The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 164 Ye Xingchen, I Can't Part You

Chapter 164 Ye Xingchen, I Can't Part You

The students who were studying for self-study heard it, and they all flocked to the corridor. Their reaction was extremely strong, causing the whole school to sing in chorus.Jiang Tianhao, who was not training in the playground, looked up at the teaching building, just witnessed the spectacular panorama, took out his mobile phone from his coat pocket and recorded a short video - no matter how strict the school's supervision is, Jiang Tianhao couldn't prevent Jiang Tianhao from buying another mobile phone.

Lin Miaomiao in the broadcasting room heard the response from all the students in the school, and her heart was ups and downs.The students all knew that Lin Miaomiao's song was played for Ye Xingchen, and she also knew that she might really have to leave the radio station completely this time, but it didn't matter anymore. It's not that I let myself yearn so much.

Ye Xingchen's heart skipped a beat when he heard the music.

He patted himself on the head and said: "Damn, I'm such a yellow fish brain, how could I forget this one."

After finishing speaking, he put down his schoolbag and quickly ran to the radio station.

After coming to the broadcasting room, he took the microphone: "Students, let us cheer for the seniors together! Let us remember this night, remember the past years, and have good expectations for the future!"

Lin Miaomiao stared at him blankly: "You shouldn't call them seniors."

Ye Xingchen looked at her angrily: "Lin Miaomiao, you might really be fired from the radio station for doing this."

Lin Miaomiao turned her head and looked out the window, trying hard not to shed tears: "You're not here anymore, it's meaningless for me to be here by myself."

Ye Xingchen looked at her blankly: "Miao Miao, you..."

"I'm fine, I'm happy for you." Lin Miaomiao turned her back and wiped her tears with her clothes.

Ye Xingchen didn't make any unnecessary movements, and stood by the side waiting for Lin Miaomiao to feel better before the two returned home.

When Mu Ying came back, she saw Lin Miaomiao who was not in a good mood just going upstairs, so she hurriedly asked Ye Xingchen: "What's wrong with Miaomiao, did you bully her?"

"I didn't, but today she heard that I was recommended, so..." Ye Xingchen explained the reason to his mother.

Mu Ying frowned: "So which one have you chosen?"

"Mom, I'm going to continue preparing for the college entrance examination, and I want to finish high school with Miaomiao." Ye Xingchen expressed the most sincere thoughts in his heart.

Hearing this, Mu Ying smiled again: "Didn't I say that last night? You have grown up, and you can make all your own decisions. Since you decided to finish high school with Miaomiao, then Just find a chance to tell her, don't let other girls feel sad about you all day long."

"I see, I'll tell her tonight."

"Okay, then I'll cook the ribs for you."

"Thank you mom."

"This child, why are you being polite to your mother?"

Ye Xingchen packed a spare rib in advance this night and put it in an insulated lunch box.He took out his mobile phone and sent Lin Miaomiao a message.

Ye Xingchen: "Are you asleep?"

After a while Lin Miaomiao replied, "No."

Ye Xingchen: "Are you full?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Fortunately, I don't have much appetite today, so I only drank a bowl of porridge."

Ye Xingchen: "Surprised.jpg, you only drank a bowl of porridge today, something is wrong, this is not you, who are you, return my Miaomiao quickly."

Lin Miaomiao put her angry hands on the screen and typed frantically: "Ye Xingchen, are you stupid?"

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw the message from Lin Miaomiao.

He returned to the topic and typed: "Well... I'll wait for you downstairs, come down quickly."

Lin Miaomiao: "It's past 10 o'clock, what are you doing?"

Ye Xingchen: "You'll know when you come down. I'll give you 10 minutes. If you don't come down, I'll knock on your door."

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes angrily when she saw the news from Ye Xingchen. She had no choice but to put on her shoes, and tiptoed to her parents' room to see if the two were asleep. After making sure they were both asleep, Lin Miaomiao took them away. The key opened the door, closed it gently, and then quickly went down the stairs.

When she got out of the stairs, she saw Ye Xingchen under the streetlight of the community.

"Ye Xingchen, why are you looking for me when you don't sleep at night?"

"Miaomiao, why are you so fast." Ye Xingchen asked in surprise when he saw Lin Miaomiao coming out so quickly.

"Didn't you say hurry up? Fortunately, my parents are both asleep, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get out. Why hurry up?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

Ye Xingchen took out the spare ribs that he had prepared earlier and handed them to Lin Miaomiao, and said, "Didn't you not eat, Nuo, I left you a copy of my mother's spare ribs today. Let's go, there is a friend in the community." Benches and lights, let's go there."

Before Lin Miaomiao agreed, Ye Xingchen dragged her to the Changwai.

"Hey, slow down."

After arriving, Lin Miaomiao opened the lunch box and asked suspiciously, "You packed this in advance?"

Ye Xingchen nodded: "Yes, it's specially reserved for you."

Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise, "You guessed that I didn't have dinner before you packed it."

"Uh...not really, I feel that whether you finish your meal doesn't affect you to finish it." After thinking for a while, Ye Xingchen said honestly.

Although Ye Xingchen's subtext was to say that she was especially good at eating, Lin Miaomiao was not angry either. She looked at Ye Xingchen and said seriously: "Thank you, but I really don't have much appetite."

She closed the lid and put the lunch box aside, then continued, "Did you ask me to come out to let me eat ribs?"

Ye Xingchen knew the reason for Lin Miaomiao's lack of appetite, so he said, "There is one more important thing to tell you."

Lin Miaomiao was suddenly very nervous, she was stunned for a while and asked with a smile: "What is important, I have to talk about it today."

"About escort."

"Guaranteed? Oh. You...have you chosen which school?" Lin Miaomiao asked tremblingly.

Seeing her like this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing and said, "Miaomiao, do you want me to go?"

"Of course I don't want..." Lin Miaomiao blurted out almost subconsciously.

Perhaps because she realized that her words were wrong, Lin Miaomiao added: "I mean, although I can't bear to part with you, you managed to get this recommended spot, so..."

"So you want me to go?"

Lin Miaomiao knew that she couldn't be so selfish, but her reluctance overwhelmed her reason.She hugged Ye Xingchen fiercely, and burst into tears with a whoosh.

"Ye Xingchen, I don't want to leave you."

Ye Xingchen also hugged her slowly, and whispered in her ear: "Fool, after holding back for a day, you finally spoke your mind?"

"I...I know...I might...may be selfish. But I...really miss you." Lin Miaomiao cried uncomfortably, and she couldn't speak clearly.

"I know, so that's what I'm going to tell you today. I don't plan to go. I want to take the college entrance examination with you."

(End of this chapter)

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