Chapter 187 Camping Begins

"My mother is really, always worried about this and that. I'm not a child anymore."

Ye Xingchen smiled and took their luggage and said to Lin Miaomiao who was complaining: "Auntie also cares about you, don't complain, let's go when the car arrives."

"Alright, let's go camping."

Lin Miaomiao reached for her suitcase.

"I can take it myself, so I won't bother Brother Xingchen."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao who was so enlightened and couldn't help but praised: "It's not bad, and you know how to love me."

"That is, although I can't help you with IQ matters, I still have physical strength, so I can't be useless." After being praised, Lin Miaomiao raised her head and said proudly.

"Haha, it's good that you know your shortcomings."

"Damn it, Ye Xingchen, you think I'm stupid, believe it or not, I'll bite you." After speaking, he still didn't forget to open his mouth wide to reveal two cute little canine teeth.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly picked up his schoolbag to cover Lin Miaomiao's mouth: "I didn't say it this time, it was you who said it yourself, I just followed your lead.

Lin Miaomiao patted open her schoolbag and said ferociously: "That's not okay, I'll let you go this time, and I'll definitely kill you next time. Hmph! By the way, where are we going in Province H this time?"

Ye Xingchen replied with a smile: "The camping park in Juzizhou is quite famous."

Lin Miaomiao lowered her head to brainstorm, and then said in frustration, "Well... I don't have any information about this place in my brain."

Ye Xingchen: "As expected! You'll know when you get there. Let's go, we'll be late in a while."


It took a little longer to fight with Lin Miaomiao just now, but fortunately the driver was good enough and arrived at the airport in less than half an hour, but Ye Xingchen felt a little uncomfortable, and endured the feeling of vomiting in the car until he got off. The car felt better after drinking a few sips of water.

The two of them checked in and boarded the plane smoothly. Ye Xingchen's mother even called once, saying that Xueqiu had lost his appetite at home, and asked Ye Xingchen to go home early to have a look.

Ye Xingchen knew in his heart that Xue Qiu hadn't seen him for a long time and missed himself.Ye Xingchen asked Mu Ying about Xueqiu's diet, and said that he would go back in about a week, so they don't have to worry about him.

In fact, Ye Xingchen was simply thinking too much, if it wasn't for Xueqiu's lack of appetite, Mu Ying probably wouldn't have given him this call.

After a 2-hour flight, the two landed smoothly at Changsha Huanghua International Airport, and then took the subway to their destination.

Lin Miaomiao complained on the road: "Why does it feel so troublesome this time? Isn't there a direct one? I still need to change it. This girl is exhausted."

Ye Xingchen rubbed her hair habitually and comforted her: "Isn't it here? It's bitter before it's sweet. You can only experience the joy of camping after going through a lot of hardships. And this place is where you can cook for yourself." Oh, I'll cook something delicious for you soon."

"Really?" Lin Miaomiao felt the spirit of being able to cook by herself instantly. Although she had eaten delicious food outside this month, Lin Miaomiao still felt that the food cooked by Ye Xingchen was better after comparison. For this reason, Lin Miaomiao told Ye Xingchen about this a lot.

"No, look there!" In order to prove that he didn't lie to her, he pointed to a family that was cooking over there.

Lin Miaomiao looked in the direction of his finger, and she saw that there was a family cooking, with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, pots and pans, and the most important thing was a portable gas tank.

After seeing these, Lin Miaomiao immediately thought of an important thing, that is, she didn't own these things.

"Ye Xingchen, where are we going to get these things, we have nothing now."

Ye Xingchen said indifferently: "There will be sells around the camping place, we can't buy all of them later, stupid."

Lin Miaomiao said blankly: "That's right. Why didn't I think of it, you are still smart."

"Let's go, our first step is to rent a tent."

Before Lin Miaomiao could react, Ye Xingchen dragged her to the place where the tent was rented, and rented a slightly larger tent.

Lin Miaomiao is very curious about new things, so she wanted to build this tent by herself.

Ye Xingchen didn't disappoint her either, he personally instructed her how to put up the frame of the tent, and then nailed all four corners of the tent firmly.Originally, Ye Xingchen wanted to do this kind of physical work by himself, but Lin Miaomiao insisted on doing it by herself, so she had no choice but to do as she wanted.

What Ye Xingchen can do is to buy cooking tools, seasonings, bowls and chopsticks, and a small gas stove in the surrounding area during this period.

Of course, the gas stove is rented. As for the tableware and chopsticks, Ye Xingchen bought new ones. After all, cleanliness is the most important thing. He also prepared the water for daily use and the dishes and rice that need to be cooked tonight. After all, the two of them were in a hurry today. I rushed here, so I didn't have time to prepare some things, so I could only make do with something to eat tonight.

After more than an hour of busy work, Lin Miaomiao also successfully set up the tent.

Lin Miaomiao looked at her perfect masterpiece and couldn't help showing off: "Ye Xingchen, look at how I did it. Is it perfect? ​​Compliment me quickly."

Ye Xingchen packed up his things and came to the tent to have a look. It was really well built, after all, it was done under his command, but he still praised Lin Miaomiao.

"Miaomiao, you are awesome."

"Hahaha, I am indeed a genius." Lin Miaomiao pinched her waist and laughed.

"Okay, it's getting dark here, go over there and buy two more sleeping bags, and I'll cook for you." Ye Xingchen poured water into a clean basin, and then washed it well.

"Okay, I promise to complete the task." Lin Miaomiao saluted, and then hurriedly went to buy a sleeping bag.

Ye Xingchen suddenly discovered that these things are really not that simple. The rush here today is really from scratch, including the problem of getting water every day, but fortunately, Ye Xingchen added the contact information of the staff there, so that he can deliver come over.

Just after washing, Lin Miaomiao came back with two sleeping bags in her arms.

"My girl is exhausted. By the way, don't you tell me to cook? Leave it to me." Lin Miaomiao went to the side to wash her hands, took the potatoes over skillfully, peeled them, and then cut them into shreds. Although it doesn't look very good-looking, it is relatively smooth overall.

"What to do next." Lin Miaomiao looked up at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen said with a smile: "Okay, let me give you a few relatively simple methods, vinegar potato shreds."

"Okay, this is my favorite." Lin Miaomiao said happily.

Ye Xingchen gave her a blank look: "You like to eat anything."

"Hey, don't pay attention to these details."

Ye Xingchen didn't continue to quarrel with her, but told her how to do it in detail, and personally guided her.

"First, the potatoes need to be soaked in water for 15 minutes to remove the starch."

Lin Miaomiao took a larger bowl and put the potatoes in it.

"what's next?"

(End of this chapter)

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