Chapter 174 Is it really a prophet?

Ye Xingchen knew that Jiang Tianhao's family had already encountered a financial crisis before the basketball game, and Jiang Qilong's words were too greedy.

So Ye Xingchen called Jiang Tianhao to the rest area alone during a basketball training and said directly: "Haozi, do you believe me?"

"Believe me, I believe you 100%." ​​Although Haozi didn't know what Ye Xingchen wanted to say, he still gave his own answer.

"Let me tell you one thing. Although it is difficult to convince you, you must believe me, because it is related to your family business." Ye Xingchen continued.

Jiang Tianhao looked at Ye Xingchen's serious expression, and he also put away his usual laughing and joking expression.

"Brother Chen, tell me, I believe you."

Ye Xingchen organized his language: "If my judgment is correct, someone has played a game for your father now. You go home and tell your uncle to be careful of that Boss Meng. I don't know the exact name, but you must be careful when you go home today." Remind uncle, time is running out."

"Brother Chen, how do you know that someone is playing games with my dad?" Jiang Tianhao asked again with a question mark on his face.

"I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway, as long as I know it, as your good friend and brother, I will not harm you. Trust me, just like the last spring outing."

If Ye Xingchen was still playing haha ​​to hide it last time, then this time it is equivalent to a complete showdown with Jiang Tianhao.

Hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Jiang Tianhao looked at him in disbelief, then smiled, and said to Ye Xingchen, "Brother Chen, I believe in you."

Seeing that he agreed, Ye Xingchen didn't continue talking, just patted Jiang Tianhao on the shoulder, and then left the basketball court.

Jiang Tianhao's heart is full of mixed grains. He understands what Ye Xingchen means, and he doesn't know how to explain it, but he just knows.This shows that my previous guess is correct.

After school, the first thing Jiang Tianhao did when he got home was to ask Jiang Qilong: "Dad, is your business a big move recently?"

Jiang Qilong asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Don't worry about how I know, just tell me if you are." Jiang Tianhao asked anxiously.


Sure enough, Brother Chen was right.

Jiang Tianhao took a deep breath: "Dad, what I said next is definitely not a joke, I swear."

"Okay, talk quickly, don't whine about it. Hurry up and study after you finish talking."

"You must be careful of that Boss Meng, this is most likely a game they set up for you."

Jiang Qilong couldn't sit still anymore, he slowly got up from the sofa, and asked slowly: "How do you know that Dad has a business friend named Meng."

"I, I don't know how to explain it to you. Anyway, you just need to be careful in your business recently." Jiang Tianhao really didn't know how to explain this to his father. Could it be possible to just say that my classmates will predict the future? of.

If he really said that, he would probably be sent to the hospital to have his brain checked.

Jiang Qilong saw that his son couldn't tell the reason, so he stopped asking: "Okay, you don't have to worry about business matters, your task is to study hard, and leave the rest to me and your mother."

"But, what I said is true."

Seeing his son's serious look, Jiang Qilong said, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

"That's good, that's good, then I'm going to study." Jiang Tianhao said hello and went to his room.

The first thing he did when he came to the room was to send Ye Xingchen a message: "Brother Chen, I have already reminded my dad."

Ye Xingchen: "That's good."

Jiang Tianhao had just typed a paragraph, thought about it, and then deleted it. Just as he was still hesitating whether to post it, Ye Xingchen suddenly sent another message.

"Just as you think."

There are a few simple words that don't seem to explain anything, but they seem to explain everything.

Jiang Tianhao smiled and put the phone aside, took out the test paper from his schoolbag and started to do the questions.

Since Brother Chen hasn't figured out how to explain it to him, and he didn't ask, maybe this is the tacit understanding between the brothers.

Jiangzhou City has made great achievements in this Provincial National Games. At the celebration meeting, leaders of Jiangzhou City came to Jiangzhou Gymnasium to express condolences to the award-winning athletes.It was announced that next month when the Hodge Middle School men's basketball team from the United States will visit Jiangzhou, they will arrange a friendly game.

Jiang Tianhao, who had just won two medals, one gold and one bronze, immediately got close to the city leaders and recommended himself to represent Jiangzhou in the elite men's basketball team. He even convinced the leaders.

When Jiang Tianhao announced the good news to his friends, his mouth was crooked: "This time, I'm going to hang Captain Hodge for you to see!"

Ye Xingchen said: "It's been a long time since I played such a formal game. I remember the last time when I was a freshman in high school, I turned the tide of the battle with one person."

Lin Miaomiao said: "Oh, is it interesting that you boys are always fighting over these things? Group projects, you can't do without anyone!"

Deng Xiaoqi said excitedly: "I remembered! There is one less cheerleader! How can our girl's cheerleader be missing in the match against Hodge Middle School? We need to wear cheerleading uniforms, and we need hand flowers!" Her eyes were shining, and she stood I got up and improvised a few cheerleading moves.

Captain Ye Xingchen looked at his team members up and down, quite satisfied.Full of vigor and spirit, first-class technical and tactical level!
Jiang Tianhao and Ye Xingchen have completely different concerns. He believes that people rely on clothes and horses. If clothes are not new and shoes are not uniform, the image of the teacher of the king will be greatly reduced.

So he proposed to go with Ye Xingchen to find the headmaster's application for funding to buy equipment, and Ye Xingchen did not refuse. After all, although their strength has nothing to do with the jerseys, their combat effectiveness is likely to double with the new equipment.

The principal rebuffed straight away: "What kind of clothes can't you play? Those world-class football stars played barefoot when they were young, and didn't they also win the Golden Globe later? You can win the competition from the city by yourself. What about you? If you have a dream, realize it yourself!"

Ye Xingchen came out and said to Jiang Tianhao: "There's no other way, the school doesn't support us, if we still want to get new equipment, we can only find a way by ourselves, many of our team members are from working families and probably can't afford it. "

Jiang Tianhao suddenly thought: "Hey, yes, I can ask my dad to sponsor me."

Ye Xingchen: "There's no need to be so troublesome. As the captain, I'm obliged to prepare equipment for everyone, so I'll pay for it."

"Ah, it's okay to let you go out? No, I'll just go to my dad. You know my family's conditions, so let me come." Jiang Tianhao directly refused.

Ye Xingchen: "Haozi, listen to me, I'll just pay for the jerseys, shoes and cheerleaders clothes, so don't meddle in it."

(End of this chapter)

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