Chapter 151
"It's really good for a novice to kill Diaochan solo. Come on, Miaomiao, and even when playing games, you have to think about the opponent's heart. For example, if you see the opponent's specific direction on the small map, you can judge his route. What is it, and then sit and wait on the necessary road, just like just now.”

Ye Xingchen re-taught Lin Miaomiao's thinking. When he taught Miaomiao before, he knew that she was not stupid, but just lazy. If you study something seriously, you can learn it very quickly.

"I seem to know how to fight, look at mine."

Later, Lin Miaomiao kept observing the opponent's movements, and went to squat in the grass after clearing the pawn line. The probability of success in squatting was still quite high, about 2 squats were enough to succeed once, which annoyed the opponent.

Han Xin (all): It's not the eldest sister, you are too outrageous, you squatted at Lan's place for 2 minutes.

Diao Chan (all): I was killed 3 times in the grass in the middle lane. I will definitely play Diao Chan with purification in the future, and I will never play with flash again.

Looking at the opposite party complaining about herself in full state, Lin Miaomiao was not angry at all, and even felt particularly happy in her heart.Since then, Lin Miaomiao has gone further and further on the road of not being a human being by beating the king.

Soon the game was won with everyone's efforts.

Lin Miaomiao's record is 9-5-6. Except for a few mistakes and being caught, she still played very well.

"Angela is so fun, keep going, I still want to play this hero." Lin Miaomiao said excitedly.

"It's too cruel. If I were facing Han Xin, I would have surrendered directly." Jiang Tianhao couldn't help but said in surprise.

Deng Xiaoqi also praised without hesitation: "Miao Miao, you are so good, it is definitely not the first time you have played."

"It's really the first time I play. I didn't even know that the defense tower would hit people."

Jiang Tianhao asked: "Then why do you look like a different person later on?"

Lin Miaomiao: "It's the method Ye Xingchen just told me, clearing the line and squatting, clearing the line and squatting."

Hearing what she said, everyone looked at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen felt a little uncomfortable being watched by them: "Why do you all look at me, that's how Angela plays, isn't it right?"

Qian Sanyi said: "No, I was just thinking, Brother Chen, you released a demon with your own hands."

"Ugh!" Ye Xingchen blushed.

Lin Miaomiao asked in confusion: "What devil, what are you talking about?"

"It's okay, let's continue."

After Qian Sany finished talking, he directly opened the next one.

As the game started round by round, under Ye Xingchen's continuous instilling ideas, Lin Miaomiao succeeded in inheriting his old Yinbi style of play.

This style of play can be summed up in two words: Disgusting.

Yeah, it's disgusting, fucking open the door for nausea, it's so disgusting.

Now there is no problem with Lin Miaomiao's operation at all, and there is no problem with her thinking, but there is still some gap in consciousness from Jiang Tianhao and the others, but in Ye Xingchen's view, playing a diamond game is still easy.

A total of eight or nine matches were played, and the time quietly came to 9:30.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the time on the phone and shouted in shock: "It's so late, it's over, it's over, Xiaoqi and I have to go back, otherwise Wang Hongying will definitely scold me and Xiaoqi when she checks the room later and finds that Xiaoqi and I are not there kill me."

"That's right, I forgot too. The teacher wants to check the roll call. Oh, it's all your fault for dragging us to play games." Deng Xiaoqi suddenly remembered this matter when she was reminded by Lin Miaomiao.

Jiang Tianhao looked at the flustered look of the two of them with some disapproval: "It's okay, just say you went to find other classmates to play."

"No, she won't reason with you. She won't play with you when she's gone." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly put on her shoes, took Deng Xiaoqi with her and ran to her room.

Ye Xingchen, Jiang Tianhao, and Qian Sanyi were left staring at each other in the room.

"Do you two have anything else to do? Go back to your own rooms, I'm going to bed." Seeing that they were fine, Ye Xingchen began to see off the guests.

Jiang Tianhao was very dissatisfied with Ye Xingchen's behavior: "You really value sex over friends. After Lin Miaomiao left, you started chasing brothers. It's too much."

"Go or not, if you don't want to go, I can see you off." Ye Xingchen pulled out the belt on his trousers, and slammed the air twice, making a crackling sound.

"Wait, I'm going, can't I go?"

Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi watched Ye Xingchen move the guy, and their bodies stiffened immediately. They quickly moved to the door, opened the door and escaped.

Seeing the two people leaving, Ye Xingchen sat on the bed and slowly took out the phone.

Looking at the ugly photos of his familiar roommates in his mobile phone, Ye Xingchen fell into memories. His hand kept sliding on the screen until he found his first love, and the sliding hand stopped.

Ye Xingchen knew very well that he really fell in love with Lin Miaomiao now, but when he saw the photo of that person, he still felt a little throbbing in his heart.

He sighed and closed the album.

Turned on the TV series of Youth Pi, and began to watch it after the spring outing. Of course, I didn’t watch all of them, but re-familiarized with the plot to see if there were any important events, so as not to forget them.

While Ye Xingchen was still watching the drama, there was a sudden power outage in the hotel.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback, then opened the door and went out with the room card to see what was going on.

When he came outside and looked at the students who were also confused in the corridor, he seemed to understand what happened.

Jiang Tianhao brought Qian Sanyi to the door of Ye Xingchen's room: "Brother Chen, is there a power outage?"

Ye Xingchen looked at him as if he was mentally retarded and said, "You can't fucking see?"

"I can't see it."

"Then it's over."

Qian Sanyi: "..."

The teachers also knew about this situation, and quickly sent a notice in the class group, telling the students not to run around. Those who are afraid can come to the camp outside the hotel and wait for a while. The staff is working hard to repair the circuit.

Ye Xingchen came outside to look at the scenery of the starry sky, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's so beautiful, I haven't seen such a beautiful starry sky for a long time."

Jiang Tianhao: "Yeah, I remember the last time I watched the stars, my dad took me to my grandfather's house when I was a child, in the mountains."

Qian Sanyi looked at the two of them for a while and said, "Actually, there are stars every day when the sky is clear, but now the light pollution is too serious, so the brilliance of the stars is covered."

"Qian Sanyi, you're so boring, when is it time to show off your knowledge?" Jiang Tianhao was very upset when he saw Qian Sanyi's pretentious appearance.

Ye Xingchen looked at Jiang Tianhao's appearance and couldn't help being a little funny: "Haozi, you are just jealous, and you can show off if you have the ability."

(End of this chapter)

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