The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 173 The mobile phone in the main world is exposed

Chapter 173 The mobile phone in the main world is exposed
"Ah..." Ye Xingchen didn't know what kind of mood he was in for a while.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's dumbfounded expression, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but want to tease him.

"Hey, let me tell you, my dad was very angry when he heard that you slept with me last night. You may be finished today."

"No, it's none of my business, and I didn't make a fuss about sleeping with you." After hearing this, Ye Xingchen felt that he had been blamed for no reason.

"Then I don't know, anyway, he is really angry." Lin Miaomiao pretended to be helpless.

Ye Xingchen knew that it was not suitable to stay in this place for a long time, and the 36 plan was to leave, so he took his mobile phone and prepared to slip away.

"Hey, Ye Xingchen, why are you going?" Lin Miaomiao asked looking at him in a hurry.

"Intuition tells me, run quickly."

When Ye Xingchen was about to open the door to go out, Lin Miaomiao stopped him.

"I'm teasing you. My dad is not angry. Really, seeing how scared you are, you are so timid."

Ye Xingchen hurriedly asked, "Really?"


Knowing that she was cheated, Ye Xingchen became angry from embarrassment: "Damn, Lin Miaomiao, you're playing tricks on me, you're so emboldened."

"I just want to tease you. Who knew you were so timid. We are boyfriend and girlfriend, and we are specially needed by both parents. You made it seem like an affair." Lin Miaomiao said methodically.

"Hey, no matter how special you are, you can't sleep together in front of your parents. And..."

"What else?"

"It's nothing, I'm going home. Auntie and the others will tell me that I have left beforehand when they ask." Even though he heard Lin Miaomiao say this, Ye Xingchen was still a little apprehensive, so he should go out and hide for a while.

"Hey, hey, wait..."

Lin Miaomiao wanted to stop her, but Ye Xingchen didn't listen to her, she opened the door sideways and then closed it.

Lin Miaomiao picked up the mobile phone on the table and said to herself: "Why are you running? I forgot to take the mobile phone. Why is the screen of this mobile phone so big? What brand is it? Is it new?"

Originally, she wanted to turn on the screen to take a look, but the phone ran out of battery, so she had to put it on the bed and give it to Ye Xingchen later.

Ye Xingchen found a spare key from the discarded old electrical box, went home, took a cold shower, changed his clothes, and prepared to play some games out of boredom, when there was a knock on the door.

Ye Xingchen opened the door and found that it was Lin Miaomiao. Lin Miaomiao also changed her clothes. The top was a white T-shirt and the bottom was blue denim shorts. They looked very neat, and Lin Miaomiao had already removed the first part. The kind of childishness, and the feeling of the girl next door.

"Hey, I'm so stupid, shouldn't you let me in first?" Lin Miaomiao was very happy when she saw Ye Xingchen's staring eyes, which showed that she was quite expected.

"Oh, yes, come in." Ye Xingchen hurriedly stepped aside to let Lin Miaomiao in.

"Ye Xingchen, you are really careless. I left my mobile phone at my house. Here it is." Lin Miaomiao took out the Mi 12 that was out of battery and continued: "Your mobile phone is so beautiful, and the screen is so big. , what brand is this?"

Ye Xingchen took the phone and looked at it, his heart skipped a beat, coldness flowed through his body instantly, he raised his head and asked nervously:
"Have you opened it?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head: "It can't be turned on, it should be out of power, and I don't have a charger."

Ye Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Because the lock screen wallpaper of this mobile phone is Zhao Jinmai, which is the plus version of Lin Miaomiao. Although the two look the same, Zhao Jinmai still looks bigger than Lin Miaomiao. If Lin Miaomiao I can't explain it when I see it.

"Hey? What do you mean? Could it be that you have something to hide from me?" Lin Miaomiao was already curious when she heard what Ye Xingchen said just now, but now she wanted to know what was in it even more.

"No, what can I hide from you. This phone belongs to a friend of mine, and he left it with me, and there are many secrets of his company in it, which should not be leaked." Ye Xingchen has always lied Instead of drafting, he made up another reason at will this time.


"Why don't I send him a message now? I'll let you see the head office. You still don't believe me." After speaking, Ye Xingchen made a gesture to send a message to his contact.

Lin Miaomiao: "No need, I trust you."

"Don't be short of recognition? What if this is really the mobile phone I use to chat with other girls."

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao fought a psychological battle, because the more he did this, the more he could get rid of Lin Miaomiao's suspicion, otherwise Lin Miaomiao would be more suspicious.

Lin Miaomiao: "Hmph, I believe you when I say I believe you. Who do you think I am, Lin Miaomiao? I don't believe that you will fall in love with someone else because I'm such an excellent girl."

Ye Xingchen joked, "But what if I really like someone else?"

"Hehe, then I'll let you be the eunuch."

Ye Xingchen gasped, thinking: It's so violent now, it's too scary.

Immediately stated: "I am very dedicated, with a zero percent cheating rate."

"I believe you. By the way, I forgot to tell you something important. Aunt Mu Ying said that she and her uncle will be on a business trip these days, so you are left alone."

Ye Xingchen asked: "Why didn't they tell me themselves, and asked you to pass it on."

Lin Miaomiao replied: "I don't know, maybe, Auntie is just proud of me, be envious, be jealous."

"Heh, Aunt Sheng Nan dotes on me differently, what's there to be proud of." Ye Xingchen mocked mercilessly.

"You, hmph, I wanted to ask you to go up to have breakfast, so I'll starve to death at home." Lin Miaomiao stomped her feet in anger, opened the door and ran back to her home.

When Ye Xingchen walked to the door, he didn't forget to say loudly to the upstairs: "I can cook by myself, but you, if you have the ability, don't come up for dinner."

Lin Miaomiao held onto the escalator and gritted her teeth angrily, but there was really nothing she could do about Ye Xingchen, so she had to go home and sulk.

Talk about it, jokes are jokes, when it's meal time, Ye Xingchen will send a message to Lin Miaomiao as if he cooked something delicious, asking her to come down and eat with him.Lin Miaomiao is also not reserved, after all, reserve is worthless in front of delicious food.

Ye Xingchen put the phone in the system space to charge it, but luckily it was out of battery, otherwise...

Lin Dawei's crisis was resolved, and he would not be a funeral emcee after losing his job. The main conflict in the family was gone, and Lin Miaomiao didn't feel ashamed or anything because of this.

The plot completely deviates from the original setting. Originally, Ye Xingchen was still worried about the problem of family conflicts, but it seemed that he had accidentally resolved the outbreak of family conflicts.Now Lin Miaomiao's family is very harmonious, and Wang Shengnan has hardly scolded Lin Miaomiao much, and he is also learning yoga and dancing with Mu Ying, which can be regarded as a business hobby.

(End of this chapter)

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