Chapter 172 Lin Dawei's Guess
After they left, Lin Miaomiao sat next to Ye Xingchen, and couldn't help pinching his face.I thought: let you bully me, now I should do whatever I want, hehehehe (devil smiles)

Maybe it was because Yu couldn't bear it and was afraid of pinching him, so Lin Miaomiao let him go.Looking at Ye Xingchen who was sleeping soundly, Lin Miaomiao gently tapped his lips, then ran away quickly and said, "Hmph, I'll let you off this time, but I have to charge some interest. A kiss is not enough."

After finishing all this, I changed into pajamas and lay down on the bed to sleep.But she couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, she always felt uncomfortable with empty hands, then she looked back at Ye Xingchen who was sleeping soundly, and suddenly thought of an idea.

She quickly ran to the door and locked it, then returned to the bed and slowly approached Ye Xingchen, for fear of waking him up.Lin Miaomiao leaned close to Ye Xingchen, put her little hands over and hugged him, maybe because she still felt uncomfortable, she put her legs up again, feeling the peace in her heart, Lin Miaomiao went to sleep contentedly.

At the same time, Lin Dawei was asking Wang Shengnan why he wanted Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen to sleep together.

Wang Shengnan said with reason and evidence: "The relationship between the two of them is determined, that is, they are still young, otherwise they can get married directly, and you don't see what your daughter is worried about. If you let you take care of Ye Xingchen, I guess she will be married. Then the axis's brain won't be able to sleep all night."

Lin Dawei: "Hey, my daughter was raised so big and was cheated away by others. What is good about Ye Xingchen, that is, she studies better, looks good, is a bit polite, has a good character, and knows how to do things." Rice, it’s good for Miaomiao, there’s nothing else besides these.”

Wang Shengnan: "..."

Seeing that his wife didn't speak, he asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, I've said a lot, why don't you express your opinion."

"What did I say, listen to what you just said, Xiaochen really has no other advantages besides those advantages. You really boast in different ways." Wang Shengnan couldn't help laughing after hearing Lin Dawei's words .

Lin Dawei: "But there is one thing to say, Ye Xingchen really likes Miaomiao."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Wang Shengnan asked.

Seeing his wife asking, Lin Dawei turned sideways to look at Wang Shengnan and said, "Actually, today I deliberately made Xiaochen drunk."

After hearing this, Wang Shengnan complained: "Are you still a human being? Use your tricks to deal with children."

"Don't scold me in a hurry, I still have something to gain today."

"What harvest?"

"Today Xiaochen said through his drunkenness that he really likes Miaomiao, that he and Miaomiao are destined, and that it was his luck to catch up with Miaomiao. From his words, it can be heard that he really likes Miaomiao. I cherish Miaomiao."

Wang Shengnan became interested when he heard this: "Did he really say that?"

"Well, and he also said a bunch of inexplicable things, saying that many people in other worlds like Miaomiao, I felt drunk and nonsense afterwards, but I didn't think it was nonsense from his expression. Strange." Lin Dawei said.

Wang Shengnan frowned and asked, "Could it be that you misheard, or it may be that he was in school."

"I asked specifically. He said it very clearly, and I heard it very clearly. It is impossible to make a mistake."

"Other worlds, what worlds, maybe there are aliens." Wang Shengnan didn't care at all and listened to it as a joke.

At this time, Lin Dawei suddenly remembered a topic that was debated on the Internet before: "Hey, do you still remember the Wang Mang I told you about last time?"

"Wang Mang, oh, that's the one who is said to have traveled to ancient times. Isn't this a random guess on the Internet? Why did it suddenly mention this?" Wang Shengnan asked suspiciously.

Lin Dawei suddenly said seriously: "The blog post told me that although Ye Xingchen's grades in junior high school are not very bad, he is still in the mid-range. After entering high school, he directly surpassed the number one in the high school entrance examination. Is this reasonable?"

After Wang Shengnan heard it, he felt nothing: "It may be that the child is already very smart, but he just played around in the past. Isn't it normal to study hard in high school to keep up with it? Isn't Lin Miaomiao's grades improved a lot?"

Seeing that Lin Dawei remained silent, Wang Shengnan asked in disbelief: "You don't mean to say that Xiao Chen came from time travel, do you? It's not that you drank too much today, right? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Think about it, this time I changed jobs, Xiaochen searched that company so thoroughly, just to prevent me from going there, although he said it was the information he researched, but this is too coincidental. Let's talk about time travel This matter is scientifically impossible." Lin Dawei continued to analyze.

As soon as Wang Shengnan heard that Lin Dawei was talking more and more nonsense, he quickly stopped: "It's ok, you can pull it off, go to bed quickly, you have to get up early for a meeting tomorrow, don't dream here, cranky and crazy , how old you are, how naive, you still believe this."

"No, my analysis makes sense..."

"Do you want to sleep or not? I'll sleep if you don't."

Don't pay attention to Lin Dawei after finishing speaking, Lin Dawei just followed Jiu Jin to make a joke, he didn't expect Wang Shengnan to be so ignorant of funny, and he felt bored without the audience, so he followed Jiu Jin and fell asleep.

But what they didn't know was that this joke he made was the closest to the truth.


Ye Xingchen's biological clock is 5:30. When he woke up, the first thing he felt was a headache, and then he felt very tired.When he opened his eyes, he looked around and found that this was not his room, he remembered that Lin Miaomiao was hanging on him like an octopus.

Ye Xingchen woke up suddenly and thought: Isn't this Lin Miaomiao's room? If Lin Dawei knows about this, he won't kill himself.

He wanted to quietly take Lin Miaomiao's hand away, but Lin Miaomiao woke up with this movement. She rubbed her eyes, and then looked at Ye Xingchen in a daze.

"Hey? Ye Xingchen, you're awake, is your head still hurting?"

Ye Xingchen said: "A little bit, that Miao Miao, let me ask how I got back last night."

"My dad brought you back."

"Uncle?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Lin Miaomiao nodded: "Yes! What's wrong?"

Finally Ye Xingchen asked the question in his heart: "Why am I... in your room."

"Hahaha, I don't have a guest room at home, so I'm worried about putting you on the sofa, and then my mother asked me to take care of you and sleep with you." Seeing his nervousness, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help laughing.

"Auntie let it go? What... what did uncle say?" Ye Xingchen felt very incredulous when he heard it.

"My dad refused to let it go at first, but after being told by my mother, he let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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