The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 191 Plan to peek at Ye Xingchen's phone

Chapter 191 Plan to peek at Ye Xingchen's phone

In the morning, Lin Miaomiao got up half an hour earlier than before, waiting for Ye Xingchen outside.

Ye Xingchen was still wondering if Lin Miaomiao would still be angry that he left early today, when he went out, he happened to see Lin Miaomiao who had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Miaomiao, you are quite early today."

It may be that Ye Xingchen still didn't fully come out during the quarrel yesterday, but Ye Xingchen said something like this.

"Well, it's okay. Have you had breakfast? I brought you a sandwich." Lin Miaomiao took out the breakfast she had prepared earlier from her schoolbag.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao as if he was no longer angry with him, a smile appeared on his face, he reached out to take it and said, "No, I'm just a little hungry, thank you Miaomiao."

"You're welcome."

Lin Miaomiao also took out her own breakfast and ate it quietly.

Suddenly it was quiet again, the only sound in the air was the chewing of two people.

Ye Xingchen spoke first to break the awkward atmosphere: "That last night..."

Lin Miaomiao quickly took over the conversation: "I was wrong last night, I was too careless."

"Actually not. I haven't been in a good mood these two days. I spoke in a heavy tone yesterday. I apologize to you. I'm sorry."

Ye Xingchen needs to be a gentleman if he is a big man, and he should take the initiative to apologize for his mistakes.

"Ye Xingchen, if there is a problem between the couple, do we need to solve it together?"

Lin Miaomiao did not directly respond to Ye Xingchen's apology, but directly asked a question that was more important to her.

Ye Xingchen nodded knowingly: "Yes!"

Lin Miaomiao: "Then you have encountered some troubles, tell us and we can solve it together."

"No, it's just that I'm in a bad mood. What troubles can I encounter? By the way, it's almost my birthday. Have you thought about what birthday present to give me?" Ye Xingchen deliberately changed the subject in order not to reveal any flaws. .

But the more he was like this, the more curious Lin Miaomiao became, and the more suspicious Ye Xingchen's behavior became. Now she was sure that Ye Xingchen was hiding something from herself.

Lin Miaomiao knew that Ye Xingchen would not say anything if she asked further questions, so she could only figure out a way by herself.

"How can I tell you about the birthday present in advance? It's a surprise, okay?"

Ye Xingchen smiled gently: "That's right, then I'll wait for the surprise you give me."

Lin Miaomiao intends to find a chance to check Ye Xingchen's phone again, because she believes that there are all the secrets that Ye Xingchen doesn't want her to know, and Deng Xiaoqi's cooperation may be needed at that time.

The two came to the school together and continued a boring day in their senior year of high school.

Lin Miaomiao finally waited until the big class break, and went to Deng Xiaoqi to discuss with her how to find a way to trick Ye Xingchen's cell phone over. Ye Xingchen has been very vigilant since he took his cell phone last time.

Deng Xiaoqi asked puzzledly: "Didn't you ask for it directly from Brother Chen before? What's the matter, Brother Chen won't let you move his phone now?"

"It's not that I'm not allowed to move, but it seems that I'm afraid that I know what's in the phone." Lin Miaomiao explained with a frown.

Deng Xiaoqi was shocked: "You mean, brother Chen cheated?"

"I'm calling you a big-headed ghost, and he doesn't shy away from me on WeChat and Penguin." Lin Miaomiao, who was angry, gave Deng Xiaoqi a hard head.

Deng Xiaoqi covered her head with her hands and looked at her with tears in her eyes: "It hurts. Miao Miao, you are starting to bully me now."

"Who told you to talk nonsense. I'm telling you something serious. Be serious."

Deng Xiaoqi sat upright: "Okay, Mr. Lin, tell me, what do you want me to help you with?"

Lin Miaomiao covered her forehead and said tiredly: "Didn't I just say, get his cell phone."

Deng Xiaoqi calmed down and thought about this question carefully, and suddenly a good attention came to her mind.

"Miaomiao, we can get him drunk. After Brother Chen is drunk, can't we just do whatever we want?"

Lin Miaomiao thought it was a good idea, and she was so happy for a long time: "Sister, the two of us, can we get him drunk? Besides, why should he get himself drunk when he has nothing to do?"

Deng Xiaoqi also realized that this idea was not good enough, both herself and Miao Miao had a moderate drinking capacity, so it would be okay to find someone with a better drinking capacity, and wait for someone with a better drinking capacity.

Jiang Tianhao!
Deng Xiaoqi smiled and said, "We can go to Jiang Tianhao, he must have a solution."

"Haozi? You mean let Haozi drink him down?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"That's right, Jiang Tianhao's drinking capacity is no worse than Ye Xingchen's, plus the two of us are definitely fine."

Lin Miaomiao still felt unreasonable: "It's still the same question, would it be strange to pour Ye Xingchen wine suddenly, he must have doubts."

"It's up to Haozi. There will always be a solution. We will go to him after the next get out of class." Deng Xiaoqi said.

"Okay, that's all."

The two survived another class, and quickly ran to the science class to find Jiang Tianhao after class.

Jiang Tianhao watched Deng Xiaoqi come to him, and ran out happily.

"Xiaoqi, why are you looking for me?"

Deng Xiaoqi went straight to the point: "Haozi, Miaomiao and I need help with something."

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will die." Jiang Tianhao hurriedly expressed his opinion.

Lin Miaomiao immediately said: "It's like this. I always feel that Ye Xingchen is hiding something from me, so I want to check his mobile phone. But I am afraid that he will misunderstand, so I wonder if I can find a chance to tell him Get drunk."

Jiang Tianhao said in disbelief: "You mean Brother Chen is having an affair?"

"Hahahaha. I'm sorry I couldn't hold it back. What I said Miao Miao, normal people would think so." Deng Xiaoqi laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten up.

Lin Miaomiao was speechless looking at these two guys: "..."

Jiang Tianhao also realized that he seemed to have said something wrong: "Did I guess wrong?"

"Of course not." Lin Miaomiao directly denied.

"Then why do you want to check Brother Chen's phone? Isn't it for checking the post?" Since Lin Miaomiao said that he didn't suspect that Brother Chen had "derailed", he was a little curious why he did this.

"There are many secrets in Ye Xingchen's cell phone, and I feel that Ye Xingchen is indeed hiding a lot of things from us. I didn't think about these things carefully before, but after I put together the previous things, I realized that I Don't know him at all."

Seeing Jiang Tianhao's question, Lin Miaomiao didn't hide anything and told the whole thing.

Hearing this, Jiang Tianhao couldn't help thinking of Brother Chen's reminders to him several times, and he also had doubts in his heart: "Actually, I agree with Brother Chen's many secrets, and I also want the truth. helped."

"Great, Haozi, but now the most important point is, what reason can we use to get him drunk? If it's too abrupt, Ye Xingchen is so smart, he will definitely be suspicious."

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(End of this chapter)

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