Chapter 181 Let's go on a trip
Whether Lin Miaomiao is willing or not, the final exam is still coming as scheduled. Under Ye Xingchen's "devil training" in the last month, Lin Miaomiao is full of confidence in this exam, and even has the confidence to get the second place. As for the first Well, except for beating Ye Xingchen to death, this position will always be his. Lin Miaomiao has never expected this position.

Before the exam, Ye Xingchen asked Lin Miaomiao to bring all the things for the exam as usual, because Lin Miaomiao often lost things, even if she was reminded several times, she still forgot to take things for no reason.

So Ye Xingchen would check on this silly girl every time before going out, and it became Ye Xingchen's habit over time.

In this way, Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen brought their respective things to the examination room No. [-], because the examination room is arranged according to the results, so the seats of the two are not very far apart.

As the bell rang at 8:00, the invigilator began to distribute the Chinese test papers.

Chinese is Lin Miaomiao's strong point, and it is also the subject that Ye Xingchen is least worried about.Just as he thought, when Lin Miaomiao came to her home court, she didn't pay attention to the questions at all, and the questions were as smooth as flowing water, especially silky.

Of course, when Lin Miaomiao got the math test paper, she immediately showed a confident smile on her face, because she didn't know how many times she had done these questions, and she was stable.


The exam lasted for two days, exactly one and a half days.After the exam, the results will not be issued immediately. For the students of the second year of high school, it is a time to relax.

Ye Xingchen originally thought that the teachers would assign a lot of homework as usual, but this time the teachers of various subjects showed mercy, and the homework assigned this time was only half of the homework in previous holidays.

According to Tang Yuanming's words, this is the last vacation you can relax, and the rest will be the tense senior year of high school, so let the students cherish it.

But for Ye Xingchen, this is also his last vacation in this world.

On the way home from the holiday, Ye Xingchen suddenly said to Lin Miaomiao in front of him: "Miaomiao, let's go on a trip."


Lin Miaomiao slowed down and kept level with Ye Xingchen.

"Where are you traveling?"

Ye Xingchen smiled gently: "You can go anywhere, we can go wherever you want, we will be in our third year of high school soon, don't you want to relax?"

Although Lin Miaomiao really wanted to go, she still had concerns: "But traveling requires a lot of money. My pocket money is not enough to fit between my teeth. Besides, my parents are unlikely to allow us to go out to play."

Ye Xingchen laughed immediately after hearing this: "Haha, it's okay, have you forgotten, I'm a billionaire. I'll just tell my uncles and aunts, don't worry."

"Yeah, why did I forget this, you are a big dog, so why hesitate, I want to go to Sanya, I haven't been to the beach for a long time, this time I want to have a good time." Hearing Ye Xingchen In this way, all the problems were solved, and Lin Miaomiao shouted excitedly.

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Don't get excited, I'll go home and plan our travel itinerary first, I just saved a guidebook a long time ago, I'll go back and sort it out, and we'll set off in a week."

Lin Miaomiao urged Ye Xingchen: "Okay, okay, let's go home quickly, I want to have a good talk with my mother."

"Ride slowly, we won't start until a week later, why are you in such a hurry." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao who was speeding up and said worriedly.

"I can't wait to go out and play, Ye Xingchen, whoever gets home first in our competition, if you win, I will agree to any request you have."

While speaking, Lin Miaomiao had pulled Ye Xingchen more than 10 meters away.

Ye Xingchen shook his head and whispered, "Childish."

Even though he said so, Ye Xingchen accelerated immediately and overtook Lin Miaomiao in a short while.

Then he was a few meters ahead of Lin Miaomiao. Of course, safety is the most important thing.

In the end, even though Lin Miaomiao tried her best to catch up with this animal, she didn't want to catch up with Ye Xingchen, so she just wanted to go home quickly, and she didn't hesitate to go home quickly... Regardless of mentioning it, perhaps this is wisdom.

As soon as she got home, Lin Miaomiao immediately told Wang Shengnan about her travel ideas.

Lin Miaomiao first ran into Wang Shengnan's arms and acted like a baby: "Mom, let me hug you."

Wang Shengnan really understands his daughter.Seeing Lin Miaomiao's sudden courtship, she said mercilessly, "Tell me, did you fail the exam this time?"

"No, I did well in the exam this time, and I dare say that I'm very likely to get second this time." Lin Miaomiao said proudly while acting like a baby.

Wang Shengnan immediately became better when he heard that his daughter was so confident: "Really, ah, my family Miaomiao is awesome, tell me what reward you want."

Seeing that the opportunity came, Lin Miaomiao said while the iron was hot: "I want to travel with Ye Xingchen during the holidays, so I ask my queen mother for permission."

"Travel, why do you suddenly want to travel?" Lin Miaomiao said, Wang Shengnan asked very puzzled.

"No more, what Ye Xingchen said, why don't you go out and relax after your sophomore year in high school?"

Lin Miaomiao said in a low voice.

Wang Shengnan was thoughtful: "What did Xiaochen say? Traveling is very expensive, and it costs money to go to a restaurant, a restaurant, how much do you want?"

Hearing her mother ask this question, Lin Miaomiao excitedly said, "Mom, let me tell you something, don't tell others."

Wang Shengnan didn't take it seriously: "What's the matter? It's still mysterious."

Lin Miaomiao leaned into Wang Shengnan's ear and whispered, "Ye Xingchen won more than 2 million lottery tickets."


Wang Shengnan was taken aback in amazement.

"You're telling the truth?"

Lin Miaomiao nodded: "Really! Why am I lying to you? He is rich now. Mom, do you still remember my classmate Jiang Tianhao? It's the rich second generation."

Wang Shengnan: "I remember, what's wrong?"

"His family went bankrupt and owed more than [-] million yuan. Ye Xingchen lent the money to Haozi without even thinking about it. Of course he told me that there was still a little left, but it was enough for us to travel." Lin Miaomiao Said.

"When did Xiaochen win so much money? Why have I never heard of him." Wang Shengnan still couldn't accept this information, and it was hard to digest it for a while.

"Last year when he celebrated his birthday, it's too bad that I didn't even tell me about it. I used the pocket money I had saved for a long time to buy him a cat and cat food. It was too much." Lin Miaomiao thought of this a little Angry, she wanted to kill Ye Xingchen.

Wang Shengnan ignored Lin Miaomiao's complaints, but continued to ask: "He bought it first and lent all the money to others? Did he lend so much money without discussing it with his parents?"

"Yes, according to what he said, he didn't care about it after winning the lottery. He didn't tell us until Haozi went bankrupt. Otherwise, we don't know how long he will keep it from us."

 Thanks hyj930717 for the monthly pass
  Thanks Ye Yitan Yongtune for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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