The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 171 I will take care of Ye Xingchen

Chapter 171 I will take care of Ye Xingchen

Although Ye Xingchen was already drunk, he could see his affection in his eyes at this moment: "Well... from the first time I saw Miaomiao, I swore in my heart that I must chase her."

"Oh? So you fell in love with Miaomiao at first sight." Lin Dawei looked at Ye Xingchen with a half-smile.

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "No, it's fate."

"Hehe. This sounds too absolute. You have to tell uncle what you like about Lin Miaomiao. After all, there are too many excellent girls. As a father, I know that Miaomiao really has no competitiveness with them. " Lin Dawei continued to repeat.

Ye Xingchen was already drunk at this time, and had no scruples, so what to say: "Actually, Miaomiao is very attractive. If I were in front of me, many people would rush to chase after Miaomiao, but I am more attractive than them." It's all just luck. It can be said that if those people know that I have caught up with Miaomiao, they will be so jealous that they will definitely want to kill me."

Lin Dawei was a little confused after hearing these words, wondering if his daughter is so good?Is this wonderful?

"That Xiaochen, you just said that many people want to chase after Miaomiao? Is it from your school? Or?"

"Of course not, they, they, are in another world." After finishing speaking, she fell straight on the table.

"Another world?" Lin Dawei now has a big question mark in his head.Ye Xingchen said a lot of muddle-headed things, which seemed like drunk nonsense.But looking at the way he looked just now, he was very serious.

Lin Dawei didn't think about it. After paying the bill, he took Ye Xingchen to a taxi and the two of them went back.

It was only after I got home that I realized that both Ye Bowen and Mu Ying were on business trips, and it might take a while before they come back.He searched Ye Xingchen's body but couldn't find the key.He had no choice but to settle him in his own home.

Wasted a lot of effort to lift him up to the second floor, then took out the key and opened the door of his house.

Hearing the sound of the door, Wang Shengnan immediately came out to take a look, and saw the drunk and unconscious Ye Xingchen at a glance.

"Oh, what's the matter, why are you so drunk?"

Wang Shengnan stepped forward to help him, and put Ye Xingchen on the sofa.

"Look at him, I'll pour him some water to drink, how can he drink like this?"

Lin Dawei scratched his head and said knowingly, "I didn't expect Xiaochen to drink so badly."

"You can't drink like this if you have a good capacity for alcohol. He is still a high school student. What kind of wine should he drink?" Wang Shengnan blamed while holding hot water.

"Next time, next time I will pay attention."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao, who was doing homework in the room, heard her parents were arguing outside and hurried out to check the situation.

"Why are you two starting again? I'm studying... Ye Xingchen, what's wrong with him?"

At first Lin Miaomiao came out with a displeased face, but when she saw Ye Xingchen on the sofa, she hurried forward and asked worriedly.

"Your dad did a good job, knowing that Xiao Chen can't drink and let him drink." Wang Shengnan said.

Lin Miaomiao immediately blamed Lin Dawei when she heard that it was Lin Dawei's fault, "Dad, why did you force him like this?"

Seeing himself being attacked by the two, Lin Dawei said aggrievedly: "It's not that I didn't know that he can drink so badly. If I knew, I would definitely not let him drink like this."

"Okay, don't talk about it, what's the use of talking about it when people are so drunk." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly got up and took out honey from the refrigerator, made Ye Xingchen another cup of honey water, and sat down. Beside, carefully feed Ye Xingchen a drink.

Lin Dawei saw that his little padded jacket had completely rebelled, and he still felt a little uncomfortable. He never took care of him like this when he was sick, alas.

At this time, Wang Shengnan next to him said, "Where is he going to sleep tonight? There is no bed in our guest room, so I don't feel at ease sleeping on the sofa."

Lin Dawei said: "I'll sleep on the sofa, you sleep with Miaomiao, and let Xiaochen sleep with us."

Wang Shengnan was still a little worried: "Then what if Xiaochen gets up and no one takes care of him?"

"Well, it should be fine." Lin Dawei touched his nose and said.

Lin Miaomiao, who was feeding Ye Xingchen water carefully, looked at them and said, "Let him sleep in my room, my bed is bigger."

"No! You... how inconvenient, I don't agree, I will accompany Xiaochen to sleep in my room with your mother, and you and your mother will sleep in your room." Hearing what Lin Miaomiao said, Lin Miaomiao Dawei refused without thinking.

"Why not, besides, my bed is so big that two people can sleep in it, with a pillow between them." Lin Miaomiao said disappointedly with her mouth pouted.

"If I say no, I won't. I don't know if a man or a woman will accept or not. According to what I said, I'll just watch Xiaochen at night, and you sleep with your mother." Lin Dawei's tone was very firm.

Lin Miaomiao heard her father being so unreasonable, she turned her head angrily and ignored him.

Wang Shengnan came out at this time and said: "Let Miaomiao take care of him, you have to get up early tomorrow to go to the company meeting, and you drank again today, how can you stand such a toss?"

Lin Dawei: "But men and women are different..."

"It's nothing to worry about. Xiaochen is already drunk like this, so why worry about it? Besides, you don't know who Xiaochen is. If he tries to play tricks, your daughter's IQ will not leave any bones left."

Lin Miaomiao was a little smug at the front, but the last sentence really pierced her heart.
"Mom! What's wrong with my IQ? My low IQ is also your inheritance."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's posture, he knew that he was about to quarrel with him again, so Wang Shengnan hurriedly said: "Okay, you get up and get Xiaochen the quilt and pillow, and I will help Xiaochen to your room."

"Really?" Lin Miaomiao never expected that Wang Shengnan would actually let him sleep with Ye Xingchen.

"Why, you don't want to take care of Xiaochen, so you can only let your father take care of it."

Seeing that Wang Shengnan wanted to repent, Lin Miaomiao quickly said loudly: "I am willing!"

Maybe it was because he realized that he was too excited just now, his face flushed red after thinking about it, and he quickly made an excuse to avoid it: "Well, I'll get him a quilt."

Looking at the back of his daughter fleeing, Lin Dawei sighed softly.

"Okay, don't moan and sigh, help Xiaochen over, let's have a good chat later," Wang Shengnan urged.

Although Lin Dawei was reluctant, he had no choice but to do so.Lin Miaomiao also took out a new quilt at this time, and after several people settled Ye Xingchen, Wang Shengnan said: "I will leave Xiaochen to you tonight, if you want to take care of it, then take care of it. "

"I know." Lin Miaomiao said in a low voice, after all, she was still a little guilty after Wang Shengnan agreed to her proposal.

After Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan explained a few words, they left Lin Miaomiao's room.

(End of this chapter)

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