Chapter 156
Qian Sanyi saw that the two were tired and crooked, so he went to the teacher's office and waited without looking back.

Finally, after Ye Xingchen signed several unequal treaties, Lin Miaomiao let him go.

After Ye Xingchen came to Zhao Rongbao's office, he found that the school's instructor, Teacher Liu Ying, had arrived.Zhao Rongbao looked at Ye Xingchen and couldn't help reprimanding him: "Ye Xingchen, the whole team is waiting for you, do you have some discipline?"

However, Ye Xingchen still remained indifferent to his reprimand.

"Teacher, there are two people in the team, me and Qian Sanyi."

Zhao Rongbao was very annoyed, and just about to continue to reprimand him, he was interrupted by his instructor Liu Ying.

"Okay, I'm not a few minutes late. Besides, I'm going to familiarize myself with the place first, and tomorrow is the real game. I just take this opportunity to explain the question types and precautions to you."

"Listen carefully, this is the key point of the exam." Zhao Rongbao reminded again.

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "Teacher, shall we set off first, and we'll talk about this in the car."

Zhao Rongbao: "Hey, I said you kid..."

"Okay, Teacher Zhao, what Ye Xingchen said is right, it's not too late for us to talk in the car." Teacher Liu Ying stopped Zhao Rongbao, then turned to Ye Xingchen and said, "You are the one who can almost do it in the culture class." A student with full marks? Can you tell me why you chose liberal arts? You have a bright future if you choose science with your grades."

"I have talked about this problem with Mr. Zhao before. Liberal arts and science are as easy to me, so it doesn't matter what I choose, and it will not affect my future achievements. As long as I think, I will become the most shining in the world." That star." Ye Xingchen seemed to be describing a trivial matter.

People who don't know Ye Xingchen will definitely think he is arrogant, but he does have the qualifications now.

"Good boy, crazy enough, confident enough, I like it, I look forward to your excellent results in this competition, don't let me down." Teacher Liu Ying was specially invited from other universities, because he There is far more knowledge about this game than the teachers of elite high schools know.

"The teacher praised you, I won't let you down. To be precise, neither of us will let you down." Ye Xingchen smiled confidently.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Zhao, your elite middle school has taught two good students."

"It's just a little bit smarter." Zhao Rongbao couldn't stop smiling when he heard the other party praise his student so much.

"Okay, let's go."

"it is good."

Several people boarded the bus arranged by the school, and after several hours of driving, they finally arrived at the competition point. On the bus, Teacher Liu Ying explained to Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi the pitfalls of previous exams, including the preliminaries. As for the strength of the opponent, although Ye Xingchen himself checked the information, he still doesn't know some details.

The first day is to get acquainted with the place first, then take the exam on the second day, and the results are announced on the third day before the shortlist is announced.Because it is the first test, the questions are relatively simple.

Everyone had lunch together, and Teacher Liu Ying took out the previous exam questions in the hotel to test the basic strength of the two of them.

Qian Sanyi participated in the recommended Yanda youth class in the original drama, so his ability is very strong. According to the previous competition system, he should have reached the final provincial competition.So these questions can't be seen again for him.

But Ye Xingchen didn't pay attention to these questions at all, he almost got an idea after scanning it once, and started to write the answer steps after the second pass, and finished a paper in a short time.

"Teacher, it's done." Ye Xingchen picked up the prepared test paper and handed it to him.

Teacher Liu Ying said in surprise, "Is this the end? Or neither?"

"It's done, it's okay, it's not too difficult."

"How is it possible?" Teacher Liu Ying took the paper and checked it carefully. Seeing that Ye Xingchen skillfully used the high mathematics and formulas of functions in these questions, he knew that they were almost inseparable. It's a full score.

Before he could read the entire paper, Qian Sanyi also easily completed the paper.

"Teacher, I'm done too."

Liu Ying took the test paper and compared the two people's answers to confirm that it was a perfect score paper.

"Very well, the two of you don't have to be afraid of tomorrow's exam at all. Take a good rest today and look forward to your good grades tomorrow."

"Um, is this all right, teacher?" Ye Xingchen asked in disbelief.

"It's about the same. You can directly enter the city competition with your strength. As long as you play hard and play normally tomorrow, you will have no problem entering the city competition." Liu Ying said with a smile.


Hearing what the teacher said, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to ask. After all, he has taught students for several years, so he is already familiar with this.

After the teacher left, Ye Xingchen looked at the time, and found that it was only after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and he said to Qian Sanyi, "Let's go out for a stroll."

"Where are we going to go shopping? Didn't Teacher Zhao let us run around?" Qian Sanyi said, putting down the advanced mathematics textbook in his hand.

"It's okay, it's okay. Didn't you hear Teacher Liu? Our strength is absolutely fine for tomorrow's exam. It's okay to relax."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Qian Sanyi was indeed a little shaken, and proper relaxation can help him study more efficiently.

"Let's go!" In the end, Qian Sanyi still couldn't resist the temptation, and followed Ye Xingchen to go out for a stroll.

Just as the two of them were walking in the corridor of the hotel, Ye Xingchen saw an acquaintance.

I saw that 175-year-old girl with a single ponytail and a very formal school uniform. From a distance, she looked like a campus goddess. Unlike Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi was at best a school belle, but she was a goddess.

Ye Xingchen walked in and saw that it was indeed her.

"It's you, Ling Long?"

The girl looked up and recognized the big boy who helped her out.

"It's you? Did you come to the game too?"

"That's right, our school brought the two of us to participate in the competition. You are also here?" Ye Xingchen asked back.

"Well. Our school also has two entries. Where are you going?"

"Oh, that's it. We are going to go out for a stroll and have something to eat. Do you want to come together?" Ye Xingchen initiated the invitation.

"Okay, I just want to treat you, and I will return your favor from last time." If it was another boy's invitation, Linglong might have already declined, but Ye Xingchen rarely agreed to invite her to have dinner together. If a classmate who is familiar with her Knowing this will surely make your jaw drop.

"It's just a small favor, let's go, just go shopping and change your mind before the game." Ye Xingchen didn't expect her to agree directly, but it doesn't matter, just in time to find out the strength of the opponent this time.

(End of this chapter)

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