Chapter 163 First
Teacher Liu Ying: "You're not kidding, are you?"

"No, to be honest, the questions this time are indeed more difficult than the previous ones, but that's all." Ye Xingchen said with a faint smile.

"Okay then, let's see your ranking after the end."

"Let's wait and see."


The 7 days passed quickly, and it was time for the results to come out. Qian Sanyi obviously looked nervous, and Ye Xingchen couldn't help teasing him: "Hey, why are you so nervous? If you don't get good grades, can't you still get a recommended place for your ideal university?"

"What do you know, if there is a better one, of course you have to choose a better one." Qian Sanyi became angry when he saw Ye Xingchen, a full man who didn't know how hungry a hungry man was.

"Sure enough, people's hearts will never be satisfied." Ye Xingchen pretended to look up at the sky at 45 degrees.

Qian Sanyi resisted the urge to smash the dog's head and said through gritted teeth: "Damn, you can really pretend."

He thought to himself: It means that he can't fight, otherwise he would have done it long ago.

Soon the teachers of the summer camp began to announce the results, and Ye Xingchen won No.1 without any suspense.Qian Sanyi was a little behind in his results and got 45th place.Seeing that Ling Long was in the 30th place, Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone and sent her a blessing: "Congratulations on getting the 30th place."

Ling Long: "Congratulations? Is it appropriate for you to be No.1 to congratulate me?"

Ye Xingchen: "It's appropriate, whoever says they are first can't congratulate others."

Ling Long: "You can, but it feels like you're mocking me."

Ye Xingchen: "...I said sister, there is really no such thing, you misunderstood me. Crying.jpg"

At this time, Ling Long was in his room looking at the chat records between himself and Ye Xingchen on the screen of his mobile phone, and couldn't help laughing.

She typed with both hands again: "Just kidding, I received your kindness, and I also congratulate you for being the first. You... are amazing!"

Ye Xingchen looked at this sentence and returned directly: "Small meaning."

Ling Long: "Have you always been so shameless?"

Ye Xingchen: "..."


Zhao Rongbao was almost overjoyed when he saw the results of the two of them, especially Ye Xingchen, who won the championship directly, which really gave the elite middle school a lot of face.As long as this result is announced online, people from Tsinghua University and Peking University rush to come to the school to be important.

Sure enough, on the second day after Ye Xingchen returned home, the two schools of Tsinghua University and Peking University called respectively, and put forward very sincere conditions.

The conditions of the two schools are similar and generous, exempting all tuition and miscellaneous fees, giving a part of the bonus, and living in a luxurious teacher's apartment for free.

Obviously, Ye Xingchen didn't have much interest in these rewards, and he didn't reject them directly, but said that he had to discuss it with his parents.

Then that night I talked with my parents about this issue.

Ye Bowen sat on the sofa and put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "You have grown up, you can decide these things yourself, no matter what you choose, Dad will support you."

Mu Ying also said next to him: "Your father is right, you can decide your own affairs. Since you entered high school, your performance has made us feel much more at ease. Tsinghua University and Peking University are similar, but what mother wants to say Yes, if you go, you may be separated from Miaomiao for a short time, I think you should discuss it with Miaomiao."

When Ye Xingchen heard that his parents gave him this choice, he was also moved. In fact, this time he wanted to tell his parents that he wanted to give up the opportunity to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and wanted to be with Miaomiao and everyone. Live a full high school life.

But now it seems that he was worrying too much, Ye Xingchen looked at them and said seriously: "Thank you, Mom and Dad. I will talk to Miaomiao about it tomorrow."

Then he went back to his room, leaving Ye Bowen and Mu Ying outside.

At this time, Ye Bowen looked at Ye Xingchen's closed door, then turned his head to Mu Ying and said, "I knew that Xiaochen had made up his mind a long time ago, and he won't leave Miaomiao."

"Oh, so, as parents, we can only give advice to our children, not make decisions for them. In fact, I don't want my children to go to college so early. Humans still have to go step by step. If any step is missing, I won't do it. I want him to spend a full high school life." Mu Ying said with emotion.

"It seems that we have thought of going together." Ye Bowen said with a smile.


...a night without words

After the news of Ye Xingchen's escort was announced, all the girls in the school almost exploded.

When Lin Miaomiao first arrived at school today, she heard a classmate say that both Qian Sanyi and Ye Xingchen had been recommended for admission.

She couldn't help asking: "You just said, what happened to Qian Sanyi and Ye Xingchen?"

Classmate A: "Don't you know? Qian Sanyi was recommended by Yenching University, and Ye Shen was directly scrambled by two schools of Tsinghua University and Peking University."

At this moment, Ye Xingchen entered the classroom slowly. When the students saw Ye Xingchen coming, they all stepped forward to congratulate him on getting the recommended spot this time, and asked him to sign for themselves, which made Ye Xingchen a little overwhelmed of.

When the whole class was happy for Ye Xingchen, Lin Miaomiao seemed particularly helpless in the back.

When Ye Xingchen was escorted, it stands to reason that Lin Miaomiao should be happy for him, but for some reason she couldn't be happy. When she saw Ye Xingchen looking at her, she tried to force herself to pretend to be happy.

Ye Xingchen also returned a smile.

During class, both of them felt extra awkward today, as if there was a gap.

It wasn't until after the two of them went to the broadcasting station this afternoon that Lin Miaomiao said: "Congratulations, Ye Xingchen, you were successfully admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. Have you... decided where to go?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head: "No."

"Oh, tell me when you think it over, so I can celebrate for you." Lin Miaomiao suppressed the reluctance in her heart and tried to make herself laugh.

"it is good."

Just as the two of them packed up their things and were about to go back, Lin Miaomiao suddenly said that she had something missing and asked Ye Xingchen to go out and wait for him as soon as they arrived at the door.

Ye Xingchen didn't think much about it, and helped Lin Miaomiao take off her schoolbag, and then went to the parking shed to wait for Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao ran to the entrance of the radio station, took out the key of the radio station, turned on the computer again, picked up the microphone, picked out a song she liked and played it.

"Seniors in the third year of high school, in a few days, you will take off and soar! There are times when we get together, and there are times when we say goodbye. In the memory of youth and ignorance, we learn and grow together. Here, on behalf of my juniors and younger sisters, I present to you a A song, let it accompany you through the last dozens of days of high school life. This is my personal favorite song, no matter when and where, as long as its melody sounds, I hope we can remember from the depths of our memory, Think back to this moment today." At the end, her voice was slightly melancholy.

(End of this chapter)

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