The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 162 The Last Summer Camp Begins

Chapter 162 The Last Summer Camp Begins

Lin Dawei sat upright at this time and said: "You have finished what you have to say. As long as it doesn't delay your study, I have no objection."

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao glanced at each other, both of them felt that they were in a dream state, could this be regarded as dating by order?Happiness came too suddenly.

"Don't worry, Ye Xingchen still has a lot of kids. Of course, if you let me know that he dares to bully Miaomiao, I won't see me breaking his leg." Ye Bowen glared at Ye Xingchen who was complacent, and said seriously.

"That's right, Xiao Chen, if you dare to bully Miao Miao, don't blame me for not recognizing your son." Mu Ying also hurriedly said.

Ye Xingchen felt a chill in his heart, after co-authoring the showdown, he really picked it up, which made him very innocent.

Wang Shengnan may have seen Ye Xingchen's thoughts, so he shifted the firepower slightly to Lin Miaomiao's side.

"How do you say that? Xiaochen is such a good kid. It was Lin Miaomiao who bullied him, so he was reluctant to bully Miaomiao, right Xiaochen."

Sure enough, Aunt Katsunan knew him best. He was so moved that he wanted to cry now. If there weren't so many people, Ye Xingchen would definitely go up and give her a big hug.

But Lin Miaomiao, who was still giggling just now, was a little displeased when she heard Wang Shengnan speak ill of herself again, and then she quietly reached out and touched Ye Xingchen's waist and twisted it hard.


Mu Ying, who was taken aback, frowned and looked at him displeasedly, "Ye Xingchen, what are you yelling?"

Lin Miaomiao put her little hands on the table again, and kept stuffing things into her mouth, pretending to be nonchalant.

"I, I..." Ye Xingchen, who was already in pain, was scolded again, and his body and mind were greatly hurt, but he still couldn't say it out.

At this time, Wang Shengnan seemed to see the clue, she glared at Lin Miaomiao, and then said softly to Ye Xingchen: "Xiao Chen, did Lin Miaomiao bully you, tell auntie, and auntie will decide for you."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao's threatening eyes and said quickly, "No, I did it myself."

This scene was watched by the parents on both sides. Since Ye Xingchen was protecting Lin Miaomiao, Wang Shengnan didn't continue talking.

When the dishes were almost ready, everyone basically had dinner, and occasionally chatted with Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao. When did the two of them like each other? On the other hand, Lin Miaomiao ate this meal very awkwardly, she just hoped that it would be over soon and go home to sleep.


From then on, Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi prepared for the provincial exam with peace of mind, while Lin Miaomiao studied hard at school

, The relationship between Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi has also made a qualitative leap.In short, everyone is developing in a good direction.

After a month of fermentation, Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi successfully passed the provincial competition and advanced to the top 60. Some schools also extended olive branches to them, but they were all rejected because their goal was to be the top in the country. the University.

During this period, Ye Xingchen also sent Ling Long a condolence WeChat message, and got the news that she was also among the 60 places, and the next step was to go to the summer camp for a week together.

There is a test every two days. The first day is mainly to familiarize yourself with the place and pack your luggage. The second day is the first group test. Every question here is a scoring standard, so Ye Xingchen can feel every The nervousness of the students, including Qian Sanyi, is no exception. After all, those who can come here are top talents from various high schools in China, who are at the same level or even higher than their own level.

Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi simply greeted Ling Long, and then went to prepare for tomorrow's exam.

At night, Qian Sanyi asked worriedly in the room: "The time given for three exams in 7 days is too tight. I can't do a few practice questions at all."

Ye Xingchen chatted with Lin Miaomiao while watching the short video, not worried about tomorrow's exam at all.

Qian Sanyi picked up the pillow next to him and threw it over.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback: "Qian Sanyi, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"You didn't answer when I talked to you. Didn't I call you?" Qian Sanyi replied with a trembling smile.

"I heard it, you think the organizing committee gave you this period to let you brush up on the questions, it's for you to relax, sometimes it makes your brain less nervous, and it will have a miraculous effect during the exam." Ye Xingchen said After I finished, I went to watch the short video on my own.

Qian Sanyi complained angrily: "Do you think anyone is as evil as you? We mediocre people can only rely on hard work, but you are talented. It's really unfair."

"No, I said Qian Sanyi, do you dare to repeat this sentence in our school radio station, it will be strange if the boys in the school don't kill you." Ye Xingchen heard Qian Sanyi's "words of tiger and wolf". Can't stop talking.

"Killing is also killing you, you are better than me." After Qian Sanyi finished speaking, he ignored him, picked up the advanced mathematics book next to him and read it again.

Ye Xingchen saw that he was so ignorant and didn't continue to talk to him. The two of them were busy with their own, one was studying and the other was playing. If you want to divide the room, split it from the middle of the bed. Ye Xingchen's side is the leisure and entertainment area. On the other side of Trinity is the study area, and the well water on both sides does not interfere with the river water.

Maybe it was because I was tired of watching short videos, Ye Xingchen suddenly said: "What you said just now is not completely wrong, one thing is right, God is really unfair. If you have to say why I am so strong, it is because I may be It’s God’s darling.”

Qian Sanyi was taken aback by his sudden words, he really didn't understand the special meaning of this sentence.


Silent all night.

Soon everyone ushered in the first exam. From the moment Qian Sanyi got the test paper, he knew that he might really stop here, because the logic of the questions was more rigorous, and it was difficult to grasp the key points.

Ye Xingchen also felt that there was indeed something to the questions this time, but there were not many things. It took about 10 minutes to scan all the questions, and he generally had an idea, so he wrote directly.

After the two came out of the examination room, the teacher hurried over to ask about their situation.

Qian Sanyi sighed and said honestly: "That's enough, this question is too difficult, I guess I haven't finished the next logical question, and I didn't do the other one directly, and I'm not sure about the previous one."

"It's okay, it's pretty good to be here, and the other participating students may not be better than you, just try your best." Zhao Rongbao comforted.

Then he asked about Ye Xingchen's situation: "How about you, how did you do in the exam, the same as Qian Sanyi?"

"There is indeed something wrong with this question." Ye Xingchen said and paused here.

Zhao Rongbao and Liu Ying urged: "Then, keep talking, I'm so anxious."

"There are a few things, and there are only a few things. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a waste of time for me." Ye Xingchen said with a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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