Chapter 190 The Angry Ye Xingchen
"Miaomiao and I are innocent, Qian Sanyi is responsible for what you say." Ye Xingchen said lightly.

"All right, two masters, can I be wrong? My fault is my dirty thinking."

Qian Sanyi watched the two people in front of him join forces and fired at him again, and quickly admitted his mistake.

Ye Xingchen: "It's about the same this time."

Lin Miaomiao turned her head, "Hmph!"

After Qian Sanyi stayed here for a while, he said that he had to go home beforehand. After all, if he continued to stay here, he was watching the two show their affection and were full of dog food.

At the beginning of school, several people had a meal together and chatted for a while.In fact, it was mainly about talking about Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen, and now making jokes between them has almost become a daily pleasure for the three of Deng Xiaoqi.

Ye Xingchen never refuted them, but Lin Miaomiao would react more sometimes.

Of course, everything has a degree, and everyone didn't make excessive jokes, just point to the end.


It's the school season again, starting today, Ye Xingchen and the others officially entered their senior year in high school.

The tasks became more and more heavy. With the help of Ye Xingchen, Lin Miaomiao quickly entered the state of senior year.

Qian Sanyi also returned to his school.

The few people are the same as before, studying hard at three points and one line.

However, everything was normal in life, but because of some things, it became ups and downs.

Lin Miaomiao was doing the test paper carefully selected by Ye Xingchen as usual, and there were a few routine questions in the middle that resulted in wrong results due to carelessness.

When Ye Xingchen was grading, he saw that Lin Miaomiao was still making mistakes on this kind of questions, so he was anxious: "Miaomiao, why are you still making mistakes on this kind of questions?"

"I was careless, next time, next time I will check carefully." Lin Miaomiao said coquettishly.

Originally, she thought Ye Xingchen tolerated her as usual, but this time she didn't expect Ye Xingchen's attitude to be so severe.

"Next time, you said the same thing yesterday. Did you put your mind on your studies? Did you lose your mind after playing for a holiday?"

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback by Ye Xingchen's sudden attitude.

She looked at him in disbelief: "Ye Xingchen, what's wrong with you?"

"What do you think is wrong with me? Don't you panic at all after your third year in high school?" At this time, Ye Xingchen's anger had not subsided.

"I just got a question wrong, why are you so angry?" Lin Miaomiao felt particularly wronged, tears could not help but fall down.

Ye Xingchen also realized that his attitude was not very good just now, and his tone softened a little: "I'm sorry Miaomiao, I was too harsh just now, now that you are in the third year of high school, every question you do now is very important, so... "

Lin Miaomiao turned her head and ignored him.

Ye Xingchen didn't coax her as usual this time: "Then go to bed early, I'll go back first."

Ye Xingchen walked out of the room, while Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei came out to watch the quarrel between them.

Wang Shengnan asked, "Xiaochen, you two are arguing."

Ye Xingchen replied politely: "It's my fault, I was a little harsher just now."

Wang Shengnan: "It's okay, it's okay, if Lin Miaomiao is not serious, you should say that about her."

"Uncle and aunt, I'm going back first, you go and see Miaomiao."

"Okay, go back to sleep, it's getting late."

After the two watched Ye Xingchen go downstairs and returned home, they went to Lin Miaomiao's room and talked with her.

After Ye Xingchen returned home, he lay down on his bed.The reason why he was angry was because the system reminded him a few days ago that it would be more than a month before he went back, so he was in such a hurry. He didn't have much time to accompany Lin Miaomiao.

At this moment, Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan are teaching Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Dawei: "Miaomiao, Ye Xingchen didn't do it on purpose, don't feel bad."

It's okay not to say it, but Lin Miaomiao couldn't stop crying when she said it: "He has never yelled at me like this before, Dad, does he hate me?"

"Nothing, just now he was very concerned and asked us to persuade you." After speaking, Lin Dawei did not forget to touch Wang Shengnan next to him.

Wang Shengnan originally wanted to tell Lin Miaomiao a meal, but he didn't say it when he saw Lin Dawei poking him.

"That's right, Miaomiao, think about it, isn't Xiaochen doing it for you? Just like what he said, you make mistakes every time for the same type of questions. It's very wrong, it's just carelessness."

Seeing that Wang Shengnan was about to go online again, Lin Dawei hurriedly said, "Okay, you still have a meeting tomorrow, go to bed quickly, I'll just tell Miaomiao."

"Okay, you can say what you want, I don't care about you two." After speaking, Wang Shengnan returned to his room angrily.

Seeing his wife leave, Lin Dawei explained the truth to Lin Miaomiao again: "Miaomiao, many things cannot be seen from the surface. There must be a reason for Xiaochen to be so strict with you all of a sudden. You can't just see that he treats you badly. Okay, but to get to know him on a deeper level, after all, you also want to be with him all the time."

Lin Miaomiao hugged her legs and curled up on the bed, looked up at Lin Dawei and said, "Then, why didn't he tell me what happened? He left without even explaining, and didn't care if he saw me crying. "

"Maybe Xiaochen has something to hide." Lin Dawei continued, "As far as I know, Ye Xingchen has always been very stable. He lost his temper at you this time, it must be because other things have affected him. As you Shouldn't his girlfriend understand him?"

"But you can't ask me to apologize to him."

"Even if you don't apologize, you should ask what's going on tomorrow. Dad can be sure that Xiaochen must have encountered something troublesome."

Lin Miaomiao, who originally felt aggrieved by Lin Dawei's words, seemed to understand why Ye Xingchen lost his temper now.

"I see, I will talk to Ye Xingchen about it tomorrow."

"That's right. Remember that you have to solve things when you encounter them in the future. If you have a conflict between the couple, you have to solve it as soon as possible. If both parties don't talk about it, it may cause each other to feel uncomfortable and even break up. That's fine." , It's getting late, Miao Miao, you should go to bed early, you have to get up early tomorrow, isn't it your birthday soon? Maybe Ye Xingchen wants to give you a surprise."

Lin Dawei told Lin Miaomiao a bunch of truths tonight. As expected of a scholar, at least the basics are here. Today Lin Miaomiao learned how to get along with couples and the correct way to get along.

After Lin Dawei left, Lin Miaomiao lay on the bed and thought for a long time, thinking of Ye Xingchen's infinite tolerance for her before, and the happy time of the two of them during the holidays, the grievance in her heart was quietly gone.

"Seeing how good you were to me before, I forgive you." Lin Miaomiao closed her eyes after finishing speaking.

In less than a minute, Lin Miaomiao's even breathing sounded in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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