The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 175 Jiang Tianhao's Family Bankruptcy

Chapter 175 Jiang Tianhao's Family Bankruptcy

"No buts."

In the end, Jiang Tianhao couldn't hold back against Ye Xingchen, and reluctantly agreed to Ye Xingchen's request, but he planned to share the money with Ye Xingchen equally. After all, Ye Xingchen should not let Ye Xingchen pay for the money out of reason.

After returning home, Jiang Tianhao discussed the sponsorship with his father.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Qilong, who has always been very generous, refused this time, and his mother didn't help him to speak up, and even taught him a lesson: "You are such an adult, you know how to ask your parents for money every day, and you have the ability to earn it yourself. "

When Jiang Tianhao heard this, he was also a little angry: "I will pay you back in the future, I will take care of you more, but this time I really need it urgently."

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Qilong touched his head with his hands and slowly said to Jiang Tianhao's mother Duan Xiaohong, "Tell him."

Perhaps Jiang Tianhao also noticed that the atmosphere was not right and immediately asked, "Tell me what?"

"Son, our family... went bankrupt."

Hearing what his mother said, Jiang Tianhao didn't believe it: "I'm bankrupt, how is it possible, even if you don't want to lend me money, you can't make up such a reason."

"Will I lie to you about this?" Jiang Qilong said in a deep voice.

Jiang Tianhao thought of what Ye Xingchen said to him, and immediately asked, "Dad, is it that Boss Meng? Didn't I remind you to be careful with him?"

"I don't know if someone has played a game, but I am indeed greedy for perfection, but I still want to know who told you this matter and what is the purpose." Jiang Qi asked.

"Me, one of my classmates."

"What classmate, what's your name?"

"Ye Xingchen, you've seen it before."

Jiang Qilong thought for a while and suddenly remembered: "Is that Ye Xingchen who surpassed the number one in the high school entrance examination?"

"That's right, it's him, my good brother."

"How did he know?"

"I do not know how to explain it."

Seeing that Jiang Tianhao was indeed not lying, he had no choice but to let this matter go.

"Take him to a meal when you have time, let me have a good chat with him."

Jiang Tianhao asked, "Dad, how much money does our family have now?"

"There is no money, no penny. Son, you have grown up too. Dad will tell you clearly, our family not only has no penny, but also owes more than [-] million yuan." Jiang Qilong said seriously.

Although Jiang Tianhao was well prepared, he still felt a bolt from the blue after hearing the news.It is true that for a sophomore in high school, he is already in debt of [-] million before he is an adult, let alone Jiang Tianhao who has been used to the life of a son.

During training in the afternoon, Jiang Tianhao was hit in the left eye by a basketball because he was distracted on the court.

Ye Xingchen and others hurried forward and asked worriedly, "Haozi, are you okay?"

Although Jiang Tianhao was a little dazed from being hit, he still resisted the pain in his eyes and stood up and said, "It's okay, it's a small injury."

Deng Xiaoqi was still training and ran over when she saw the situation here.He took Jiang Tianhao's hand away and said angrily: "You are still trying to be brave, what have you been smashed into. Let me take you to the infirmary."

Lin Miaomiao also came over and asked, "What's wrong with Jiang Tianhao, are you all right?"

Deng Xiaoqi said worriedly: "The eyes are all swollen."

"Then hurry up and send it to the infirmary. I'll accompany you." Lin Miaomiao said hastily.

"You continue to train, let's take Haozi to the infirmary to have a look." Ye Xingchen explained the training, and took Haozi and the others to the infirmary.

After arriving, let the doctor look at him, give him some medicine, and tell Jiang Tianhao to take a good rest these few days and try not to exercise as much as possible.

After the school doctor left, Ye Xingchen asked him a question: "Haozi, is there something on your mind? I see that your mind has been distracted during training, is it...something happened at home."

Jiang Tianhao nodded and looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "My family is bankrupt. I heard you remind my dad, but he doesn't seem to take it seriously."

"I see. After all, it's too far-fetched for what I said, and only you will believe it."

This was also expected by Ye Xingchen, because he didn't know the specific reason for the bankruptcy just by guessing some episodes of the TV series. Could it be that he wanted to teach Jiang Qilong metaphysics?
"No, let me take a look, Haozi, why did your family suddenly go bankrupt." Lin Miaomiao touched her head, then looked at Jiang Tianhao and asked.

Jiang Tianhao laughed at himself: "How would I know? My dad said that my family owes more than [-] million now. Hehe, you said that I am already in debt of more than [-] million as a high school student. I guess no one can compare with me."

Everyone was silent. Yes, more than [-] million yuan may not be able to open so much in a lifetime for a working family like Lin Miaomiao. Although Ye Xingchen's family background is better, [-] million yuan is definitely not a small amount.For a while, everyone didn't know what to say.

Deng Xiaoqi comforted: "It's okay. If you don't have money, you can earn it. We can help you. I still have some pocket money, about [-]. You can use it first."

"Thank you Xiaoqi, I have received your kindness, but...forget it. My dad said that we will sell all our shops and shops. In the future, we can only pay them back bit by bit, thank you I'm fine." Jiang Tianhao said pretending to be relaxed.

But everyone knows in their hearts that Haozi has already carried a huge burden on his body, and he just pretends to be relaxed on the surface.

Ye Xingchen looked at Jiang Tianhao on the hospital bed and said seriously: "Haozi, I promised you that I stayed here to protect your dreams."

"Huh? Brother" Jiang Tianhao looked at him suspiciously, he didn't understand what Ye Xingchen meant.

Just when everyone was wondering, Ye Xingchen took out a card from his wallet.

"Haozi, I borrowed this from you, you take it and go to the emergency first."

Lin Miaomiao looked at everyone's expressions and said, "Haozi, although I'm not as rich as the two of them, I still have 6000. Although it's very little, don't dislike it."

Jiang Tianhao's eyes suddenly felt a little sour: "Thank you everyone, I know you want to help me, but a hundred million...I...I don't know what to do."

Ye Xingchen gave him a light punch: "Look at how promising you are, why are big men crying? Your father started from nothing with a fortune of [-] million. You are afraid that you will not be as good as your old man in the future. Take this card. When I invest in you, just give me shares when the time comes."

"Forget it, brother Chen, I know your kindness, but it's really a drop in the bucket." Jiang Tianhao refused.

Ye Xingchen got up and said calmly: "I told you to hold it and you take it. There are more than 2 million points in this card. It is enough for you to make a comeback after paying off your debts."

Lin Miaomiao, who was drinking water, suddenly spat out: "What? 2 million. You mean RMB?"

(End of this chapter)

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