Chapter 188 Zhao Jinmai's Photo
"Then put it aside first, you cut up the millet card, garlic, and green onions for later use."

Lin Miaomiao cut it skillfully, and then waited for Ye Xingchen's next command.

Ye Xingchen continued: "Then heat the pan with oil, scallions, garlic, chili, and sauté until fragrant. By the way, be careful when putting it in, the oil will splash out."

Lin Miaomiao said impatiently: "I know, I don't need you to remind me, I'm not stupid."

But Ye Xingchen still helped her hold a pot lid to cover it, for fear that she would splash the oil on her body by her reckless operation.

But Lin Miaomiao is really skilled. It seems that she helps Wang Shengnan cook a lot at home.

"Okay, now the last step, stir-fry the shredded potatoes for 3 minutes, then add two tablespoons of salted chicken essence and vinegar, and finally add green onions and quickly stir-fry evenly."

Lin Miaomiao obediently put in the shredded potatoes that had just been filled, and added the ingredients step by step.

After stirring for a few minutes, Ye Xingchen said, "Turn off the heat and serve."

A plate of vinegar potato shreds is ready.

Lin Miaomiao served it out and couldn't wait for Ye Xingchen to comment on it.

"Quick, try it to see if it's delicious."

Ye Xingchen tasted it and found that the taste was not bad. Although it was not up to his level, it was already delicious.

"Not bad, it's delicious, Miao Miao, you are amazing."

Hearing Ye Xingchen praise herself, Lin Miaomiao said happily, "Really? I'll try it."

she also tried

"Hmm~ It's really delicious. Did I really make this? Ye Xingchen, teach me another one, I found that I'm really a genius." Lin Miaomiao continued to pester Ye Xingchen to teach herself new dishes Mode.

"Uh, okay, there's still time, wait for me, I'll cook the rice first, otherwise we won't have anything to eat in a while." Ye Xingchen took out the portable battery, plugged in the rice cooker, and then put the Rice was put in.

"Wow, where did this battery come from?" Lin Miaomiao saw such a novel thing for the first time.

"I rented it over there, and it's quite complete." Ye Xingchen explained, "Okay, let me teach you another hot and sour cabbage, we'll eat this tonight."


Immediately, Ye Xingchen taught Lin Miaomiao to tear open the prepared cabbage heart leaves and cut them into sections; cut the cabbage into strips and put them in a basin.

"Next, smash a small handful of garlic into minced garlic, then grab a small handful of red peppers and put them in a pot.

Prepare a small pot, add a little salt, sugar, chicken powder, pepper, light soy sauce, mature vinegar, add a spoonful of cornstarch, and stir well. "

Lin Miaomiao couldn't hear it for a while: "Wait a minute, speak slowly, I will take it step by step."

Ye Xingchen laughed and said: "Forget that you are a novice, you should fix the one just now."

Lin Miaomiao did it step by step: "What's next?"

"Next, heat the frying pan, add a little cooking oil, add minced garlic and red pepper and sauté until fragrant, first add cabbage, stir-fry a few times quickly, then add cabbage leaves, continue to stir-fry for about 30 seconds, stir-fry Until the cabbage is broken. Pour in the seasoning and copy it for a while."

Lin Miaomiao was very fast, and after Ye Xingchen said it, there was almost no gap, and soon a pot of delicious hot and sour cabbage was ready.

Ye Xingchen picked up the chopsticks and took the initiative to taste it: "Well, yes, this is delicious too. Miaomiao, you are really a genius. I don't think you should pass the entrance exams to Nanjing University. Instead, go to New Oriental University to learn cooking."

"Get out, don't talk if you can't speak, no one will treat you as dumb, get up, I haven't tasted it yet."

Lin Miaomiao also couldn't wait to taste it: "Wow, it's delicious. I learned two dishes in less than half an hour."

Ye Xingchen asked: "Are you sure you remember everything?"

"Yes. The steps have been completely memorized in my mind. If you don't believe me, I can do it for you again."

"Don't, it's going to be dark, let's eat quickly."

"Then I'll serve dinner."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao, who had been working slowly today, barely stopping, and couldn't help asking: "Miaomiao, aren't you tired, you've been busy all afternoon, and you haven't had much rest. "

"It's okay, I feel a sense of accomplishment now. When I get home, I'll feed it to my mother, so that they can impress me. Bring the food over, let's serve." Lin Miaomiao served the meal and put it in the On the table.

"Miaomiao, I just checked the weather forecast. It might rain tomorrow, so our schedule has to be advanced." Ye Xingchen put down his phone and brought the food over.

Lin Miaomiao: "Ah, I haven't played enough, what should I do with these things?"

Ye Xingchen suggested: "I can only pack it and check it back. There is no other way, it will be troublesome if it rains, and you can't take a shower when camping, although there is a hotel nearby."


Although Lin Miaomiao felt a little sudden about this sudden change, it was still within the acceptable range. After all, she had been playing for more than a month.

After the two finished eating and packed up, they got into their sleeping bags early. The two of them hadn't been idle since they arrived here today, and they were quite tired.

The next day, both of them got up at 6 o'clock, washed and brushed their teeth, then started to clean up yesterday's garbage, cleaned all the pots and everything, and then found a consignment to send all the things away. After all, it's a pity to throw them away. Yes, mainly because there is nowhere to throw them.

The two finally embarked on their way home. Lin Miaomiao notified everyone in the group in advance: "Ye Xingchen and I are going back soon, we have time to come out and get together."

After a while, Jiang Tianhao came out and replied: "Hey. The two of you are back from your honeymoon, and you finally remembered the three of us?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Hee hee, this vacation is the best one I've had. Apart from being a little tired. By the way, Ye Xingchen and I took a lot of photos, do you want to see them?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "Of course, quickly send it over for us to have a look."

There are only a few blurry photos in Lin Miaomiao's phone, because Ye Xingchen has always kept the photos.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the sleeping Ye Xingchen, quietly took out the mobile phone from his arms, entered the password skillfully, and opened the photo album.

After opening the lock screen, he realized that this phone was the one that was not turned on last time, but didn't Ye Xingchen say that it belonged to his friend?
Lin Miaomiao opened the photo album, which was full of photos taken during this trip.She slid down slowly and found a different photo of herself. To be precise, Lin Miaomiao in the photo is more mature than she is now.Lin Miaomiao wanted to take a closer look, but Ye Xingchen woke up.

"Miao Miao, what are you doing?"

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly turned off her mobile phone: "I, I, have nothing to do, just want to find some photos from you and send them to Xiaoqi."

Ye Xingchen stretched out his hand: "Mobile phone."

"Here." Lin Miaomiao obediently handed it over, but in the end she couldn't hold back the doubt in her heart, "Ye Xingchen, I just saw a photo of me in your phone, but it doesn't seem to be me, what is that you?" It was time to shoot."

(End of this chapter)

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