Chapter 167

Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi are deadly rivals. She originally hated Qian Sanyi very much. It can be said that it is a good thing for her that Qian Sanyi is gone. Maybe it is because she thought of the fact that Ye Xingchen was escorted two days ago , She also suddenly cried without warning.

Lin Miaomiao seemed to be the fuse. When she cried, Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help crying. Jiang Tianhao turned his back at this time and didn't want everyone to see him cry. Only Ye Xingchen couldn't see the happiness on his face. sad.

Qian Sanyi was slightly taken aback: "Why are you crying, it's a good thing that I was escorted, what are you doing?"

Ye Xingchen also hurriedly came out to comfort him at this time: "That's right, Qian Sanyi just left, not died. We came to see him off, not to pay homage. Can you stop making the atmosphere so sad. Still With you, Jiang Tianhao, it's okay for two girls to cry, but what a big man you are just joining in the fun."

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing when she heard Ye Xingchen's words, and said angrily, "Brother Chen, you think everyone is like you, you have a heart of stone."

Jiang Tianhao: "That's right, Qian Sanyi is my good brother, I..."

"It's alright, alright, let's pull it over, don't show it to me. The crying scene is over, let's order and eat." Ye Xingchen hurriedly interrupted, he hated the chattering when parting, maybe he was saying I can't bear it even if I go down...

"By the way...Brother Chen, have you really given up the chance to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University?" Deng Xiaoqi asked suddenly.

Ye Xingchen said angrily: "Give up, why are you asking this, drive me away?"

Deng Xiaoqi quickly waved her hand: "No, no, I'm just very surprised, after all, it's..."

"What is that? That's it. Don't say it if you give up. Qian Sanyi is gone and you are all like this. Once I leave, you will faint from crying."

Hehe ^_^!You are shameless, you are the strongest.

In the past, when everyone ate together, they were all very happy, fighting and bickering, but today it was unusually quiet, and even Lin Miaomiao, who was the most edible, basically didn't move a few mouthfuls.

"Hey, let me tell you, I've cried too much. I'll send you a meal. I'll send you a meal. How can I send you off if you don't eat? Don't waste food, okay? It's very expensive." Seeing everyone like this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but frowned.

"Brother Chen is right, everyone, don't just be in a daze, I will take the lead in launching the CD-ROM operation." Qian Sanyi also felt that the atmosphere was not good, so he quickly took the lead.

Maybe it's because she's hungry. Lin Miaomiao saw that today's protagonist has said so, so she didn't continue to hold it. She regained her previous combat effectiveness. Ye Xingchen kept picking up food for her, saying that food can relieve her mood. Look at it this way It's really useful.

Jiang Tianhao proposed at this time: "Let's raise a glass together and see off our good friend and comrade-in-arms Qian Sanyi. If you leave Qian Sanyi, I will be left alone in the science class. Then I will have no opponent in physics." .”

Qian Sanyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he stood up and raised his glass and said, "Then congratulations to you."

Ye Xingchen, Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi also hurriedly got up and clinked glasses with him. Everyone sent a few words of blessing and drank it down in one gulp.

The farewell was of course drinking, but after all, there were two girls, Ye Xingchen who knew Lin Miaomiao's drinking capacity, and stopped when she drank almost two bottles.

"Miaomiao, you can't drink any more."

Lin Miaomiao was unmoved: "Why, this guy is leaving soon, it's hard to justify not drinking."

Ye Xingchen: "It's okay for Qian Sanyi to be unreasonable, but if you get drunk again, I really can't justify being with my uncle and aunt."

When Deng Xiaoqi heard Ye Xingchen say this, she immediately grasped the point as usual: "I? Listen to what you said, you got Miao Miao drunk."

"That's right, Brother Chen, why did you get Miaomiao drunk? It couldn't be..." Jiang Tianhao smiled meanly.

"Fuck off, Jiang Tianhao, can you stop being so dirty in your mind?" Lin Miaomiao immediately swears when she sees Jiang Tianhao making such a joke about herself.

"Calm down, it's wrong for a Miaomiao girl to swear." Ye Xingchen patted her head to calm him down.

"But he..." Lin Miaomiao pointed at Jiang Tianhao and said aggrievedly.

"Hey, don't cry, I'll just find a chance to beat him up."

As soon as Jiang Tianhao heard that he was going to be beaten, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Hey, hey, beating is not recommended. It hurts self-esteem, not to mention that seeing blood is not good on this day."

Qian Sanyi said with a smirk: "It's okay, I don't mind, let's see some blood and celebrate."

"You're too much, I can't bear to part with you."

"Hahaha just kidding."

Although there was a small episode in the middle, everyone returned to the way they were fighting and squabbling before, and the sad atmosphere that had just settled was swept away.

After eating, the five went to a nearby ktv to sing songs all afternoon, and it was not until evening that everyone proposed to go home.


A few days later, Qian Sanyi packed his things and went to Yanda Junior Class.

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao went to and from school as usual.That day Lin Miaomiao suddenly told Ye Xingchen to invite him to her home for dinner after school.

Ye Xingchen was very puzzled why he suddenly invited himself to his house for dinner and asked, "Um, is today a special day?"

Lin Miaomiao said proudly: "My dad has been promoted to vice president, and his salary has doubled, so my mom cooked us some delicious food today to celebrate. I'll think of you if there's any delicious food, don't hesitate to boast I."

Ye Xingchen's heart skipped a beat, and his smiling face just now changed instantly. He didn't expect that Lin Dawei had switched jobs now, no, he had to tell his uncle clearly tonight, since he knew the plot, he couldn't let this kind of tragedy happen again up.

"What's the matter, why are you not happy to hear that my dad has been promoted?" Lin Miaomiao felt very puzzled when she saw Ye Xingchen's face change.

"I didn't, I just thought of something suddenly. By the way, Miaomiao, let's go back quickly. I can't wait to eat the meal my aunt cooked." Ye Xingchen urged.

"Tch, when did you become so greedy?"

"It's been a long time since I ate." Ye Xingchen scratched his head.

"Then let's go." Lin Miaomiao got on her bicycle and took the lead.

Ye Xingchen then followed.

After arriving at his home, Ye Xingchen went home first to say hello, and then followed Lin Miaomiao upstairs.

Ye Xingchen asked: "Isn't it a bit abrupt for me to come here suddenly for dinner?"

"What's so sudden, you're not an outsider, and besides, my mother treats you closer than me, so she doesn't care about it." Lin Miaomiao replied.

"Okay. Let's go then."

Lin Miaomiao came to the door and took out the key to open the door.

"Mom, I'm back."

"Got it, I'll eat in a while, you go wash your hands first." Wang Shengnan's voice came from the kitchen.

After Lin Miaomiao put down her schoolbag, she ran into the kitchen and said, "Mom, you cook more later, Ye Xingchen is here too."

Wang Shengnan took a few steps back and looked into the living room, just in time to see Ye Xingchen standing outside.

"Xiao Chen is here, you should wash your hands with Miao Miao first, and you will eat here later."

(End of this chapter)

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