Chapter 178 The System Appears Again
The countdown to the return of the main world begins

3 months remaining.

Please host get ready!

From the 0.01 second when his body became invisible, Ye Xingchen knew that he might be about to leave this world, because this was the world's rejection of him.

"System, I can..."

"No, the host here is not your world. You have completely changed the life trajectory of the protagonist of the Boys' School, and your mission has been completed."

Ye Xingchen couldn't suppress the anger in his heart when he heard the systematic explanation: "You brought me into this world without saying a word, and took me away from this world without saying a word. Have you obtained my consent?"

The system was silent for a while and replied: "This is a win-win situation. All the knowledge, physique, and system rewards you have acquired can be used in the real world. You will have a completely different and wonderful life."

"Miaomiao, what should I do if I leave Miaomiao, leave her here alone to grieve, what about my parents in this world, what should they do, they only have me as a son. Why didn't you think about it when you brought me here? Am I willing or not?" Ye Xingchen asked emotionally.

The system replied: "There are gains and losses. The host has obtained something that ordinary people can't get in a lifetime. Why bother to stick to feelings? Let's take it easy. This is just a story in a book. I am the one who embodies it." After it has been transformed, the host can think that this is a real game, except that you are a real player, the rest are just npcs."

"It's just a story to you, but what about me?" Ye Xingchen continued to question.

"Please host, look away, this is just a stop on your journey."

"I can't see it!"

The system stopped talking, and Ye Xingchen gradually calmed down. After two years of experience, Ye Xingchen's state of mind is no longer the state of mind that ordinary people can have.

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao ran in from the outside, bouncing around.

"No, I bought you your favorite lemon sparkling water."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in front of him and said softly, "Thank you."

Lin Miaomiao took a sip of the iced cola in her hand, and frowned after hearing Ye Xingchen's words: "Ye Xingchen, why are you so mature all of a sudden."

Ye Xingchen said sincerely: "Isn't it hard work for you to take care of me after all your busy schedules?"

"Hmph, it's good that you know, don't bully me in the future." Lin Miaomiao said with a smile.

"I won't bully you in the future."

Lin Miaomiao felt a little awkward when she heard this sentence: "It's strange, what happened to you today, why do I feel that you are a little weird, maybe it's because you fell and fell stupid."

After speaking, he did not forget to touch Ye Xingchen's head to see if he had a fever.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in front of him and asked suspiciously: "What are you doing?"

Lin Miaomiao looked puzzled: "It's strange, you don't have a fever either, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Ye Xingchen's face darkened in an instant. He grabbed Lin Miaomiao's hands and pulled Lin Miaomiao onto the bed.

But Lin Miaomiao didn't exclaim this time, and actually had a smug smile on her face.

"I just said, how could you suddenly become serious, this is you."

The more you talk about Ye Xingchen's face, the darker it is, Lin Miaomiao really hasn't been on the house for three days.

While Lin Miaomiao was still in a state of complacency, he pressed hard with his hand, and at the same time Ye Xingchen raised his head and kissed her heavily.

Lin Miaomiao's behavior seemed to be used to it, she hugged Ye Xingchen skillfully, and cooperated with Ye Xingchen.

When Ye Xingchen wanted to enter another one, the school doctor suddenly coughed from outside the door.

"Cough cough!"

The two separated quickly, and Lin Miaomiao didn't dare to look at the teacher again.

"You two little lovers, respect me a little bit. I am also a teacher after all. Although I am not like your dean, Mr. Zhao, you can't be so blatant."

Lin Miaomiao bowed her head decisively and admitted her mistake: "Teacher, we were wrong."

School doctor: "Don't, I was wrong, I shouldn't have come in at this time. I think you're fine, take your little girlfriend back quickly, why are you still here?"

"Okay, teacher, I'm leaving now."

After speaking, Ye Xingchen put on his shoes and pulled Lin Miaomiao out.

"Now this child, alas."


Ye Xingchen did not take Lin Miaomiao directly to the classroom, but came to the playground.

Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously, "Why did you bring me here?"

Ye Xingchen: "Of course I brought you here to tell you something important."

"What's important?"

"Miaomiao, my plan for the summer vacation is that we do the 100 things couples must do together." Ye Xingchen said.

"Is it the 100 things couples on the Internet must do?"


"But why did you suddenly think of doing this?" Lin Miaomiao asked with interest.

Ye Xingchen said excitedly: "This incident is so memorable, I just want to fill in a good memory for us in the future."

"Okay, then don't forget to bring your camera with you. I will record it well and put it in a time capsule. After we graduate, I will take it out and recall it." When Ye Xingchen said this, Lin Miaomiao suddenly had interest.

"Then it's settled."


Ye Xingchen didn't forget to remind at the end: "The exam is coming soon, I have to study hard recently, and go to my place for an hour of tutoring every night."

"Oh, I see, what a disappointment." Lin Miaomiao, who was happy just now, suddenly lost her mood after hearing about the exam.

Although her grades are very good now, the exam has left a shadow on her since she was a child, so she is still quite tired of the exam. This has nothing to do with her grades, she simply rejects it by instinct.

"Let's go, the game should be over, let's go back."

After being reminded by Ye Xingchen, Lin Miaomiao remembered that the game was still in the game: "Yes, I just followed you and forgot about the game. Let's go back and see if we won."

"Don't worry, the score won't be so easy to catch up." Ye Xingchen patted her head and comforted her.

"In case, we're going back soon."

Lin Miaomiao took Ye Xingchen's hand and ran to the basketball court.

After the two arrived, the results came out. The elite middle school beat Hodge middle school with a score of 65:40.

Finally, there are trophies and medals awarded by the school leaders.

It's just that the two didn't catch up.

Lin Miaomiao scolded: "It's all your fault, you're so annoying, I missed the award ceremony."

"How can you blame me? If I hadn't reminded you, you would have forgotten that there is still a match today." Ye Xingchen argued.

Lin Miaomiao played a rogue: "It's your fault, it's your fault. If you say it again, I will bite you."

Ye Xingchen: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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