just thought this hero was cute.

After Deng Xiaoqi waited for everyone to finish the selection, she directly took Cai Wenji.Just now Qian Sanyi said that he was short of an assistant, so Deng Xiaoqi looked for it among the assistants. Girls are basically not interested in hard assistants at all. They are only interested in soft assistants like Cai Wenji and Yao, mainly because they look good.

Soon entered the game loading interface.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Tianhao told Deng Xiaoqi about Cai Wenji's skills and gameplay.

"Xiao Qi, Cai Wenji is a very simple hero. You only need to resist damage and increase blood. The main thing is that the first skill and the ultimate move increase blood. The second skill can be thrown directly into the crowd. You can control it casually."

"Well, good." Deng Xiaoqi said.

Ye Xingchen looked at Jiang Tianhao's careful explanation to Xiaoqi, and couldn't help asking Lin Miaomiao: "Do you need me to tell you about the skills?"

Lin Miaomiao didn't seem to appreciate it and directly refused: "No need, I'll just do it myself."

"Well, just ask me if there is anything you don't understand." Seeing that Lin Miaomiao did not accept his kindness, Ye Xingchen did not continue to chase her to teach her.

At the beginning, everyone came to their own road to clear the line normally.

Lin Miaomiao asked, "Which skill should I add?"

Ye Xingchen stared at the pawn line on his way and replied: "Add a skill, clear the line faster."

"Oh, good."

Lin Miaomiao's controller, Angela, jumped to the middle route.

Press the next skill directly, and there is no prediction.Fortunately, the initial setting is direct tracking, and there is no problem if the line is cleared, and it has been successfully upgraded to the second level.

Maybe Diao Chan on the other side is also a novice, and she didn't even move, and she was directly beaten into blood by Angela one by one. After all, the system directly predicts it, so it's good to be blind.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao, Diao Chan's sister who was maimed by herself, ran directly to the opponent's defense tower to kill.Then a voice prompt came from the system.

"Ah, why did I die?" Lin Miaomiao looked at her blacked-out screen, puzzled.She didn't even understand why she died.

Jiang Tianhao had just finished fighting wild and came to support in the middle, and saw Lin Miaomiao being killed by the tower under the tower: "Sister, that is someone's defense tower, you swaggered to fight him in his defense tower, this is in front of you What difference does it make if a father beats his son?"

"Can the defense tower still hit people?" Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise.

"If our soldiers are under the defense tower, the defense tower will not attack you, but if you attack the opponent's hero under the defense tower, the tower will attack you first. Can you understand this?" Ye Xingchen asked Lin Miao carefully. As Miao said, he was also leisurely making up troops on the next road.

"That's it, I understand. I'm so mad that I was about to kill her just now, and it's all because of the damn defense tower." Lin Miaomiao now hated the defense tower to the bone, and she just started playing this game. Formed a beam with the defense tower.This is an important trigger for Maimai to use Milady to mark the provincial standard in the future.

Perhaps it was because of the two white numbers, and this was a match, and the strength of the opponent was not very strong.According to what Jiang Tianhao told him just now, Deng Xiaoqi mainly added a skill, and then kept returning blood to Ye Xingchen, and occasionally put a second skill among multiple soldiers, which allowed Ye Xingchen to take a double kill in the early stage .

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but praised: "Yes, Xiaoqi, are you sure this is your first time playing?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "That's right, I never played games before."

Ye Xingchen: "You've played very well."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Really?"

Ye Xingchen looked at Jiang Tianhao: "Well, really, if you don't believe me, you can ask Haozi."

Jiang Tianhao also checked the situation of the bottom lane just now, and he really played pretty well.

"Brother Chen didn't lie to you. When we played ranked, we encountered a high-ranking support. It's not as good as you." This sentence is not an exaggeration, after all, there is no shortage of "princess" at any time.

Deng Xiaoqi was very happy to be praised so much by the two of them. After all, no one can praise this thing too much.

Seeing everyone praising Xiaoqi and neglecting herself, Lin Miaomiao felt very uncomfortable. Although Lin Miaomiao had concealed it well, Ye Xingchen could still see it.

"Miaomiao, try squatting on the grass in the middle lane. When the opposite middle lane is running down, you will be stunned by skill 2, and you will be able to kill it with skill 13." Angela's style of play.

After listening to Ye Xingchen's words, Lin Miaomiao ran directly into the grass after clearing the line. At that time, the grass had not been revised, so the grass in the middle road was still relatively long.

Sure enough, Diao Chan on the opposite side wanted to go down the road to help their family's top order. At this time, Lin Miaomiao caught her by surprise and threw a set of skills on her and successfully took it away.

"Wow, I killed someone! I killed someone without me."

After Lin Miaomiao got the first head, she jumped up excitedly and showed off to everyone.

Qian Sanyi didn't mean to praise: "You only know the head when you see it. Why are you happy?"

"Miao Miao is already very powerful, and she can even kill Diao Chan alone." Jiang Tianhao, unlike Qian Sanyi, praised directly, at least his EQ is here.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by big fish and fat

  Thank you book friend 20170517180101048 for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to the cute fat little ronin for voting for the monthly ticket

  Thanks hyj930717 for the monthly ticket
  Thank you Ye Yitanyong for voting for the monthly ticket

  Thank you decade for voting for the monthly ticket
  Thanks to Xiaoyi. Xiaoyi. Voted monthly ticket
  And your recommendations, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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