Chapter 168 Are you loose?

"Thank you auntie."

"You child, why are you being polite to me? Miaomiao, go and wash some fruit for Xiaochen." Wang Shengnan ordered.

"Understood the queen mother." Lin Miaomiao reluctantly agreed.

After leaving the kitchen, Lin Miaomiao glared at Ye Xingchen, as if saying that she saw what you did.

Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that he was very innocent. He obviously had done nothing, but he was going to lie down.

Lin Miaomiao took out the grapes that Wang Shengnan just bought today from the refrigerator, went to the kitchen to wash them carefully, and secretly ate them while washing herself. Finally, Wang Shengnan who was beside him couldn't stand it any longer:
"Lin Miaomiao, can you stop being so greedy, wash it and take it out to eat with Xiaochen."

Lin Miaomiao was not happy when she said this: "What's so fierce, I'll try to see if it's delicious."

"You have tasted it like this, I almost tasted it."

"Cut, why don't I take it out to the old man outside, Ye Xingchen, I know Ye Xingchen."

Lin Miaomiao came to the living room angrily, put the grapes in front of Ye Xingchen with a bang, and said, "I'll eat it for you. If you can't finish eating, you will die."

Ye Xingchen was a bit puzzled by the monk: "That Miao Miao, I didn't make you angry, did I?"

"I still said no, it's all your fault, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been scolded." Lin Miaomiao bit her lips lightly, feeling aggrieved, giving people a feeling that if I get it, I will take pity on it.

"Uh, can't blame me, I didn't do anything? How about I leave?" Ye Xingchen was a little at a loss.

"No, my mother will scold me again after you leave." Lin Miaomiao directly refused.

Ye Xingchen looked down at the grapes on the plate, then carefully looked at Lin Miaomiao and said, "Then should I eat the grapes or not?"

"Hmph, Wang Shengnan asked me to wash it for you, don't ask me if you like it or not."

Seeing the way Lin Miaomiao looked at the grapes, Ye Xingchen almost knew what to do. He picked up the biggest one and brought it to Lin Miaomiao's mouth.

"No, I'll give you the biggest one."

Lin Miaomiao swallowed it without politeness, chewing happily.

"Hmph, you're wise, I forgive you for now, hurry up and continue feeding me. Ah!" Lin Miaomiao said arrogantly.

"Haha, then you have to pick it up." Ye Xingchen picked up one and aimed it, then threw it out.

"Hurry up, I'm ready."

"I'll throw it." Ye Xingchen took aim and threw it lightly, and sent it into Lin Miaomiao's mouth with precision.

After Lin Miaomiao caught it, she quickly chewed a few times and swallowed, then opened her small mouth again.

Since she wanted to play, Ye Xingchen played with her. With Ye Xingchen's precise throwing and Lin Miaomiao's outrageous perception of food, none of them fell to the ground, and all of them were caught in his mouth. , a plate of grapes has bottomed out, and Ye Xingchen realized that he just patronized and played with Miaomiao, and he didn't eat any of them.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao still preparing to continue, Ye Xingchen suddenly thought of a fun idea. He picked up the grape as before, aimed and threw it.

Lin Miaomiao then went to pick it up, and suddenly found that she had picked up a lonely, nothing, and then she looked down and saw Ye Xingchen ate it by himself, and couldn't help being angry for a while.

"Ye Xingchen, do you want to die?"

"I just fed you, I didn't eat any of it myself. It's not fun at all. Unless... you come to feed me." Ye Xingchen leaned in front of Lin Miaomiao and smiled.

Lin Miaomiao didn't refuse after hearing this, she picked up one and said, "Open your mouth, ah."

Ye Xingchen opened his mouth after hearing her words, and Lin Miaomiao slowly put the grape into his mouth.Just when she was about to withdraw her hand, Ye Xingchen suddenly stepped forward to gently wrap her fingers around her, and bit down on it.

Lin Miaomiao was startled by Ye Xingchen's move: "Ah, what are you doing?"

Wang Shengnan turned his head when he heard the voice outside and asked, "What's wrong with Miaomiao?"

"It's okay, I've eaten all the grapes." Lin Miaomiao quickly explained.

"I'll go get it after I eat it up, it's not like I'm not there, I'm surprised."

Seeing that Wang Shengnan didn't continue to pay attention here, Lin Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ye Xingchen, let go, you're biting me." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

"Hmph." Ye Xingchen couldn't speak because he bit Lin Miaomiao's finger, so he could only shake his head.

Seeing his rascal appearance, Lin Miaomiao felt helpless and said, "If you don't let go, I'll call someone."

Ye Xingchen nodded, looking at his appearance, he was sure that Lin Miaomiao didn't dare to call anyone.

"Then tell me, how can you let go." Lin Miaomiao was completely defeated by him, so she had to compromise.

Ye Xingchen blinked at her cutely, and gently tapped his face with his own hand.

Lin Miaomiao instantly understood what he meant. She nervously looked at Wang Shengnan in the kitchen and said angrily, "No, I will be found out."

Ye Xingchen spread his hands and said, since you don't agree, then forget it, anyway, I will not let go, let's see who can't help it first.

After Lin Miaomiao struggled for a while, she sighed lightly and agreed to Ye Xingchen's terms. She said seriously, "I'll let you go when I kiss you. It's a puppy who deceives people."

Ye Xingchen nodded quickly.

Lin Miaomiao blushed, leaned over and tapped Ye Xingchen's right cheek, and then immediately separated. She looked at the kitchen again with guilt, saw that Wang Shengnan was still cooking, and then breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Ye Xingchen again and whispered. Said: "This is the head office, you can let me go."

Ye Xingchen loosened his teeth, and Lin Miaomiao quickly pulled out her fingers, still glistening with saliva.

"Hey, it's disgusting." Lin Miaomiao wiped Ye Xingchen's body in disgust, and said angrily when she saw the tooth marks on her hand, "Look at the deep tooth marks you bit me. "

Ye Xingchen also counterattacked unceremoniously: "When someone bites me, he bites me a lot more than I do."

"You!! Humph, believe it or not, I'll bite you right now."

"Nonono! You dare not."

"See if I dare."

Just when Lin Miaomiao was about to pounce on Ye Xingchen's shoulder and take a bite, Lin Dawei also came back from get off work.After Lin Miaomiao heard the sound of the door opening, she quickly returned to her seat and sat down, then said hello:

"Dad, you are back."

Ye Xingchen also stood up and said, "Hello, Uncle."

"Xiaochen is here, sit down quickly, you don't have to be so polite when you come to uncle's house, we will be a family from now on."

It can be seen that Lin Dawei is really in a good mood today, with a smile on his face since he entered the door.

"Uncle is in a good mood today. I heard from Miaomiao that you are going to be promoted to vice president. Congratulations." Ye Xingchen brought the topic here without any hesitation. After all, today's task is to help Lin Dawei escape from this trap.

(End of this chapter)

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