Chapter 158 Chapter 150

"Yes, girlfriend." Ye Xingchen nodded.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Although I had already guessed that the person who called Ye Xingchen might be his girlfriend, but hearing Ye Xingchen admit it, I still felt a little different.

"Hmm~ Yes, although puppy love is wrong, it didn't affect our studies. Besides, isn't it normal for high school students to fall in love?" Ye Xingchen asked with a blink of an eye.

"Well, it's normal." Ling Long nodded, she suddenly felt weird, she couldn't explain that feeling, as if she had just gotten a toy she liked and then suddenly lost it.

It was as if something was stuck in my chest, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Xingchen asked concerned, seeing Ling Long acting strangely, as if he was uncomfortable.

Ling Long immediately returned to normal, and replied flatly: "It's okay, but I'm a bit full. Eat up, I'll pay for it."

"Are you really asking?"

"Otherwise, you go and wait outside, I'll go out after paying the bill." Then he went to the counter to pay the bill.

Qian Sanyi looked at Ling Long's leaving back, and then said to Ye Xingchen: "Brother Chen, don't you feel that Ling Long likes you?"

Ye Xingchen rolled his eyes at Qian Sanyi: "I like it, I like it, everyone likes me."

"Then didn't you see how she just heard that you have a girlfriend? Her face changed all of a sudden." Qian Sanyi said.

"Get out, you're the only one who can read it. Why can't I see it. Let's go, I have to explain it to Lin Miaomiao when I get back."

Qian Sanyi continued to say cheaply: "Tsk tsk tsk, alas, Ling Long is much better-looking than Lin Miaomiao, and she is tall and beautiful. The point is that she can eat just like Lin Miaomiao, don't you just like edibles? ?”

"g! u! n!" Ye Xingchen said with a satisfied expression.


Now Qian Sanyi obediently stopped saying a word, because he knew that when Ye Xingchen had no expression on his face, it meant that he was really angry.


Soon the three returned to the hotel, Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi also said goodbye to Ling Long, and wished each other good results tomorrow.

The first thing I did when I got back to the room was to send a video to Lin Miaomiao, but she hung up.

Ye Xingchen knew that she wasn't really angry, but just angry, so he hit her again.

After a while, it finally picked up.

"Why are you calling me?" Lin Miaomiao over there is wearing a cute hairpin on her head, lying on the bed with her mobile phone upright in front of her face, so her face looks very big, and she dropped it when she first connected it. Ye Xingchen jumped.

"It's nothing, I just want to explain this to you, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep tonight." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao: "I don't care, you don't need to explain."

Ye Xingchen didn't care whether she cared or not and just got to the point: "Her name is Ling Long. During the spring outing last time, her phone ran out of battery and I helped her. It happened that she also participated in this competition, so thank you I'll just treat me to a meal. If you're still worried, I'll go to her tomorrow and explain to you. "

"No need, I... I'm not worried, I just hung up on you because something has happened." When Lin Miaomiao said this, she didn't feel very satisfied.

"Haha, no matter whether you let it go or not, I have explained everything that should be done anyway. Hmm... Miaomiao, did you miss me today?"

"Well, I thought about it. I felt like I couldn't learn anything without you in class today. Later, during the self-study class, I did a few math problems. Only when I was doing the problems would I concentrate and not think about you." Lin Miaomiao is different from the past. When Ye Xingchen said he didn't think about him before, Lin Miaomiao was very naughty, but this time she admitted it very well.

"I still have two days to go back. You can't miss your homework. I will check you when I go back. If your academic performance drops, don't blame me for punishing you."

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to be fierce, but he acted that kind of fierce and fierce, without any deterrent effect, and even a little funny.

"Hahahaha, Ye Xingchen, stop making me laugh."

Lin Miaomiao over there laughed out of the screen seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance.

Finally, perhaps having had enough of laughing, Lin Miaomiao stopped, and then asked: "Then do you think about me?"

" should I put it, I should have thought about it." Ye Xingchen stroked his chin and thought for a while.

"Hey, what do you mean you should think about it? Have you thought about it? I warn you, you have to think about it."

"After thinking about it, what's so fierce?" Ye Xingchen complained.

"That's about the same." Lin Miaomiao was overjoyed to get the answer she wanted.

The two were chatting vigorously when Wang Shengnan's voice came from outside Lin Miaomiao's bedroom.

"Miaomiao, it's time to go to bed so late, you have to get up early for school tomorrow."

"Understood, Mom, I'll sleep now." Lin Miaomiao agreed.

Then he said to Ye Xingchen: "My mother is urging me to sleep, so let's not talk for now, you take care of yourself there, don't forget to call me tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I will never forget it 100%."

"Then, good night." Lin Miaomiao reluctantly waved at the screen.

Ye Xingchen also said reluctantly, "Good night."

Then the other party hung up the call.

Ye Xingchen put down his phone, simply washed up and went to bed.


Under the instructions of the teachers, Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi entered the examination room early with their admission tickets and ID cards.

It wasn't until after I entered that I realized how many people had participated in this exam.It seems that Ling Long is really right, there are quite a lot of candidates this year.

Qian Sanyi and Ye Xingchen were not in the same examination room, so they separated to find their own examination room.

As the candidates arrived one after another, the invigilator also started a series of operations such as checking the certificates, and finally distributed the test papers on the hour.

After Ye Xingchen got the test paper, he quickly browsed through it. They were all logical questions, not difficult but extremely troublesome. The important thing was that there were many small traps in it.

But for Ye Xingchen, it was all a small problem. Ye Xingchen picked up the pen and started to solve the problem without thinking. The speed was very fast and relatively smooth.

I finished all the questions in less than half an hour, and after 20 minutes of checking and waiting, I handed in the papers in advance.

This operation directly confused the candidates and invigilators in the examination room.

They all thought that the student gave up automatically. After Ye Xingchen walked out of the examination room, the invigilator picked up his test paper and took a look. It was not as empty as he thought, but it was full of writing, and the handwriting The ones are also very good-looking, almost exactly the same as the printed ones.

(End of this chapter)

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