The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 192 I don't know how to explain it, but all I know is that you will definitely go bankr

Chapter 192 I don't know how to explain it, but all I know is that you're bound to go bankrupt
Jiang Tianhao snapped his fingers: "Yes, my dad said that he should thank Brother Chen for coming. I can help my dad make an appointment with Brother Chen during the National Day holiday. Then I will collude with my dad again. Respect Chen A few cups will be fine."

Deng Xiaoqi also thinks this idea is good: "Good idea, reasonable, when the time comes, let's go together and let Brother Chen have a few more drinks while we are happy."

Lin Miaomiao made a final decision: "That's it. Ye Xingchen's alcohol tolerance is not very good. Last time, my dad said that he would get drunk after not drinking much. He only looked like four or five glasses of liquor."

Jiang Tianhao: "Then it's settled, I'll arrange the rest."

"Okay, it's up to you, Haozi." Lin Miaomiao patted him on the shoulder heavily.

Several people put their hands together to announce that the Plan A combat team was formally established, and the plan was launched on time during the National Day holiday.

But Ye Xingchen, who was sleeping on his stomach in the classroom, had no idea that he was about to be tricked by them.

After Jiang Tianhao returned home, he communicated with his father in advance, telling him to thank others as much as he wanted, but he must find a way to get Ye Xingchen to drink more, and the place will be in his restaurant.

Although he didn't know what kind of attention his son was playing, he still agreed to his request.

The day before the holiday, Jiang Tianhao found Ye Xingchen and told him about it: "Brother Chen, my dad has always wanted to find a chance to thank you for your kindness, so I plan to have dinner with you tomorrow, and my dad said you must To come."

Ye Xingchen thought about it and agreed to his invitation: "Okay, anyway, there is nothing to do during the holidays, so when and where shall we go?"

"At 12 o'clock in the noon, the place is in my restaurant. My dad said he will treat you there." Jiang Tianhao hurriedly said when he saw that he had succeeded.

Ye Xingchen said straightforwardly: "Okay, I will definitely go then."

"it is good."

Jiang Tianhao got a reply from Ye Xingchen, and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the small group of three people: "The fish is hooked, and it will proceed as planned."

Lin Miaomiao: "Got it!"

Deng Xiaoqi: "Got it!"


On the first day of the National Day holiday, after playing with Lin Miaomiao all morning, Ye Xingchen said to her, "Jiang Tianhao's father wants to invite me to dinner at noon, and he wants to thank me, so you can take a taxi later Let's go back."

"That's it, okay, then when will you come back." Lin Miaomiao pretended to be reluctant.

"Afternoon." Ye Xingchen said.

"Okay, then go quickly, don't make people wait too long, it's not good."

Hearing what Lin Miaomiao said, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but praise: "Not bad, Miaomiao, you're so sensible now."

Lin Miaomiao raised her head arrogantly: "That's right, we must always improve."

"Haha, okay, let me call you a taxi back first." Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone, and was about to call Lin Miaomiao a taxi home.

"No need, you can call the taxi yourself. Hurry up, it's so rude to be late." Lin Miaomiao urged.

"Okay." Seeing Lin Miaomiao's insistence, Ye Xingchen called a car for himself.

The car arrived in a few minutes, Ye Xingchen told Lin Miaomiao to go home early, and send him a message when he got home safely.

"Understood, you hurry up and go, you're so long-winded."

"Hahaha, let's go."


Lin Miaomiao waved her hand and sent him away.

When Ye Xingchen's car completely disappeared from his sight, Lin Miaomiao called the car again and followed.

At this time, Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao had already joined, and Jiang Tianhao arranged for Deng Xiaoqi to stay in the private room next door, which was only separated from Jiang Qilong's private room by a wall.

Ten minutes later, Ye Xingchen arrived at his restaurant, called Jiang Tianhao and asked where he was?
Jiang Tianhao received a call and asked Xiaoqi to send him a message if she wanted to eat, and went out to pick up Ye Xingchen after speaking.

Jiang Tianhao immediately put a smile on his face when he saw Ye Xingchen coming: "Brother Chen, you came here very fast, I thought you would be here for a while."

Ye Xingchen: "Of course, there's no reason to make the elders wait. Uncle isn't here yet, right?"

"My dad has been watching here all morning, and asked the kitchen to cook some signature dishes. I have been busy all morning." Jiang Tianhao said.

Ye Xingchen suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he said this: "Don't be so troublesome, just eat something."

"No trouble, you've helped us so much, it's not an exaggeration to say that you've saved our lives, what our family has done is nothing." Jiang Tianhao is also a man of love, so if he has something to say, he is naturally special in his heart Thanks Ye Xingchen.

"Here, Haozi, we are brothers. Brothers are in trouble, so there is no reason for me not to help."

"I know, let's stop talking about these polite words, let's go, my dad and I must thank you very much today."

After speaking, he brought Ye Xingchen to the private room.

As soon as Ye Xingchen walked in, Lin Miaomiao arrived, and he sent a message to ask Deng Xiaoqi to come out to pick him up.

After Jiang Tianhao saw the news in the group, he immediately replied: "Ye Xingchen has come to the private room, I'm looking at him, you two go in quickly, don't let him find out. In private room 666, me and the shop's The staff said hello."

Lin Miaomiao immediately replied that she received it, and then strode inside.

After Ye Xingchen came to the private room, Jiang Qilong sat there waiting for a long time.

Ye Xingchen also greeted the elders politely: "Hello, Uncle."

Seeing the protagonist coming, Jiang Qilong got up quickly: "Hello, hello, sit down quickly. Tianhao, you go and inform the kitchen to start serving food."

"Okay." Jiang Tianhao agreed and left the private room.

"Uncle, you don't need to be so polite. You are an elder, and we juniors can do these things."

Jiang Qilong is a businessman, so he understands this kind of rules: "You are Tianhao's good friend and a nobleman in our family, we should treat you well, you can afford it."

Ye Xingchen: "It really doesn't need to be like this. Besides, I'm also an investor. After all, I'm still a major shareholder."

Seeing that the polite words were almost finished, Jiang Qilong also asked about the serious matter: "I heard from Tianhao that you won all this money by buying lottery tickets?"

"Well, I was lucky. I just bought a few bets and won unexpectedly." Ye Xingchen said honestly.

"Aren't you excited after winning such a large sum of money?"

"It's okay, it must have been exciting at first, but the mood calmed down the next day."

Jiang Qilong couldn't help admiring Ye Xingchen's words: "Such a large sum of money can be kept calm, it's really not an ordinary person."

"Uncle is overrated."

"There is no reputation. It is almost impossible to do what you are at this age. But I still have a question?"

"Uncle said."

"You asked Tianhao to tell me to be careful of Boss Meng, someone set me up. How do you know, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious."

Ye Xingchen thought that there was no way out of this problem, so he explained: "Uncle, let me tell you the truth, I don't know how to explain it, but I was sure at the time."

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(End of this chapter)

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