Chapter 155 Drunkenness
"Ye Xingchen, you must send me a message when you arrive tomorrow. Don't miss it." Lin Miaomiao was so dizzy that she couldn't speak clearly. She was fine just now, maybe the wind picked up a bit.

"Got it, you've said it several times, you sit here and don't move, I'll pay the bill."

Ye Xingchen gave some instructions, and then called the waiter to pay the bill.

"You say you can't drink and still drink. Go back and let your uncle and aunt see you drinking like this. It's strange if you don't scold you to death."

"I'm not drunk, but I'm a little sleepy. Look, I can still walk."

In order to prove that she was not drunk, Lin Miaomiao got up and took two unsteady steps.

Seeing her like this, Ye Xingchen hurried forward to help her up: "Hey, my aunt, you are not drunk."

"Not drunk, Ye Xingchen, why do you have two heads." Lin Miaomiao rubbed her eyes and asked strangely.

"Heh, if you drink more, I'll have four."

Looking at her, he knew it would be difficult to walk back, so Ye Xingchen helped her up and hugged her.

"It's still so light and the flesh doesn't grow."

Lin Miaomiao was a little sobered up by his embrace of wine, struggled with both hands and said:
"What are you doing, put me down quickly."

Ye Xingchen clasped his hands tightly: "Don't move, I don't care if I fall you. If you let you down, you can walk back by yourself. Hold me well, and I will put you down when you are downstairs."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Lin Miaomiao was in his arms

After being honest for a while, Ye Xingchen had just walked a few steps with Ye Xingchen in his arms, when Lin Miaomiao suddenly remembered that her car was still here.

"Chen, my mountain bike!"

"Don't move, I'll send you back later, I'll come back and rush over by myself, so you don't have to worry about it."

"All right!"

Lin Miaomiao finally calmed down.Ye Xingchen held her firmly, not daring to move, for fear of waking her up.

It wasn't until I went downstairs that I gently put it down.

"Miaomiao, wake up, you're home." Ye Xingchen gently pinched Lin Miaomiao's face.


Lin Miaomiao still couldn't open her eyes, probably because she was a little sleepy from drinking.

"Hey, women are so troublesome."

After Ye Xingchen complained, he helped her go upstairs slowly.

Finally, the two arrived at the door of Lin Miaomiao's house, and Ye Xingchen gently knocked on the door of her house.

dong dong!

Soon the door was opened by Wang Shengnan.

"Hey, Miaomiao, what's going on?"

"Well, I fell asleep after drinking a little more wine."

Wang Shengnan looked at Lin Miaomiao distressedly and said, "This is how much you drank."

Ye Xingchen said hesitantly, "4... 4 more bottles. I'm sorry, I shouldn't drink with Miaomiao."

Ye Xingchen quickly apologized, and did not forget to look at Wang Shengnan's face after speaking.

Fortunately, Wang Shengnan's focus was on Miaomiao, and his face was not ugly.

"Hurry up, Xiaochen, you go into the room and put Miaomiao on the bed."

"Oh, good." Ye Xingchen hurriedly did as soon as he heard it.

As soon as he entered the house, Lin Dawei came out of the bedroom.

Looking at Miaomiao's appearance, she asked, "Are you going to drink?"

"Uncle, blame me, I shouldn't let Miao Miao drink so much."

Seeing Ye Xingchen blaming himself, Lin Dawei couldn't bear to say him. After all, his daughter knew that it must be what she wanted to drink, not Ye Xingchen's problem.

"It's okay, you can get Miao Miao to the house first, I'll pour her a glass of water."

"Well, I see, uncle."

Ye Xingchen settled Lin Miaomiao quickly, and then went outside to help bring the water in.

Watching Lin Miaomiao finish drinking the water, she put her down again and covered her with a quilt.

After staying in Miaomiao's room for a while, just about to get up, the sleeping Lin Miaomiao suddenly grabbed Ye Xingchen's hand and said in a daze, "Don't leave, please."

Ye Xingchen sat down again and grabbed her hand and said, "I won't leave, I'll leave when you fall asleep."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Lin Miaomiao finally fell asleep in peace.

Lin Dawei saw that Ye Xingchen hadn't come out yet, so he wanted to go in and see what was going on.

Wang Shengnan organized him in time and said, "What are you doing?"

Lin Dawei was stunned for a while and found an excuse: "I'll go in and see if Miaomiao is asleep."

"Forget it, I don't know you yet, and I hesitate when I lie. Don't worry, Xiaochen will take good care of Miaomiao, so don't just join in the fun." Wang Shengnan said with a smile.


"Come on, go get Xiaochen a glass of water. Hurry up!"

"Oh, I really don't know if you are Miao Miao's real mother."

Hearing what Wang Shengnan said, Lin Dawei reluctantly went to pour Ye Xingchen a cup of hot water, but still looked at Lin Miaomiao's room from time to time.

After a while, Lin Miaomiao's room opened, and Ye Xingchen walked out from it.

Wang Shengnan immediately stepped forward and asked, "Xiaochen, has Miaomiao fallen asleep?"

"Well, I'm asleep. Auntie, I'm to blame for this. I shouldn't have taken her to drink."

Looking at Ye Xingchen's self-blame, Wang Shengnan didn't blame him either: "It's okay, I know that child Miaomiao, she must have wanted to drink it herself, I don't blame you."

"This..." Ye Xingchen scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard that he believed in him so much.

Seeing that it was almost time, Ye Xingchen was about to go home. "That auntie, I'm going back first. I have to get up early to participate in the competition tomorrow, so I won't stay here any longer."

"What game?" Wang Shengnan asked curiously.

Ye Xingchen: "National Mathematical Olympiad Competition for High School Students."

Wang Shengnan was very surprised when he heard it and said: "Oh, I heard about this competition. It is said that as long as you get good results, you will be recommended to a prestigious school."

"Yes, there is such a saying."

"So, you're going to participate in the competition tomorrow? Then you should take a good rest today." Lin Dawei who was next to him knew a little more than Wang Shengnan, knowing that the gold content of this competition is not just as simple as walking.

"Thank you uncle for your concern. I'll go back and prepare things. The preliminary round will last three days. Good night, uncle and aunt. I'm going back too." Ye Xingchen bid farewell to the two of them.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei knew that Ye Xingchen was going to compete tomorrow, so they didn't continue to persuade him to stay, and sent him away after a few words of advice.

Ye Xingchen went to get the bicycles of the two of them first, and then came back, took a shower at home, and then fell asleep. The luggage and so on were almost ready at noon, and there was no language for three days.

The next day, after Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao arrived at the school by bicycle, they parted ways.Seeing Lin Miaomiao's reluctance to let go, Ye Xingchen stepped forward and hugged her, because the three of them came to school earlier, so there were basically not many people in the school at this point.

"You must promise to call me every night when you go, and you must call me." Lin Miaomiao quietly let Ye Xingchen hold her.

Ye Xingchen quickly agreed: "I promise to call every day."

"If you don't fight, I will kill you when you come back."

"Then what if I accidentally forget?"

"Bite you to death."


(End of this chapter)

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