Chapter 180 Mom, We Just Hug


"That's good. If all the questions are like this, I'd just kill myself." Lin Miaomiao complained.

Ye Xingchen was not stingy with his praise: "Haha, it's not that exaggerated. Today's score is not bad, with 135 points, all correct except this question. It deserves praise."

"That's right, it doesn't matter who handed me over to me. My teacher is a handsome and smart genius." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly flattered her.

"Although what you said is false, I still take it seriously." Ye Xingchen rubbed Lin Miaomiao's hair.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao would lower her head and close her eyes, letting Ye Xingchen ravage her hair, because it was very comfortable.Just like you pet a cat, it feels comfortable when you are comfortable.

Looking at Lin Miaomiao, who is so cute and well-behaved, Ye Xingchen's boyish heart immediately flooded, as if he hit the softest part of his heart, he just wanted to hold this girl in his arms.


Lin Dawei watched from outside.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Xingchen said, "Okay, Miaomiao, I'm going back, you should go to bed early and have a good rest."

"Ah, why don't you leave now? Let's play for a while. It's only 9 o'clock anyway." Seeing that Ye Xingchen was leaving, Lin Miaomiao felt reluctant.

"No, go to bed early and get up early." Ye Xingchen refused, looked outside and whispered in Lin Miaomiao's ear, "Uncle has been staring at me, if I stay any longer, I'm afraid I will die."

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Coward, I'm not afraid of anything you are afraid of."

Ye Xingchen "..."

Ye Xingchen: "Because this is your home and that is your father."

"Tch, after all, it's not that you are cowardly, you won't hug you even if you are hugged." Lin Miaomiao gave Ye Xingchen a big roll of eyes.

Although what Lin Miaomiao said was a bit suspected of using the aggressive method, Ye Xingchen's reason told him not to do anything too extreme.

"Whatever you say, I'm leaving. Won't you see me off?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen's eyes and seemed to want to see what he was thinking through the pupils, but unfortunately she couldn't guess his thoughts.

"Then I will send you off instead of Snowball."

After the two came out of the bedroom, Ye Xingchen greeted Lin Dawei first.

"Uncle, it's getting late, I'm going home first."

Lin Dawei also said politely: "What time is it? Are you going back so early?"

"It's 9 o'clock, and I have to get up early for class tomorrow, so I won't disturb Uncle and Miao Miao's rest." Ye Xingchen replied politely.

"That's fine, then I won't keep you anymore, go to bed early, Miaomiao, you can go see Ye Xingchen off."

"Okay." Lin Miaomiao nodded obediently.

"Goodbye uncle!"


After chatting briefly, Ye Xingchen pulled Lin Miaomiao out of the room.

At Ye Xingchen's door, Ye Xingchen embraced Lin Miaomiao into his arms.

"Finally I can hug you."

"Who told you not to hug me just now? It's not that I didn't let you hug me." Lin Miaomiao's voice was like a mosquito.

"But uncle won't let me."

"It's not that you are timid, anyway, I'm not afraid." Lin Miaomiao laughed softly.

Ye Xingchen quibbled: "This is not timid, at least respect must be given to uncle."

"Now that you've got it, how do you feel?" Lin Miaomiao asked playfully.

"Hmm... it's soft and comfortable."

Ye Xingchen was just describing his truest feelings, not driving.

"Big pervert." Lin Miaomiao gently patted Ye Xingchen behind her with her hand, "Hey, haven't you hugged enough yet?"

"Holding is not enough, I want to hold it all the time."

"I won't let you hold me if I can't hug her enough. I'm going back, or my dad will talk about me again." Lin Miaomiao struggled.

"Just for a while, just hug for a while."

Lin Miaomiao could clearly hear Ye Xingchen's trembling voice, whenever Ye Xingchen was like this, he knew he was going to play tricks.

But when Lin Miaomiao was ready, Ye Xingchen didn't do anything, just hugged her quietly.

In fact, Lin Miaomiao's idea was correct, Ye Xingchen was really going to play tricks when he was like this before.But today Ye Xingchen just wants to hug her well, because he is afraid of losing Lin Miaomiao, only by hugging her tightly can Ye Xingchen feel the reality of this world.

Perhaps feeling that Ye Xingchen was in a bad mood, Lin Miaomiao also hugged him hard, which was a kind of silent comfort.

Hugging with the one you love is recharging. Every time you hug, you feel that the whole world loves you, and you feel that you have everything.

This sentence is correct.

At this time, Wang Shengnan and Mu Ying just came back from running outside, and they saw Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen embracing at the door at a glance from a long distance away.

But neither of the two people who were in harmony with each other chose to disturb them, and just looked at them not far away.

After a long time, Lin Miaomiao felt two people at the door out of the corner of her eye. She fixed her eyes and saw that it was her mother and Aunt Mu Ying.

She quickly pushed Ye Xingchen and whispered, "Look at the door."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao as he spoke, and there was his mother and Wang Shengnan at the door. Ye Xingchen quickly let go of Lin Miaomiao and greeted the two parents.

"Mom, Aunt Katsuo, you are back. The two of us..."

"Xiaochen, it's so late, go to bed early, you have to go to school tomorrow." Wang Shengnan said with a half-smile.

"I know."

"That's fine, then I'll take Miaomiao home first, Sister Muying, Xiaochen, you should go back to rest earlier."

Mu Ying: "Okay."

Ye Xingchen: "Good night, auntie, good night Miaomiao."

Lin Miaomiao waved her hand: "Good night."

After saying goodnight to each other, Wang Shengnan took Lin Miaomiao upstairs.

Ye Xingchen and Mu Ying returned home.

Mu Ying blamed angrily: "You child, you know how to bully Miao Miao, and you even let Sheng Nan see it."

"This is considered bullying. I just hugged her. How can I be so exaggerated." Ye Xingchen said speechlessly.

Mu Ying: "Just a hug? Girls can't be hugged casually."

"I can hug my girlfriend as much as I want." Facing his mother's accusations, Ye Xingchen remained indifferent.

"Why don't you understand, pick a good place to hug next time, you're fine, Miaomiao, I'm going to be scolded by your aunt Katsunan again today."

It was only after Mu Ying reminded Ye Xingchen that he thought about this question: "Um, why did I forget this, no, I'm going to have a look."

"Okay, don't make any more trouble. Your Aunt Sheng Nan is very proud of you. You shouldn't be too embarrassing for Miao Miao. Just be more careful next time." Seeing Ye Xingchen's anxious look, Mu Ying couldn't help I am a little relieved, because my son knows that he loves his girlfriend.

Ye Xingchen prayed for Lin Miaomiao: "Well, I hope Miaomiao won't be scolded."

At the same time, in Lin Miaomiao's room.

Lin Miaomiao said with a guilty conscience, "Mom, we just hugged and did nothing else."

"What else do you want to do? Let me tell you, although I don't object to your falling in love with Xiaochen, you must have a limit. You should know what you should do and what you shouldn't do." Wang Shengnan educated.

"I know Mom, you've said it several times, I know what not to do, can you let me sleep, I'm sleepy."

"Sleep, dead child, don't let me worry at all."

(End of this chapter)

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