The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 165 I Want to Accompany You Through Three Years of High School

Chapter 165 I Want to Accompany You Through Three Years of High School

Lin Miaomiao stopped crying, she looked up at Ye Xingchen: "You...are you not going?"

Ye Xingchen nodded his head and said softly: "I'm not going, it's just a recommended place, I'm not rare. Didn't I say that the other day, my dream is to protect your dreams, so that you can go through high school safely and happily Life."

Looking at Ye Xingchen's serious eyes, Lin Miaomiao knew that he was not joking, but after all, it was a quota for Tsinghua University and Peking University, which ordinary people could not hope for in a lifetime.But Ye Xingchen gave up when he said he would give up, and Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"But this is..."

Ye Xingchen interrupted Lin Miaomiao's words with his index finger between Lin Miaomiao's lips.

"No but, because I don't want to...leave you either."

When Lin Miaomiao heard what he said, she had already stopped her tears and let go of her tears. She hugged Ye Xingchen tightly, and wept loudly in his arms.

Ye Xingchen just hugged her quietly, without saying anything, he knew that saying anything now was superfluous.

The haze in Lin Miaomiao's heart was swept away, and she laughed while crying, but she still looked like she was crying.

This made Ye Xingchen a little confused. Could this be the legendary cry of joy?

After a while, Lin Miaomiao in her arms suddenly became quiet. Ye Xingchen looked down, and at some point, Lin Miaomiao was tired from crying and fell asleep.

"It seems that I'm really tired, alas." Seeing Lin Miaomiao sleeping soundly in his arms, Ye Xingchen didn't bother to wake her up.

He gently picked up Lin Miaomiao and walked slowly towards the house.

Because it's already at this point, Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan should both be asleep, so they can only deal with it at home for one night.Um!It was definitely not intentional not to send it back. (The dog's head is safe.)
Ye Xingchen was still thinking about how to open the door. After all, if he took out the key, he would put Lin Miaomiao down, but if he did, Lin Miaomiao might wake up.Just when he was worried, the door opened by himself at this time, and Ye Xingchen saw that it was his mother.

So Ye Xingchen whispered: "Mom? Why did you come out?"

"I saw that you went out with your lunch box and didn't come back for so long. I wondered where you could go at night. What are you?" Mu Ying saw Miao Miao in Ye Xingchen's arms at a glance.

"Shh, she's asleep. I'll put her down first, and I'll explain to you later." After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he carried Lin Miaomiao and walked straight to the guest room. His mother didn't dare to put Lin Miaomiao in his arms. Miao put it in his room.

Ye Xingchen put Lin Miaomiao behind and covered her with a quilt, and then went to the living room to meet his mother's interrogation.

"Have Miao Miao settled down?" Mu Ying asked immediately after seeing her son come out.

"Well, I'm tired of crying and fell asleep." Ye Xingchen sat down calmly and said.

As soon as Mu Ying heard that Miaomiao was crying, her face immediately became tense: "Tired from crying? Are you bullying Miaomiao again?"

"Mom, I'm not willing to bully her, shouldn't you care about me more, now she's almost becoming your own daughter." Ye Xingchen complained dissatisfied.

Mu Ying: "What do you have to care about? You are already such a big boy, and your grandfather was married when you were your age. Come on, stop talking nonsense, and tell me what happened to Miaomiao."

Ye Xingchen sighed lightly, if Lin Miaomiao suffered a little grievance after marrying, she would be gone.

"It's still a matter of escorting, Miaomiao... she is reluctant to let me go. I spent a long time coaxing her to finish, and now I'm tired of crying and fell asleep."

"You didn't tell her you're not going?" Mu Ying asked suspiciously.

"Of course I said it, otherwise how could I coax it well?"

Mu Ying looked at Ye Xingchen and found that he wasn't lying, so she said, "Okay, you should go to bed early too, you have class tomorrow."

"Okay, I see Mom, I'll go to bed now, and you should go to bed early too."

Ye Xingchen returned to his room and lay on the bed for a long time unable to fall asleep, because now the plot has completely deviated from the main line because of his arrival, and Qian Sanyi will not stay because of Lin Miaomiao this time.

Suddenly Ye Xingchen thought that Lin Dawei seemed to have changed jobs not long after moving, and then took the blame for others.

Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone again, clicked on the plot of Boys Pi, and wanted to get the time information from it.But I can only get an approximate time, which is after everyone saw Qian Sanyi off.

If it was as Ye Xingchen thought, after this week's meeting, he might have an opportunity to discuss with Lin Miaomiao, but how to bring this topic to the fore?
Ye Xingchen came to the computer and looked up the leather bag company based on the company's name and location mentioned in the play.He also hacked into the internal system, and could clearly see the company's funds entering and disbursing, which really allowed Ye Xingchen to find out the clues.

When Ye Xingchen sat on the seat and spun around thinking about how to chat with Lin Dawei, he brought up the topic.

After thinking about it for a while, I still had no idea, so I just went to bed and went to bed first. After all, there is still some time before the plot unfolds, so just wait and see. Lin Dawei’s job change will definitely let Wang Shengnan know, and then I will find Miao. It's good to just mention it casually when playing Miao, and after thinking about it, Ye Xingchen closed his eyes and entered the dream.

Nothing in the night

The next morning Ye Xingchen got up early at 5:30 and went to Lin Miaomiao's room to wake her up.

"Miaomiao woke up, hurry home, or if your mother finds out that you slept at my house, we'll both be over."

Lin Miaomiao said in a daze, "Don't make trouble, I will sleep for a while, just for a while."

Ye Xingchen checked the time. It was 5:40. At this point, Wang Shengnan should have woken up and made breakfast for Lin Miaomiao.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao who was still sleeping, Ye Xingchen directly activated the killer weapon: "Lin Miaomiao, I made you your favorite spicy crayfish, sweet and sour pork ribs, fish-flavored shredded pork, and There is your favorite elbow. I will eat it all if you don’t get up.”

When Lin Miaomiao heard what Ye Xingchen said, her ears moved first, then she straightened her ears, put on her slippers, and walked out of the room slowly with her eyes closed.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's series of operations, Ye Xingchen patted his head. Sure enough, the temptation of food can directly drive Lin Miaomiao's body. As for the soul, leave it to me.Hey Hey!
Ye Xingchen came to Lin Miaomiao's side, and whispered in her ear: "Miaomiao, why did you come out without any clothes on?"

"Clothes? Ah... stinky rascal." Lin Miaomiao's soul returned to her place in an instant.

She squatted on the ground with her arms crossed, still scolding Ye Xingchen: "Ye Xingchen, you pervert, why did you come to my house?"

Ye Xingchen was speechless: "I said big sister, take a good look, this is at my house, and, I lied to you, your clothes are well dressed."

 Thank you for your monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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