Chapter 161 "Legal Love"

While waiting for the food to be served, the four parents also started talking about Ye Xingchen's competition.

Wang Shengnan couldn't wait to ask Ye Xingchen about the various situations of this competition: "Xiaochen, I checked this competition online. Is it possible that after advancing to the provincial competition, you can directly recommend it?"

"The provincial competition will select 60 candidates based on their results, and all of these 60 candidates will be able to obtain special admission places for each major school. Then, it seems that these 60 candidates still need to train for a week before going to the final final. Of course, the higher the score , the greater the chance of being specially recruited by a super first-class academy." Ye Xingchen told Wang Shengnan everything he knew.

When Wang Shengnan heard this, he hurriedly asked excitedly: "Xiaochen, you should be very confident to pass the provincial competition."

"It's okay, I think there should be no problem, but there is still a month to go, so I can't draw a conclusion early. After all, this year is a bit different. The players from all over the country are also very strong, and there are more wolves and less meat."

Ye Xingchen was still modest in front of his parents. After all, he was too arrogant to leave a bad impression on others. He still liked to speak with results.

Wang Shengnan encouraged: "Then you have to work hard and strive to get a recommended place in a prestigious university."

Ye Xingchen: "Thank you, Auntie."

"Ye Xingchen's grades in junior high school can't be said to be bad, but he was only in the middle. I even found a relationship to send him to an elite middle school. I didn't expect his grades to be so good in one semester. It really gave me I'm so embarrassed." Ye Bowen said with emotion.

Wang Shengnan praised: "Damn, this kid Xiaochen is really smart. No matter how hard he tried, he squeezed out the No. [-] student in the high school entrance examination upstairs in our house. This kid chose liberal arts. Of course, it doesn't mean that liberal arts is not good, but science is a bit better than liberal arts." Advantage."

"Auntie, liberal arts and science are all the same to me. I like liberal arts more, don't you mean that interest is the best teacher, and after studying liberal arts, your achievements may not be worse than science, it still depends on the person."

When Ye Xingchen said that he liked liberal arts, he subconsciously turned to Lin Miaomiao. He found that Lin Miaomiao was also looking at him with a smile, and smiled back at her.

Lin Dawei saw the small movements of the two of them, and thought to himself that this kid is quite courageous. It seems that the liking mentioned by Xuan Liberal Arts means liking Miaomiao.

After that, the two families kept praising their children, which belonged to the kind of business bragging.While the few people were chatting, the dishes were slowly served.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the delicious food with stars in her eyes, but she was a little restrained in front of Ye Xingchen's parents, at least she had a sense of eating.

Mu Ying looked at Lin Miaomiao and thought she didn't like it, so she asked, "Miaomiao, don't you like these dishes? No matter how you look at it, you don't want to eat them."

"No, no, no dislike, it's delicious." Lin Miaomiao waved her hand quickly and said.

"If it tastes good, you can eat it with vegetables, and you can be polite with Auntie, you can eat whatever you want, you don't have to be so rigid, and there are no outsiders." Mu Ying instructed.

"Well, I see, thank you, auntie." Although they said so, Lin Miaomiao still understood in her heart that she should restrain herself because she looks too ugly.

But looking at the fleshy meat so close at hand, I can't let go of eating, this feeling is very uncomfortable.Just as she was looking at the food in a trance, a pair of chopsticks in front of her put a chicken leg into her bowl.

Lin Miaomiao looked up and saw that it was Ye Xingchen. In fact, Ye Xingchen just discovered that Lin Miaomiao, who used to be a snack food, was acting a little bit wrong today. She was not as edible as before.Later, after thinking about it carefully, I realized that this was to make a good impression on my future mother-in-law and father-in-law.

He suddenly discovered that Lin Miaomiao was not that stupid, she was still smart at certain times, intermittently witty.

Ye Xingchen kept picking up vegetables for her, and said while picking up: "Eat. Those who grow up, how can they grow up if they are not full."

"Thank you." Seeing Ye Xingchen being so careful, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help feeling a little happy.

Seeing the interaction between the two children, Father Ye couldn't help but tease: "You see, these two children are quite a good match."

When Lin Miaomiao heard what her uncle said, her cheeks blushed suddenly. She who was already reserved was even more at a loss now. She took a sneak peek at her parents and found that the expressions on their faces hadn't changed. I was relieved.

"I see it too, Sheng Nan, we are girlfriends now, maybe we can become in-laws in the future." Mu Ying also continued Ye Bowen's words.

When Wang Shengnan heard what Mu Ying said, he didn't continue to hold his hand and revealed a sentence: "The most important thing for the two children now is the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination is over, if there is no disagreement between the two children, it can also be considered."

Lin Miaomiao was a little surprised to hear that Wang Shengnan had acquiesced in his relationship with Ye Xingchen.Just when she hadn't thought deeply about it, Mu Ying threw out another bomb.

"Since we're hurrying to talk about this, let's talk about it today and ask the two children what they think. Ye Xingchen, what do you think about your relationship with Miaomiao?"

Seeing his mother bring this issue to the table, Ye Xingchen should be responsible as a boy.

"I like Miu Miu."

Hearing Ye Xingchen's answer, Mu Ying nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Lin Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, do you like Ye Xingchen?"

Lin Miaomiao was a little at a loss now, her parents were still here, she felt a little scared in her heart, and finally replied with a very serious expression as if she had made up her mind: "I like it!"

Ye Xingchen didn't expect Lin Miaomiao to be so courageous,

In fact, Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei were not surprised when they heard this answer. After all, judging from their daily performance, they may have been together in private for a long time, so as long as the two of them are not too much, they will turn a blind eye Close one eye.

"You see, since the two children like each other, this matter..." Mu Ying looked at Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan as if waiting for them to speak their minds.

Wang Shengnan's expression suddenly became serious: "Xiaochen, Miaomiao, since you like each other, it seems a little unreasonable for us parents to beat mandarin ducks, but it's still the same sentence, the main task now is the college entrance examination, and the grades are still the first. One."

"Auntie I know, I assure you, Miaomiao's grades will never drop." Ye Xingchen knew that Wang Shengnan's words meant that he almost acquiesced in the relationship between the two, and he replied seriously.

"That's good." Wang Shengnan regained his usual smile, and then said to Lin Dawei: "Brother Dawei, don't you want to say a few words as a father?"

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(End of this chapter)

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