The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 179 With a girlfriend like me, shouldn't you be secretly happy?

Chapter 179 With a girlfriend like me, shouldn't you be secretly happy?

The second year of high school is coming to an end, and Lin Miaomiao is doing an intensive review of the key knowledge for the year under the guidance of Ye Xingchen. Every night, Lin Miaomiao has to do a math paper specially selected by Ye Xingchen.

Although Lin Miaomiao complained, she still answered the paper obediently and seriously.Ye Xingchen is like a teacher, after she finishes answering, she has to correct it. Let Lin Miaomiao take a look at the wrong questions first, and when she really can't do it, Ye Xingchen will explain it to her until Lin Miaomiao fully understands it. This question type.

Because Wang Shengnan's living room happened to be able to see the situation of Lin Miaomiao's bedroom, so whenever he saw the two of them studying hard, Wang Shengnan always smiled.

She called Lin Dawei who was watching TV next to him: "Hey Brother Dawei, look at how serious Xiaochen and Miaomiao are, I'm happy to see it."

Lin Dawei looked at Wang Shengnan and couldn't help chuckling: "If you're happy, watch more, you won't be able to see them after the college entrance examination."

"What do you know? Do you think it's possible for Miaomiao and I to be admitted to Tsinghua University? It's not impossible. With Xiaochen's help, we might be able to." Wang Shengnan asked excitedly.

Lin Dawei pretended not to hear her, and ignored her.

"Hey, I want to ask you a question, can you stop watching TV, the two children are studying." Seeing Lin Dawei ignoring him, Wang Shengnan's temper came up again, and he directly picked up the remote control to turn off the TV.

Lin Dawei was not to be outdone, and directly sarcastically said: "What am I talking about, you can be satisfied if Miaomiao's grades can be mentioned in a line, and you still have to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University. You don't know what your daughter's previous grades are, you Can you not think about it as soon as you come out?"

Wang Shengnan glared at Lin Dawei: "I'm just thinking about it. If I can't pass the exam, I can't think about it. Besides, if Miaomiao doesn't get into a good school, why don't I separate from Xiaochen? Think about it for the two of you in advance."

"You, stop thinking about it. Miaomiao can rest assured that Xiaochen is watching you. Watch TV by yourself. If you are really bored, go to your best friend to practice yoga and run. Don't put your energy all day long. to the child."

Lin Dawei told Wang Shengnan not to worry about it, and picked up the remote control to turn on the TV and watch it again.

Wang Shengnan felt angry that he couldn't say it, so he went downstairs to find Mu Ying for a run to vent.

Ye Xingchen in the room was seriously grading Lin Miaomiao's test paper. Lin Miaomiao put her arms on the table to support her chin, just stared blankly at Ye Xingchen's side face, laughing like silver bells from time to time.

Ye Xingchen didn't know what happened and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"No, I just think my boyfriend is so handsome when he looks serious." Lin Miaomiao boldly continued to look at Ye Xingchen's face.

Ye Xingchen blew on Liu Hai's stinky fart and said, "I'm always handsome."

Lin Miaomiao suddenly sighed softly.


Ye Xingchen put down his pen and turned his head to ask, "What's the matter, why are you sighing?"

Lin Miaomiao said playfully: "No, I just think that although my boyfriend is handsome, he is just too narcissistic."

Ye Xingchen pouted in dissatisfaction: "Then I also have capital. Appearance, education, talent, force, economy. I don't take any of them. What's wrong with narcissism? If you have a boyfriend like me, you can steal it." Have fun."

"Tch, shouldn't you be having fun with a girlfriend like me?" Lin Miaomiao said unconvinced.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao and asked with great interest: "Then what do you think makes me secretly happy?"

Lin Miaomiao didn't know where her confidence came from and blurted out: "I eat a lot, no, no, I'm cute, kind, never waste food, easy to feed. Where can you find a girl with so many advantages."

Ye Xingchen was at a loss for words.

Carefully consider these words in your mind.

Why are "cute", "kind", "no wasting food", and "easy to feed" so familiar.



"What you said, my snowball will do." Ye Xingchen pointed to the snowball lying on Lin Miaomiao's bed.

"Er..." Lin Miaomiao also thought about these adjectives of her own, and finally came to a conclusion, which seemed really good.

Woooooo~ I am actually not as good as a cat.angry.

"I don't care, I'm the cutest." Since I can't say it, then I'm going to be a rascal, who made me a girl.

Ye Xingchen also lazily argued with her: "Okay, okay, you're the cutest, okay? I'm going to help you grade the test papers. Go and cut some fruit for me, my lovely girlfriend."

"For the sake of your knowledge, this girl will reluctantly listen to your orders once. Wait!"

Lin Miaomiao ran to the living room, opened the refrigerator door, and took some pears, apples, and bananas.Then I hurried to the kitchen to wash it, and then cut it into small pieces with a knife.

Lin Dawei looked at the busy Lin Miaomiao and couldn't help asking: "Miaomiao, what are you doing?"

"Cut the fruit, Ye Xingchen said he wants to eat fruit."

"Be careful, don't cut your hands by watching."

"Got it, I'm not a fool, why cut it off my hand."

"Then cut more, I want to eat too."

Lin Miaomiao just finished cutting it, and she came out of the kitchen with a plate of fruit, took the toothpick in the living room, and said to Lin Dawei, "It's in the refrigerator, go get it yourself."

Then he brought the whole plate of fruit to Ye Xingchen.

"Thank you Miaomiao." Ye Xingchen was about to pierce one into his mouth when Lin Miaomiao stopped him.

Lin Miaomiao blinked her cute eyes: "Just help me correct the question seriously, and I'll feed you."

Ye Xingchen didn't refuse, smiled and agreed: "Thank you for my lovely girlfriend, then I won't be disrespectful. Ah~"

Ye Xingchen opened his mouth, and Lin Miaomiao fed him slowly.

Lin Dawei looked at the two people in the room and suddenly lost his appetite. He doesn't want to cut fruit now, he wants to kill people...

Finally, under Lin Miaomiao's warm care, Ye Xingchen corrected the test paper.

Except for the last logic question, all other questions are correct, and there is no penalty for the steps of the application questions.I knew that Ye Xingchen's requirements for the steps were very strict.Ye Xingchen expected that Lin Miaomiao did not get the last big question right.Because this question is also a bit difficult for a top student like Qian Sanyi.

"Miaomiao, you are correct in the first few steps of this question, and you have made mistakes from this point on..." Ye Xingchen gave her a few words carefully, lest she would not understand, he spoke at full speed, and usually said goodbye. When the questions are a bit too simple, I will just mention them in one stroke.

"It's so complicated." You can tell from Lin Miaomiao's appearance that she still doesn't understand it very well.

Ye Xingchen didn't force her to know it, after all, this question was not a basic question when he was competing, but an advanced question.

"It's fine if you don't understand anything. If you can do something like the college entrance examination, just do it. If you can't do it, just give up. Few people know how to do this kind of question."

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(End of this chapter)

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