Chapter 182 Let Me Slow Down

"No, let me sit down and relax." Wang Shengnan sat on the sofa for a long time and couldn't calm down.

She originally thought that Ye Xingchen was a very good kid, but she didn't expect that a sophomore in high school would have such courage. Now Wang Shengnan liked Ye Xingchen more and more.

"Um, Mom, what's wrong with you? Why do you need to slow down when Ye Xingchen won the lottery?" Lin Miaomiao was a little confused.

"With such a large amount of money, if you and Ye Xingchen really get married in the future, won't you be able to live a good life, silly boy." Seeing Lin Miaomiao's disapproving look, Wang Shengnan hated iron for nothing.

"I feel the same. Anyway, I'm not looking for his money when I'm with him. But with so much money, I'm not afraid that you won't give me pocket money."

From this, it can be seen that Lin Miaomiao's thinking is really different from others, she actually said that she is not afraid that Wang Shengnan will not give her pocket money.

Wang Shengnan doesn't know how to evaluate Lin Miaomiao now, she just wants to give birth to another one.

"If you go on a trip, what about the safety issue? What will happen to the two children when they meet bad people? Don't think that this incident will happen all at once." Wang Shengnan is still a little rational, at least he can still think of the safety issues of the two from the shock.

Lin Miaomiao thought for a while: "Actually, if Ye Xingchen meets bad guys, I'm worried about the bad guys."

Hearing what Lin Miaomiao said, Wang Shengnan was at a loss for words, yes, if he really meets a bad guy, the one who should run away is indeed the bad guy.

Wang Shengnan sighed: "You should discuss this matter with your father. As long as he agrees to let you go, then let you go."

"Great, thank you mom." Lin Miaomiao threw herself on Wang Shengnan again to act like a spoiled child.

At this moment, Lin Dawei just came back from get off work.

"Hey, your mother and daughter have let go of their suspicions again and are in love with each other?"

"It just so happens that you are back. Your daughter wants to go on a trip with Ye Xingchen this holiday. You decide whether to let them go or not." Wang Shengnan kicked the ball to Lin Dawei.

Lin Dawei put down his bag and put on his shoes, then sat on the sofa and asked, "Travel? Where are you going? Just the two of you?"

"It's just the two of us, we're not sure where we're going, but Ye Xingchen is going to sort out the strategies tonight. Daddy, you agree to let me go. We'll be in our third year of high school soon and we want to relax." Lin Miaomiao went to Linda University again. Spoil yourself there.

Lin Dawei's ears were very soft, and he couldn't resist Lin Miaomiao's soft-spoken words: "It's not that I won't let you go, travel costs a lot, do you have enough pocket money?"

"This... let my mother tell you." Lin Miaomiao resolutely handed over the task of narrating to Wang Shengnan.

Lin Dawei was not only a little puzzled: "Huh?"

Wang Shengnan took a deep breath and told Lin Dawei exactly what Lin Miaomiao told her just now.

After hearing that Ye Xingchen had won [-] million yuan, Lin Dawei, who had just taken a sip of water, choked hard.

"Pfft, cough, cough, how much?"

Lin Miaomiao repeated to him again: "200+ million!"

"Have you borrowed them all?"

"Should have kept a little. But he said it's enough for traveling."

Lin Dawei still couldn't accept it: "Just wait a moment and I'll take it easy."

Lin Miaomiao felt that her parents were inexplicably stomping their feet and hurriedly said: "You just say you agree with me or not, I'm still waiting for Ye Xingchen's reply."

Lin Dawei thought over and over again that it would be okay to let the two of them relax for a vacation. After all, the third year of high school was still very tiring: "I have no opinion, as long as your mother agrees."

"I love you so much Dad, thank you so much. I'll tell Ye Xingchen right now."

Lin Miaomiao went downstairs to find Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen was currently looking for travel guides posted by Yuzu on his original mobile phone, and then planned the itinerary, as well as which attractions to visit, when he was halfway through, there was a knock on the door of his home.

Mu Ying and Ye Bowen were watching TV outside, so Ye Xingchen didn't care about things outside the house and continued to plan the route.

Mu Ying opened the door: "Miaomiao, are you here to find Xiaochen?"

Lin Miaomiao greeted politely: "Hi Auntie, I'm here to find Ye Xingchen, where is Ye Xingchen?"

"It's in your room, go find him."


After coming to the living room, Lin Miaomiao greeted Ye Bowen again and ran to Ye Xingchen's room.

"Ye Xingchen! My parents agreed."

"I'm going, Lin Miaomiao, how many times have I told you, can you not be surprised, what if I can't help but accidentally hurt you?"

"I, I, I was just too excited, and it wasn't intentional."

Lin Miaomiao also knew she was wrong, so she quickly admitted her mistake obediently.

"That's what you said last time, and that's what you said last time."

Ye Xingchen would not be deceived by her cute and pitiful appearance like a little white rabbit. If he had known that Lin Miaomiao had known since she was with him, Ye Xingchen would not be able to stand soft and hard things, especially acting like a baby.

Lin Miaomiao raised four fingers at this time: "I swear this time, if I do this again next time, I will be... just lonely for the rest of my life, this poisonous oath will be fine."

After Ye Xingchen heard this, he immediately thought that he was about to leave this world, and the anger just now turned into reluctance.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I'm used to being surprised by you. Maybe I won't be used to being so surprised without you in the future."

Lin Miaomiao pretended to be disgusted when she heard Ye Xingchen's words: "Hey, you are so perverted, do you feel pleasure in self-mutilation?"

But what she didn't know was that what Ye Xingchen said didn't mean what she understood.

At this time, Ye Xingchen took out his plan: "Okay, let's not talk about this, I have already planned half of the route, first of all, I will go to Sanya for a week, don't you like going to the beach, this time I will let you play enough .”

"Can I really go to Sanya? Great, I can finally realize my dream, woo woo woo, Ye Xingchen, I like you so much." Lin Miaomiao hugged his arm and shook it from side to side.

"This time there are only two of us. In order to ensure safety, we have to do everything together and live together in accommodation." Ye Xingchen told Lin Miaomiao what to pay attention to during this trip.

When Lin Miaomiao heard that they were going to live together forever, her face turned red: "Oh, I see."

Ye Xingchen didn't pay attention to Lin Miaomiao's situation and continued: "Then, the second place I plan to go to is here."

"Province S? What are you doing there?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"There are some things I want to learn about. It's like revisiting the old place. There are also many interesting things in this place. I have planned them all, so I won't waste too much time." Ye Xingchen explained to her.

"Well, as long as I can play, I can go anywhere."

But Lin Miaomiao still said that she missed one thing, as long as she was given food, she could go anywhere.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's agreement, Ye Xingchen said happily, "Then let's do this first, and we can just fly there by plane wherever you want to go."

"Okay, everything is under Chenchen's command." Lin Miaomiao playfully saluted Ye Xingchen.

"Hands upside down, stupid."

"Oh, it should be here, it's embarrassing."

(End of this chapter)

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