The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 154 Chapter 151 Don't You Know That Kidneys Can Invigorate the Kidney?

Chapter 154 Chapter 150 Don't You Know That Kidneys Can Invigorate the Kidney?
"Be careful, don't make any noise, everyone is studying." The teacher frowned and didn't pursue further, just reminded him a little.

Ye Xingchen: "Understood, teacher."

"Okay, sit down."

After Ye Xingchen sat down, he saw Lin Miaomiao giggling there.

He whispered angrily: "You still laugh, it's you who caused me to be scolded by the teacher."

"It deserves it, who told you to move my head, you are responsible for beating me stupid." Lin Miaomiao stared back indignantly.

Ye Xingchen looked at her and asked a question in his heart: "Tell me where you learned it. You didn't know this before, and you learned it badly."

"Oh, be afraid, I learned it by watching TV, hehe, as long as you dare to bully me in the future, I will... hum!"

Lin Miaomiao said arrogantly.

Because this was in class, Ye Xingchen couldn't bully her even if he wanted to, so he had to give up.

"Fuck, I'll bear it."

"Hahaha, don't be depressed, tell me a question. I have never been able to figure out what is wrong with this question, but it doesn't match the answer."

Lin Miaomiao took out the test paper she just finished and handed it to Ye Xingchen.

Although Ye Xingchen wanted revenge very much, he still knew what was more important than the lecture topic.

"Hmph, I don't care about it like you, let me take a look... this one, you connect these two places first, and get two auxiliary lines..."

Lin Miaomiao suddenly realized when she heard Ye Xingchen's explanation: "Oh, I'm really a yellow crocodile brain. I forgot this, and I was almost there. Sigh... for the 10-point question, I can only get five points."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's remorse, Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "I'll just be a little more serious next time. By the way, let me tell you something. You may have to go home by yourself tomorrow."

"Ah, where are you going?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"Go to the competition, didn't I tell you?"

"I know, but are you going tomorrow?" Lin Miaomiao's eyes showed a slight reluctance.

I don't know when it started, Lin Miaomiao found that she didn't seem to want to leave Ye Xingchen for a moment, even after returning home, the two of them said good night to each other every night before going to bed.As long as he is not by Ye Xingchen's side, he can't help but send him a message. When Ye Xingchen doesn't reply when something happens, Lin Miaomiao will be very disappointed.

In fact, this is a common problem between lovers, every couple will enter this stage, not to mention Lin Miaomiao, even Ye Xingchen with extremely high willpower has this feeling, he also wants to stay with Lin Miaomiao all the time , but he can restrain it very well.Because the days are still long, it's not bad for a while.

"Well, maybe three days."

"Three days? Okay." Lin Miaomiao could be seen to be in a low mood.

"Okay, it's only three days, and it's not very long. Besides, if you miss me, you can make a video call for me." Ye Xingchen looked ahead and found that the teacher was seriously correcting the test papers, and touched Lin Miaomiao's hand with confidence. head, to comfort her.

"You said, then you have to answer when I call." Lin Miaomiao heard Ye Xingchen say this, and the lost light in her eyes gathered again.

"I said so." Ye Xingchen said seriously.

Lin Miaomiao: "Hey, I want to eat barbecue after school later, you treat me!"

"Okay, I'll call my uncle and aunt to explain the situation."

Facing Lin Miaomiao's request, Ye Xingchen agreed decisively, because he was extremely reluctant to leave Miaomiao for three days, so he could stay with Miaomiao for a while tonight.

In the evening, Lin Miaomiao took Ye Xingchen to the barbecue restaurant they often go downstairs. Lin Miaomiao skillfully ordered a bottle of beer for everyone, 50 skewers of mutton, and two big kidneys.

Ye Xingchen has always been puzzled why a girl like Lin Miaomiao likes to eat kidneys, so she took this opportunity and couldn't help asking: "Well, Miaomiao, I have a question for you."

Lin Miaomiao got herself a glass of beer and said suspiciously, "What's the problem?"

"Why do you like to eat kidneys?"

Just as he was talking, the waiter came up with skewers: "Your lamb skewers."

"Okay, thank you!" Lin Miaomiaohao picked it up bluntly and took a bite, then said, "What's the reason, it's delicious."

Ye Xingchen also took a bunch and ate it. While eating, he asked, "Don't you know that kidneys are for boys and nourish the kidneys?"

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to wink at Lin Miaomiao.

"Rogue!" Lin Miaomiao instantly understood what he meant, blushed, picked up the wine and gulped it down, and continued:
"You boys are so dirty."

Hearing what Lin Miaomiao said, Ye Xingchen quit: "Why is it dirty, what did I say, isn't what I said the truth?"

Lin Miaomiao blushed and said, "I'm the only one who is dirty, you are the worst, thinking about unhealthy things every day."

"Lin Miaomiao, you deceive people too much, I'm dirty,? What did I do to you, I'm dirty?" Although I often took advantage of Lin Miaomiao, I didn't do anything excessive.

"It's nasty!" Lin Miaomiao also looked at Ye Xingchen stubbornly, but was finally defeated.

"Oh, I'm just hilarious. As for the reaction is so big."

Ye Xingchen gave her a blank look: "That's because you wronged me."

"But I'm not completely wronged. When I moved last time, you still..." Lin Miaomiao's voice became smaller and smaller after speaking halfway, as if it was a bit difficult to speak.

"That's because, because, I'm a normal boy, I can't help it. Besides, shouldn't you be happy?"

"Happy, I'm happy you big-headed ghost!" Lin Miaomiao directly picked up the peanuts next to her and threw them over.

Ye Xingchen had quick eyes and quick hands, and directly blocked it.

"It's not that you listen to my explanation, that's not what it means."

Lin Miaomiao lost a few more before she was willing to stop. She looked angry and said, "Say, you better give me a reasonable explanation."

"I mean, it's because you are beautiful that I can't help it. I have proved that you are beautiful with practical actions. Think about it carefully." Ye Xingchen explained clearly to her. Fan.

"Hmph. You're glib, don't think I'll forgive you if you praise me."

Although Lin Miaomiao said so, the smile on her face could not deceive Ye Xingchen, which showed that what Ye Xingchen just said was very useful, at least Lin Miaomiao was very happy to hear it.

"Is my tongue slippery, how about you try it?"




The two of them didn't stop fighting during the meal time. Lin Miaomiao rarely drank a few more bottles of beer today. When drinking with Lin Dawei before, they only drank one bottle. This time I drank a few more bottles with Ye Xingchen, so I was a little dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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