Chapter 152 Sing a song (reward and update completed)
"If I was rich and Sanyi knew so much, I wouldn't be the second brother. It's useless to talk about it." Jiang Tianhao gave Ye Xingchen a big roll of his eyes.

Qian Sanyi looked at the night sky and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing him in a daze, Jiang Tianhao couldn't help but pat him twice: "Qian Sanyi, why are you so dazed here?"

"Hush, don't make noise, poetry is very popular, I want to sing a poem." Qian Sanyi signaled him not to speak.

Jiang Tianhao: "Where are you lewd?"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

Qian Sanyi didn't hear what he said and began to chant poems on his own:
"I'm looking up

Above the moon
How many dreams are flying freely

I forgot yesterday

dried up sadness

I want to meet you again on the vast road

Ye Xingchen only felt a group of crows flying over his head. He looked at Qian San and said expressionlessly: "No, Qian Sanyi, what kind of poem are you talking about? Isn't this the lyrics? You still read it."

Jiang Tianhao looked at him and laughed: "That's right, you pretend we haven't heard of it, Qian Sanyi didn't see it, you are so coquettish."

Qian Sanyi raised his hands above his head as if in a daze and shouted loudly: "Yes, I am the poet."

Ye Xingchen: "Oh, Qianke didn't notice it, but Sao Ren, you've shown yourself vividly."

"Look at the night." Qian Sanyi reminded them.

Ye Xingchen saw the round moon hanging in the sky in a blink of an eye, and couldn't help but say: "I'll go."

Jiang Tianhao also sighed: "Wow!"

Then he said to Qian Sanyi, "What's wrong?"

Qian Sanyi said angrily: "Haozi, you didn't see it, where did you put it?"

Jiang Tianhao patted his head tremblingly and smiled, "Haha, shouldn't I cooperate with you?"

"No, don't you think the night is very seductive?" Qian Sanyi said angrily.

Jiang Tianhao spread his hands: "The point is, the night teased you, but it didn't tease us."

"Forget it, play the piano with a cow. Alas, as the saying goes, beautiful women match beautiful women since ancient times. You can find beautiful scenery, but there is no beautiful woman to match it." Qian Sanyi didn't continue to talk to him, but continued to look at the scenery in the sky.

But Qian Sanyi's words reminded Ye Xingchen, and he clapped his hands.

"That's right, the hotel has a power outage right now, and it's not bright outside yet, so take this opportunity not to go to Miaomiao and go out to chat with Xiaotian, go to the world of two people, and enhance your relationship."

Then walked towards the house.

After walking two steps, he looked back at the two people who stayed in place and said, "I won't accompany you two single dogs, please do what you want." Then he happily ran upstairs to find Lin Miaomiao.

Qian Sanyi's family education is very good, so there is nothing to say about the quality, but after hearing Ye Xingchen say this, he couldn't help but spit out the quintessence of the country: "cao!"

Jiang Tianhao: "Bah, look at his appearance, give him cheap, shameless."

"That's it."


Ye Xingchen couldn't hear the two people's complaints. When he went upstairs, he happened to meet Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi who were going to the hall.

"Miao Miao, why did you come down? I just wanted to go up to find you."

"Isn't there a power outage? The two of us think it's brighter outside than inside, so why don't we go outside." Lin Miaomiao replied.

Ye Xingchen: "It's just right, let's go, let's go to the hotel's camping area to look at the stars, I just saw that many students have gone."

"Then let's go, we won't be able to grab a place in a while." Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Lin Miaomiao pulled Deng Xiaoqi who was behind her and quickly ran outside.

"Hey, Miaomiao..."

Ye Xingchen felt embarrassed when he saw that he was completely ignored.

But who made him thick-skinned, he just froze for a while, and then followed out.

After coming out, Ye Xingchen looked at the four people who had gathered and knew that his plan might be in vain.

"Brother Chen, why are you so slow, the two girls have come out and you are still left with ink marks." Jiang Tianhao asked knowingly.

"Go away, don't force me to do it."


Lin Miaomiao looked at her classmates on the front lawn, and couldn't wait to go and play with them.

"Hey, let's go there, it's best to lie down and watch the starry sky."

Deng Xiaoqi resisted a little: "The ground is not clean, what should I do if the clothes are dirty."

"It's okay, I'll go to the front desk and get a camping mat." Jiang Tianhao said.

Ye Xingchen: "Haozi, go and get it first, let's go and wait first, otherwise there will be no place for a while."

"it is good."

Soon several people came to the lawn of the camping area.I found a quieter place where there were not many people. As soon as Jiang Tianhao laid out the big mattress, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but lay down on it.

"Why are you staring blankly, lie down, the starry sky is wider and more beautiful."

Ye Xingchen slowly came to Lin Miaomiao's right side and lay down, then held Lin Miaomiao's right hand tightly, and the others followed suit.

Just like that, the five people stood next to each other, quietly looking at the night sky, and no one spoke.

Lin Miaomiao said suddenly: "It's great that there is a power outage. After a power outage, people can put down what they are doing and have a good rest. There is no work or homework."

Ye Xingchen looked at her and replied: "But now even if the power goes out, everyone still plays with their mobile phones, so sometimes it's good to think about your childhood life."

Lin Miaomiao: "Well, I still remember that when the power went out, my parents would tell me stories, and then I would tell them about our dreams."

"I don't think there have been power outages. It seems that I have stopped at my grandfather's place a few times when I was a child. But I have been living in the city since then, so I have basically never had a power outage." Jiang Tianhao also said.

Qian Sanyi: "Yes, I have basically never encountered such a large-scale power outage."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Add one!"

Ye Xingchen suggested: "By the way, this is the end of the conversation. What are your dreams? Anyway, today's power outage can't do anything, why don't we talk about our dreams."

Lin Miaomiao's thoughts: "I want to be a cartoonist in the future, because I like to draw and I'm very talented in this area."

After hearing this, Ye Xingchen gave a thumbs up: "Cartoonist, yes, I can write stories in the future, and then you can change them into comics, so it won't be tiring for a couple to work together."

At this time, Deng Xiaoqi, who was beside me, suddenly became sad: "My dream is to have a good meal with my parents every day. I want them to accompany me to study. When I am unhappy , they can coax me, and I can talk to them."

Lin Miaomiao looked at the sad Deng Xiaoqi and comforted: "It will come true. Are you saying that we are not good friends? I can also comfort you. You can tell us what you are unhappy about."

Jiang Tianhao quickly sat up: "Yes, you can tell us if you are unhappy, and we can help you."

Deng Xiaoqi regained her smile after listening to everyone's words: "Thank you! I'm fine, I just feel a little sad all of a sudden. By the way, who should it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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