The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 159 Lin Miaomiao: Something is wrong with you, Ye Xingchen

Chapter 159 Lin Miaomiao: Something is wrong with you, Ye Xingchen

The instructors Liu Ying and Zhao Rongbao were waiting for them outside the examination room.

When he saw Ye Xingchen who was the first to leave the examination room, Zhao Rongbao rushed forward and asked, "Ye Xingchen, why did you come out now? It's only been less than an hour."

Ye Xingchen said relaxedly: "Why don't you come out after the inspection is over."

"It's over, why did you finish it so quickly? I've seen the questions this time, and it's much more difficult than last year. Teacher Zhao and I are afraid that you won't perform well this time." Teacher Liu Ying pushed her up. Glasses asked worriedly.

"The question this time is not bad. If you don't have logical thinking, you may fall into the pit, but it's not difficult. As long as you think clearly, it's fine." Ye Xingchen narrated his feelings about doing the question.

Teacher Liu Ying's hanging heart finally fell after hearing this.Since Ye Xingchen can see that there is a small trap, it proves that there should be no problems in this exam, so now he will wait for Qian Sanyi to come out and ask how he is doing.

Originally, the two teachers wanted Ye Xingchen to go back and rest for a while, but Ye Xingchen said that he was not tired and could rest just the same everywhere, so it would be better to wait here for Qian Sanyi.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, people came out one after another. Ye Xingchen saw Ling Long in the crowd at a glance. She should be performing well, so Ye Xingchen planned to go over and ask.

Ye Xingchen: "Teacher, I saw a friend, I greeted you in the past."

"Okay, you go, we can just wait here. By the way, don't run around." Zhao Rongbao instructed.

"Understood the teacher, then I will go there first."

"it is good."

Ye Xingchen trotted to Ling Long, and when they met, he asked concerned: "How is it? Did you do well in the exam this time?"

Ling Long answered relatively easily: "Fortunately, except for the last one, I'm a bit uncertain, the rest should be fine."

"The last one uses a quantitative function to get to the back..." Ye Xingchen directly told her the correct way to solve the problem.

"It's really like this. I was afraid of doing something wrong during the exam. It's okay." Ling Long heard the answer she wanted, and her mood was much better than before. Seeing that there was no one behind Ye Xingchen, she couldn't help but ask. Said: "That classmate, his name is Qian Sanyi, hasn't he come out yet?"

Ye Xingchen looked at the students who came out of the test center one after another and replied: "I probably haven't come out, but it's almost coming soon. He is more cautious than me, and he may have to wait till the end."

"Puhaha, why are you the first to come out?" Ling Long couldn't help laughing when he heard him say that.

"30 minutes to finish, 20 minutes to check, and then hand in the paper."

Ye Xingchen's tone was flat, as if he was describing a trivial matter.

"Bragging you, it's impossible!"

Hearing Ye Xingchen say this, Ling Long's first reaction was that he was joking, but seeing that he was so serious, it didn't look like he was joking, and then asked again.

"You really finished it in 30 minutes?"

"Why lie to you, there is no need at all, after all, my strength is here."

If Lin Miaomiao was here, she would probably say that Ye Xingchen was shameless, but when it was changed to Linglong, there was only shock and disbelief.

Then silently spit out a word: "Human?"

Ye Xingchen understood what she meant in seconds, and jokingly replied: "You can call me God, I don't mind."

Ling Long asked very curiously: "Have you always been so shameless?"

"Hey, hey, why am I so shameless, can't tell the truth these days? Well, sure enough, now Peak is enduring the jealousy and abuse of others."

Ye Xingchen pretended to sigh, showing the appearance of experiencing vicissitudes in the world.

"Okay, you can stand at the top here. I'm going to report to my advisor, bye, shameless god."

After speaking, he turned his head and walked back to his own team. Before leaving, he did not forget to wink at Ye Xingchen.

It's impossible for such a beautiful woman not to be shocked, but it's just a little throbbing, after all, Ye Xingchen can't hold anyone in his heart anymore.

Seeing Ling Long leave, Ye Xingchen felt bored, and went back to find Qian Sanyi. When he came to the teacher, he found that Qian Sanyi was already reporting his exam experience to them.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's return, Qian Sanyi casually asked about his exam status, and the three of them went back to the hotel to wait for the specific results.

In fact, the two candidates were not very anxious, after all, they were very confident in their own strength.On the contrary, the two teachers couldn't sit still, especially Zhao Rongbao, who asked from time to time whether they had checked carefully.

Qian Sanyi was very sure that there was nothing wrong with him at first, but he was not very confident after being teased by the teacher like this.

Finally, when the results came out on the third day, after seeing Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi successfully advanced with full marks, the stone in my heart finally let go.

After listening to the organizing committee's announcement of the competition time and precautions for the provincial competition.A few people also set off to go back to prepare for the next stage of the competition.

Lin Miaomiao received the news of Ye Xingchen's return, and looked down at the door of the classroom from time to time throughout the day. The longing in her heart was already surging like sea water. Fortunately, the longing was silent, otherwise it would be deafening. A sentence from Ye Xingchen's previous life is used here It couldn't be more appropriate.

But when school was over in the afternoon, Lin Miaomiao still didn't wait for Ye Xingchen.

I had no choice but to go home and get my phone to call Ye Xingchen.

When she rode out of the school gate, she finally saw the familiar figure that she had been thinking about day and night.

"Miaomiao, I've been waiting for you here for a long time, do you miss me?"

The corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth turned up, still in that unruly manner.

Lin Miaomiao dropped her bicycle and trotted into his arms, hugged him tightly, completely ignoring the eyes of passing classmates, she only had Ye Xingchen in her eyes now, and everything else was ignored.

"Ahem, Miaomiao, hug me gently, I can't breathe." Although Ye Xingchen's physical fitness is high, Lin Miaomiao's lock is too tight, and he really can't breathe.

"No, I won't let go." Lin Miaomiao said coquettishly.

"Miaomiao, can you hug me again when you get home? You see, the classmates are all looking at us."

"Look whatever you want, I don't care."

"Uh, what should the teacher do if he sees it?"

Lin Miaomiao let go, then looked at Ye Xingchen suspiciously and said, "There's something wrong with you."

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Didn't you like me to take the initiative to hug you before? And you don't care about what you just said. Tell me, are you annoying me?" Lin Miaomiao asked Ye Xingchen, pointing at Ye Xingchen.

Facing Lin Miaomiao's questioning, Ye Xingchen gave her a big brain break without hesitation.

"Pain pain pain pain pain!"

Lin Miaomiao covered her head, tears were about to come out from the pain.

"Why did you hit me?"

"Let you think about it all day, I'm annoying you, I'm annoying you waiting here for an hour." Ye Xingchen said angrily.

Lin Miaomiao: "Who told you to wait for me, why didn't you go back to the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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