The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 170 Xiaochen, tell your uncle, since when did you fall in love with Miaomiao

Chapter 170 Xiaochen, tell your uncle, since when did you fall in love with Miaomiao

Ye Xingchen also hurriedly got up to help: "Auntie, let me do it."

"No, no, just sit down and eat first. Just let Miaomiao come." Seeing Wang Shengnan's firm attitude, Ye Xingchen had no choice but to give Lin Miaomiao a look to express that he was helpless.

Lin Miaomiao walked to the kitchen unresponsively and served them meals one by one.When it was her turn, she changed a big bowl for herself, and she decided to use food to soothe her wounded heart.

The dinner was quite harmonious. In the middle, Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan asked why Ye Xingchen gave up the good chance of being recommended to the university.Ye Xingchen explained to them in the original words as always.Although they couldn't change Ye Xingchen's decision, they still felt sorry for him.

Then came the issue of Lin Miaomiao's grades that they were most concerned about. Ye Xingchen told them that Lin Miaomiao's math grades were very stable, and her other grades were even top-notch in the class. Of course, they were compared with her classmates except Ye Xingchen. .

After getting the answer he wanted, Wang Shengnan was obviously happier, and kept adding vegetables to Ye Xingchen, making the meat in his bowl almost like a hill.

On the other hand, Lin Miaomiao's big bowl contained only rice and no meat.Ye Xingchen took all the big pieces of meat from his bowl to Lin Miaomiao.

"I can't eat, Miaomiao, help me eat." After speaking, he still blinked at Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao didn't dislike picking it up and put it in her mouth. After eating, she didn't forget to signal Ye Xingchen to continue to pick up the meat.

Ye Xingchen acted like a middleman and transferred all the food that Wang Shengnan gave him to Lin Miaomiao. Of course, he ate a few pieces himself, but he couldn't eat it, so he said that he gave it to Lin Miaomiao.

Of course, Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan saw Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao's little tricks throughout the whole process, no, this time it can't be regarded as a little trick. Since the showdown, things like this feeding each other have been allowed, after all, the two of them don't have much close.

After coming out of Lin Miaomiao's house, Ye Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief and finally changed a major change in Lin Miaomiao's family. After the incident, the conflict between the two deepened.Of course, they still care about each other.

After he got home, he re-watched the plot behind the Youth Pi, mainly to see how Jiang Tianhao's family went bankrupt. There was no special explanation in the plot, but it seemed to be mentioned in fan fiction It's calculated, but no matter what it is, he must remind Jiang Tianhao when he finds a chance.

Anyway, he already thinks that he is a magic stick now, and it's okay to be outrageous at all, and the chances of telling him directly that he believes it will be even greater. Well, that's the decision. If it still can't be stopped, we can only start plan b directly.

The second year of high school is coming to an end, Ye Xingchen has been busy these days helping Lin Miaomiao to give lectures and draw key points, Deng Xiaoqi, as a member of the three-person study team, of course also joined the formal review.

During this period, Ye Xingchen kept counting the time, and sure enough, something happened to the real estate company two weeks later.

Lin Dawei learned that the sales office had been surrounded by a group of people.Investors are very excited. It is said that Happy City, the original advertisement said very nicely, such as after-sales charter, agreed repurchase, and promised that we will have an annual interest rate of 8% to 13% every year. After five years, I don’t want it anymore. You developers buy back at 120% of the price.It has been two years now, Happy City has not started construction, and the promised annual interest has not been fulfilled, and investors have basically given up.

A few days later, the police had shut down the company, and suddenly, all the executives in place were taken away by the police.Lin Dawei broke into a cold sweat when he heard the news. If he went by himself, he might be the one who was taken away at this time.Unexpectedly, Ye Xingchen really hit the mark.

For this reason, Lin Dawei specially asked Ye Xingchen to go out for a meal alone, which flattered Ye Xingchen.

"Uncle, I just happened to know it, it's all a matter of little effort, and Miaomiao and I are still boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe you will really become my relatives in the future, there is no need for such a relationship between relatives gone."

Lin Dawei swallowed a sip of white wine and said with a smile: "You boy, to be honest, I saw that you had bad intentions for Miaomiao at the beginning, and your intentions were not pure. If your aunt kept praising you for how good you are, I really want to... Forget it, maybe I didn't treat you very well before, after all, as a father, you don't blame uncle, do you?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head quickly: "No, no, I understand."

Lin Dawei raised his glass: "It's good to understand. You are still young now. When you are adults, I, the father, should let go. Come, let me have a drink."

Ye Xingchen hurriedly got up to meet him, after all, the elders are the elders.

"Sit down, the two of us don't care about these things." Lin Dawei raised his hand and pressed his hand to signal.

"Actually, I should also be very grateful to you. With you, Miaomiao's grades have improved a lot. I have seen her go from the last place to the top three now. I can't help thinking about the notebooks you wrote for her." Look, if this is put outside, a lot of parents will buy it with a lot of money."

"Uncle, it's serious. It's just a notebook, and it's not something too precious. Besides, all the students will sort it out, but I'm just a little more organized than them." Ye Xingchen said modestly.

"Comprehensive? That's not complete. I see the big and small knowledge points above, and the key marks. Even teachers who have been teaching for more than ten years may not know all the key points. In your current words, you can tell a dog. High score in the test." Lin Dawei boasted without hesitation in this regard.

Maybe it's because he has completely accepted Ye Xingchen for this matter. Unlike before, he was always looking for Ye Xingchen's shortcomings, but kept praising his strengths.

Ye Xingchen would be too embarrassed to be praised, and if he continued to praise, he was afraid that he would be completely lost due to the strength of alcohol, because his drinking capacity was also average, a few bottles of beer were okay, but this was white, two or two drinks, now My head is a little dizzy.

The two elders had a heart-to-heart talk today, and Ye Xingchen used the drink to express all his inner thoughts: "Uncle, let me tell you, I am actually very envious of Miaomiao having a father like you, why don't I stay here all the time?" Under Aunt Katsuo's pressure, Miaomiao will collapse."

Lin Dawei smiled and said, "Your parents didn't treat you very well. Letting you go, isn't that what all children want most?"

Ye Xingchen: "Yes, this is indeed the case, so I quite like this kind of life."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen's spirit of drinking really came up, Lin Dawei asked with great interest: "Xiaochen, tell the truth, since when did you fall in love with Miaomiao?"

(End of this chapter)

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