Chapter 183 Departure
Ye Xingchen's parents didn't say much except for safety issues, Ye Xingchen had already gotten used to it.Lin Miaomiao's problems have all been resolved, and she is ready to go at any time. For this trip to Sanya, Lin Miaomiao bought a swimsuit specially for surfing on the sea.

Of course, when choosing a swimsuit, Ye Xingchen's "suggestions" were of course indispensable. By the way, he picked some cooler clothes for Lin Miaomiao (funny).

Ye Xingchen still had a good eye. Lin Miaomiao was quite satisfied with the swimsuit and clothes she picked, but when she saw the price of the clothes, she immediately gave up the idea of ​​buying them.

But Ye Xingchen wouldn't let his plan fail, he just placed an order and bought it in one go.

Lin Miaomiao said distressedly: "Why did you buy it? It's too expensive."

"I have money, you don't have to worry about money." Ye Xingchen rubbed her hair and said softly.

Lin Miaomiao still felt a little awkward: "But I can't spend your money all the time, return this dress, I'll buy another one myself."

Seeing her stubborn look, Ye Xingchen couldn't help sighing in his heart, Miaomiao is really so simple, she always thinks of him.When we were hanging out together before, if you invited her to dinner, she would invite her back from other places, and would never let you pay alone.

But for such a good girl, I can't stay with her all the time.

"You can work for me to pay off the debt." Ye Xingchen suddenly approached Lin Miaomiao and whispered.

Lin Miaomiao was startled suddenly by him: "How do you work part-time?"

"For example, you can rub my back and squeeze my shoulders. It costs 100 yuan to serve me for a day. How about it? That's okay."

Lin Miaomiao thought about it and still felt something was wrong: "But..."

"No, but, either give me a part-time job to repay the debt, or I will buy it for you as a gift, you choose."

Lin Miaomiao saw Ye Xingchen's insistence in front of her, so she had no choice but to unilaterally agree to his overlord clause.


"That's good, come on, let's continue to prepare other things, such as sunscreen and other daily necessities."

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen holding a list full of things, and couldn't help asking, "Do you need to prepare so many things? Don't these hotels all have them?"

Ye Xingchen explained: "Although the things in the hotel are disinfected and replaced every day, it is still necessary to use our own, and we are on a long trip this time. Didn't you say you wanted to go camping last time? This time, I can take you Get a taste of the camp life."

As soon as she heard about the camping, Lin Miaomiao immediately cheered up: "Yes, do we need tents for camping? Do we still need to buy tents?"

"No, just rent one there. If you're not used to sleeping, you can sleep in an RV." Although Ye Xingchen had never camped before, he searched the Internet for strategies.

Lin Miaomiao shook her head: "I don't sleep in an RV, it doesn't mean anything. I've never camped before. I could have lived in a tent during my last school trip, but the teacher refused."

"Okay, let's prepare well in the past few days. We will leave next Monday, and the ticket is booked."


Lin Miaomiao has been in a state of excitement for the past few days, and the whole person can't relax. The closer the time is, Lin Miaomiao feels that the time passes more slowly.For this reason, Wang Shengnan scolded her a lot, but for Lin Miaomiao, who only wanted to travel, she was directly immune to magic.

After waiting and waiting, it finally came to the day of departure, Lin Miaomiao dragged a big suitcase to find Ye Xingchen early.Seeing Lin Miaomiao who couldn't wait, Ye Xingchen was glad that he bought the ticket in the morning, otherwise he would be disturbed by Lin Miaomiao all morning.

Before leaving, Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan kept telling them to pay attention to safety and make phone calls when they had something to do. On the other hand, Ye Xingchen's parents were more Buddhist, and they probably knew his son too well, so they didn't worry so much.

Finally, the two got on the car to the airport amidst the nagging of Lin Miaomiao's parents.

Coincidentally, Qian Sanyi just came back from Yanda, and he sent a message to the group of five: "I'm home, let's go out for dinner together."

As soon as the news came out of Jiang Tianhao's place, he replied: "Okay, where are you going?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "You came back so soon, I thought you would stay for a year."

Qian Sanyi: "Isn't this summer vacation? College students also have summer vacation. By the way, why are you two alone, where did Brother Chen and Lin Miaomiao go?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Let me ask. @林姆婆@叶星辰, where are you two?"

Ye Xingchen, who had some motion sickness, squinted his eyes and fell asleep in the car at this time. Lin Miaomiao was quietly reading a book next to Ye Xingchen, and her phone was on silent.

Qian Sanyi: "Both of them didn't reply, maybe they are busy."

Deng Xiaoqi: "What can I do during the holidays?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Do you think the two of you will be here..."

Qian Sanyi: "Haozi, you are indeed a beast, but I think it's very possible."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Hey, you two are so dirty, Qian Sanyi is in vain that I used to worship you so much."

Qian Sanyi: "I just agree with what Haozi said, besides, why didn't you mention him when he proposed."


After an hour's drive, the two finally arrived at the airport.The time was just right, and when the two entered, they happened to be checking in for the plane.

After getting on the plane, Lin Miaomiao saw the news in the group.She immediately told them about her and Ye Xingchen's itinerary: "Ye Xingchen and I went on a trip."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Travel?"

Jiang Tianhao: "Travel?"

Qian Sanyi: "Travel?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Yes, travel."

Deng Xiaoqi: "I'm so envious."

Jiang Tianhao: "You don't call me when you travel, it's really not interesting."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but return: "Miaomiao and I live in a two-person world, you join in the fun."

"Hahaha, Ye Xingchen, you are too cruel, but I like it." Lin Miaomiao couldn't help laughing at Ye Xingchen's message.

Ye Xingchen said: "Miaomiao, I still need to sleep for a while. It's still a little uncomfortable to fly for the first time."

"Forgot, people who get carsick are very likely to get airsick. Go to bed quickly, and I'll chat with them for a while." Lin Miaomiao thoughtfully pasted the motion sickness sticker on Ye Xingchen, although she didn't know if it would cure the airsickness.

Ye Xingchen fell asleep quite quickly, and fell asleep within a short time after closing his eyes.

And Lin Miaomiao continued to chat with Jiang Tianhao and the others.

Three hours later, the plane landed at the airport smoothly.

Lin Miaomiao quickly woke up Ye Xingchen: "Here we are, we should go."

Ye Xingchen rubbed his glasses: "It's so fast, I feel like I fell asleep for a while."

Hearing Ye Xingchen say this, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but give her a blank look: "You are sleeping faster than me now, and you are deader than me."

 Thank you for your monthly tickets, all book friends,

  Thanks to the old wolf for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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