Chapter 169 Showdown
"Well, there is a company poaching me, but I haven't considered whether to change jobs. After all, I am in another place, Fuzhou. If I go, I am afraid that your aunt Shengnan will not be able to take care of Miaomiao." Lin Dawei came Sit down under the sofa and pick up the empty cup to prepare tea.

Ye Xingchen got up and quickly picked it up and said, "Uncle, you just got off work and sit down for a rest. I'll be fine."

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Xiaochen." Lin Dawei didn't refuse, and gave him the cup directly.

Ye Xingchen placed the tea carefully, and the quantity was just right, which made Lin Dawei look a little impressed. He didn't expect Ye Xingchen to know so much about tea.

Lin Miaomiao who was beside her was not idle either, she did not forget to pass the hot water to Ye Xingchen.

"Dad, why are you hesitating? You don't want to miss such a good opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune. Don't worry about me. I'm not a child anymore, and my grades are very stable, I can only advance and never retreat."

"Actually, I'm also very excited. It's just that I'm far away from home, and I can't come back often. The salary is much better than mine." Lin Dawei sincerely wanted to work there.

"Uncle, can you tell me the name of that company?" Ye Xingchen asked intentionally.

Lin Dawei took out his mobile phone, found the company information sent to him by Mr. Liu of the company next door, and handed it to Ye Xingchen: "This company is a real estate company in Hong Kong. I have seen that there is no major problem with the regular company, and the position given to me is Vice President of Administration, at the beginning, Vice President Liu of the company next door recommended me to try, but I didn’t take it seriously to submit a resume, and I became one. I was also very surprised, in the labor market, I was still competitive..."

Ye Xingchen finally looked at his phone, and it turned out to be this foreskin company. Now the company's capital has been unable to turn over, and the company's major directors are basically preparing to run away. These bastards are obviously looking for a scapegoat.Thinking of this, Ye Xingchen frowned, and his face didn't look very good.

Seeing Ye Xingchen frowning, Lin Dawei asked, "What's the matter, Xiaochen, is there something wrong with this company?"

Ye Xingchen didn't continue playing charades and directly told Lin Dawei the truth: "Uncle, you can't go to this company."


Lin Miaomiao and Lin Dawei asked in unison.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao and explained to them in detail: "I have learned about the capital flow of this company, and now the valuation of the entire company has plummeted, and it will be declared bankrupt in a short time, and the most important thing is The vice president and above are all gone now, and the biggest position in the company is the vice president. If you go over now, uncle, it would be tantamount to making them a scapegoat."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said was so mysterious, and he knew so much about the inside story of this company, he believed it a little bit, but after all, it was empty words, Lin Dawei asked: "Xiaochen, how do you know these things? You How come I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Lin Miaomiao also asked with a questioning face: "Yes, why do you know so much about that company?"

It's really hard for Ye Xingchen to say about this matter, after all, he can't tell them directly, he just hacked into the company's internal system.

"Well, I just did a research two days ago and found that the legal person of this company is not in the mainland, and all the directors went on business trips to other places just two days ago. I felt a little strange, so I checked their capital flow again and found that Their capital chain has been broken long ago, so I speculate that the bankruptcy will not be long."

After Ye Xingchen said so much, he felt thirsty, and there were too many flaws. Not to mention Lin Dawei, even Lin Miaomiao felt that this incident was a special coincidence.

Sure enough, Lin Miaomiao immediately raised a new question: "You just research any company, and it's this company, and you investigate deeply, why are you investigating this?"

"I was looking at the way these companies operate. Maybe I will open a studio myself in the future. And it's not the only one. I also researched other companies. This is purely coincidental. I heard today that I just remembered when uncle said that, I have a deep impression on this real estate company." Ye Xingchen said without changing his expression.

Although Ye Xingchen said so, Lin Dawei still had doubts. After all, it was too much a coincidence, but for a moment he couldn't think of what Ye Xingchen's purpose was, anyway, it was definitely not to harm him.

In the end, he thought about it and said again and again: "Well, I haven't resigned yet, and we haven't talked about it over there. Let's talk about it later."

Ye Xingchen heard Lin Dawei think about it for a while, and immediately continued: "Uncle, believe me, that company will declare bankruptcy in a short time, and whoever is the executive vice president will be the scapegoat."

"Okay, I believe you." Lin Dawei saw that Ye Xingchen chose to believe him so determinedly, and directly sent a WeChat message to Mr. Liu saying that he rejected the job.

Although Lin Miaomiao is usually a little careless, she is not stupid. Thinking of Ye Xingchen's performance when she just got out of school, and what she said to persuade her father to give up the position of vice president, no matter how stupid she is, she will know that this is the case. well planned.

But Ye Xingchen's purpose of doing this is absolutely impossible to harm her father, so he can only get the news in advance, but even he just learned the news that Lin Dawei might be promoted to vice president just yesterday, so how did he know.

She found that she really couldn't see through Ye Xingchen now, or in other words, she had never seen through it, but now Ye Xingchen's body was covered with a layer of mist again, making her look even more mysterious.

Just when she was engrossed in her thoughts, Wang Shengnan from the kitchen came out with dishes.

"What are you all talking about, what do you believe you don't believe you?" Wang Shengnan looked at the three people who were chatting cheerfully and said.

Lin Dawei told Wang Shengnan what they were talking about just now: "It's nothing, didn't I tell you about my job-hopping yesterday, Xiaochen said that I wouldn't let me change jobs, that the company was going bankrupt..."

Wang Shengnan believed in Ye Xingchen's words, after all, it always felt a little unreal that such a good thing suddenly fell on Lin Dawei.And yesterday, I was worried about whether the company was reliable or not, but now it seems that my worry is right.

"Let me tell you, this position is so sought-after, why don't you submit a resume at random, it's unreliable at first glance."

Lin Dawei thought about it for a while, it was indeed the case, and it was easier for him to fight for this position.

"Yeah, I was still thinking about how I got lucky all of a sudden. Thinking about it this way, there is indeed something wrong with this company."

"Ham, if there is a problem, let's not go or it's over. Let's take a look first. Didn't Xiaochen say that he is about to go bankrupt? Let's wait and see for a while. Don't think about it. Let's eat and eat, Miaomiao, come in Serve some rice."

Lin Miaomiao stood up reluctantly and replied, "Oh."

(End of this chapter)

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