The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 177 Ye Xingchen with a virtual body

Chapter 177 Ye Xingchen with a virtual body
Ye Xingchen, who was lying on the bed at night, thought that he had been in this world for two years. Whether it was long or short, there were a lot of things that happened. Because of his arrival, the plot of the youth pie basically came to an end. At the end, the relationship between the various characters and their life trajectories are changing for the better, and the difficulty of being an audience member is finally resolved.

Of course, Ye Xingchen still reaped his love here, which can be said to be a double harvest in love and career. Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose, and when he turned around to sleep, he suddenly saw that the flow rate of the hourglass on the table seemed to increase. .

He got up and went to the desk to pick up the hourglass and look at it again. It was not an illusion, but it really sped up.And it seems... it's almost over.

Ye Xingchen suddenly had a bad premonition. After so many things, in fact, he already knew in his heart that he might want to go back, but he has never dared to accept this fact, and tried his best not to think about it.

Looking at the hourglass that was about to pass by, Ye Xingchen murmured: "Since I can't change the fact of leaving, I will cherish every day from here."

After Jiang Tianhao returned home, he told Jiang Qilong about the school affairs, and handed Jiang Qilong the bank card that Ye Xingchen gave him.

"Are you serious, there are [-] million doors in this card?" Jiang Qilong stood up and said in shock.

"I just checked 40 million [-] million." Jiang Tianhao was no less shocked than Jiang Qilong.

After all, he thinks that he is already a relatively rich young master.Who knew that Ye Xingchen would become a billionaire without saying a word.

"I've met Ye Xingchen's father. I've never heard of such a giant here." Jiang Qilong frowned and said.

Jiang Tianhao slowly explained to Jiang Qilong: "Um...these are won by Ye Xingchen when he bought a lottery ticket."

"Pfft... what? A lottery ticket!"


Jiang Qilong had never been so speechless before. Thinking about starting from scratch with his skills and wealth for such a long time, his income is only a few hundred million.The lottery tickets in other people's homes are all on the same level as mine, and I don't know what to say for a while.

After calming down, he sat on the sofa and looked at Jiang Tianhao and said seriously: "You tell Ye Xingchen, let me treat him to a meal, thank him well. Haozi, you can make such a friend, it is really you Your luck, cherish it."

"I know."


On the day of the game, Ye Xingchen and others came to the field early, put on their team's new jerseys, and looked very energetic. They entered the field slowly amidst the cheers of their classmates.

Lin Miaomiao, Deng Xiaoqi and others also put on the newly purchased cheerleading uniforms, forming a beautiful landscape.

As the cheerleaders entered the field, Ye Xingchen unconsciously looked at Lin Miaomiao.Looking at Lin Miaomiao with a youthful aura, Ye Xingchen instantly felt that his whole body was full of energy and full of combat power.

All personnel from both sides arrived and the game officially started.Because they are foreign exchange students, their tall stature has a certain advantage. Ye Xingchen and the team members are also in a warm-up state, so they conceded a few goals, but as the game progressed, Ye Xingchen gradually found the opponent's offensive rhythm, Start changing the tide of battle.

After he got the ball, someone suddenly said, "Ye Xingchen! Dunk!"

The atmosphere in the auditorium was instantly ignited, and there was only one voice in the entire arena: "Slam dunk!"


Ye Xingchen led the ball and charged alone amidst the shouts, quickly passed several people to the basket, and then used his strength to take off and make a dunk.

Just listening to the sound of "哐", the basketball fell from the basket.

The auditorium, which was already full of shouts, exploded even more at this time.

Ye Xingchen and the others also became more courageous as they fought.After tacit cooperation, the score has been pulled to 46:15.

Just when Ye Xingchen was about to continue with a strong dunk, an accident happened.

Ye Xingchen's body suddenly blurred within 0.01 seconds of take-off.It just disappeared for 0.01 seconds suddenly. No one else could feel it in such a short period of time, but for Ye Xingchen, he really disappeared for 0.01 seconds.The basketball in his hand fell, and Ye Xingchen also fell heavily on the ground.

Jiang Tianhao: "Brother Chen!"

Lin Miaomiao: "Ye Xingchen!"

Lin Miaomiao didn't care how many people rushed to the basketball court. After helping him up, she asked worriedly, "Ye Xingchen, are you okay?"

Ye Xingchen smiled: "It's okay, it's just a sudden cramp, just take a rest and you'll be fine."

"I'll take you to the infirmary." Although Ye Xingchen said so, Lin Miaomiao was still a little worried.

"I'm really fine, I'll just go over there and take a rest." Ye Xingchen tried to get up, but still felt that he could not fully control his body.

"Don't be brave, let me help you."

Lin Miaomiao helped Ye Xingchen to the infirmary under the watchful eyes of everyone on the field.

Because of Ye Xingchen's departure from Jiang Tianhao, they could only use the substitutes. The current score is a big advantage. As long as they play steadily, the opponent will not be able to turn the game in the last 15 minutes.

In the infirmary at this time.

Ye Xingchen was lying on the hospital bed. The school doctor checked briefly, and found that there was nothing serious, so he ordered: "It's just a little tired, pay more attention to rest, you said that I won't have a few students here this year, it's you guys who come here , you are almost becoming regular customers."

Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen were a little embarrassed when they were said, because this is not an exaggeration. They are almost becoming regular visitors here, and the teachers in the school hospital are familiar with them.

After the school doctor left, Ye Xingchen suddenly laughed.

Lin Miaomiao thumped him lightly: "You're still laughing, you're so careless every time."

Ye Xingchen didn't block it, but let Lin Miaomiao's fist fall on his body, which was as painless as tickling.

"I remember that in the first basketball game, you rushed over in a foolish way regardless of other people's eyes. I remember you were crying at that time." Ye Xingchen asked suddenly.

Lin Miaomiao was a little shy after being told: "Oh, can you stop talking about the past, why did you suddenly think of talking about this?"

"I was just thinking, you liked me back then, to be honest."

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback for a while and said as a matter of course: "At that time, all the girls in the school liked you."

"You are no exception."

Lin Miaomiao still wanted to speak hard, but seeing Ye Xingchen's gentle smile, she told the truth: "I, I, I...well, I liked you back then."

"me too."

The atmosphere in the hut suddenly became ambiguous.

Finally Lin Miaomiao couldn't wait any longer.

"I, I'm going to buy you a bottle of water."

Looking at Lin Miaomiao who was still so shy, Ye Xingchen felt as if he had returned to the time when he first met her in the first year of high school.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly came

"The countdown to the return of the main world begins."

 Thank you yhzxzx1 for the monthly pass

  Thank you for the monthly ticket of the lost boy

(End of this chapter)

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