Chapter 193 Future?Rebirth?
"Oh? You mean that you know that the Jiang family's bankruptcy is inevitable, but you don't know what factors lead to the bankruptcy, I understand, right." Jiang Qilong was a little confused as to why Ye Xingchen said that.

Ye Xingchen has some admiration for Jiang Qilong, after all, he has a certain ability to become a billionaire.

"That's right, uncle understands right. That's what it means." Ye Xingchen said lightly.

Hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Jiang Qilong thought it was because he didn't want to tell him, and he didn't ask later, because he knew that Ye Xingchen had absolutely no malice.

"Okay, then let's not talk about this issue. The main reason for inviting you here today is to thank you. I have prepared two bottles of good wine. Please do me a favor."

Ye Xingchen was flattered and humiliated: "Uncle, what are you talking about, you are an elder..."

At this moment, Jiang Tianhao opened the door and came in: "The food is here, what did you just talk about."

Jiang Qilong waved his hand: "It's nothing, let's talk about homework. Tianhao, pour the wine, and let's toast Xiaochen together."

"Okay." When Jiang Tianhao heard that it was time to toast, he immediately filled Ye Xingchen with wine. After all, today's task is to get Ye Xingchen drunk.

Ye Xingchen: "Haozi Haozi, I can't drink so much."

"It's okay, Brother Chen, you're drunk and I'll take you home today."

The door was opened again, and the clerk began to bring the signature dishes to the table one by one.

In order to invite Ye Xingchen to have this meal today, Jiang Qilong deliberately closed his business for a day to show his respect for Ye Xingchen. Although he is an elder, Jiang Qilong is a businessman after all, and he is now a major shareholder, so it should be so.

"There are no elders or juniors here today. You are a good friend of Tianhao and a nobleman of our family. Come and Tianhao and I to offer you a toast."

Jiang Qilong was also a sentimental person, so he drank the glass of white wine in front of him in one gulp.

Of course, Jiang Tianhao didn't give up either: "Brother Chen, I respect you."

After speaking, he drank it like his father.

Ye Xingchen also picked up the glass of wine in front of him, and drank it all with his eyes closed.

Seeing Ye Xingchen drink it all, Jiang Qilong couldn't help but praise: "Okay, boys should be so bold, hahaha, come and try our family's signature dish."

"Okay Uncle." Ye Xingchen waited for the elder to put down his chopsticks, and then picked up a piece of pork ribs and tasted it.

"Hmm~ It's delicious."

"Eat more if it tastes good. If it's not enough, I'll ask the kitchen to continue cooking, and Tianhao will fill up the wine." Jiang Qilong instructed Jiang Tianhao next to him to pour the wine.

Ye Xingchen looked at Jiang Tianhao who was busy, and felt a little embarrassed to sit here all the time: "Let me come, uncle."

Jiang Tianhao quickly picked up the wine bottle and filled it up for Ye Xingchen, saying, "No need, Brother Chen, I'll just come."

Jiang Qilong sat there looking at Ye Xingchen with style and said, "It's okay, just let Tianhao come."

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to give up. Anyway, looking at it like this, he could go out standing up. Although he didn't want to drink, he was an elder after all. Although they wanted to thank him for the banquet, he still had to understand his etiquette.

Next, Jiang Qilong and Jiang Tianhao kept saying thank you, asking Ye Xingchen to help Jiang Tianhao a lot in the future. Anyway, in the end, they were all drinking, and Ye Xingchen didn't escape a cup. It's over.

"No, I really can't drink it." Ye Xingchen said hastily.

"Okay, the last drink, finish the last drink." Jiang Qilong suggested the last drink seeing that Ye Xingchen really couldn't drink much.

"Okay, the last glass." Ye Xingchen filled himself up, and drank it down in one gulp.

Maybe it’s really the limit. After drinking the last cup, I just sat down and lay still on the chair. I should say something in my mouth: "I don’t want to drink anymore, I can’t drink anymore."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen was really drunk, Jiang Qilong ordered Jiang Tianhao to send Ye Xingchen home, and Qian Zhuwan told him to send Ye Xingchen home safely.

Jiang Tianhao: "Dad, don't worry, Ye Xingchen will return home safely, if something happens, you can kill me."

"Okay, I have a business to discuss later, so I'm leaving first. I'm warning you, although I don't know what your plan is, but you must be careful." Jiang Qilong said seriously.

Jiang Tianhao: "If you know, Dad, you can't drive after drinking, Dad."

"I know, let Uncle Zhao take me back, don't worry about me, just take care of Xiaochen."

"Okay, you go slowly."

Jiang Tianhao watched his father leave the private room again, and tentatively called Ye Xingchen: "Brother Chen, Brother Chen, wake up."

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't respond, Jiang Tianhao took out his mobile phone and immediately sent a message to the two of them.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao, who was eating and drinking next door, received Jiang Tianhao's WeChat and couldn't help but said: "It's ready so soon, the dishes are not ready yet, it's delicious, umm."

Seeing Lin Miaomiao with such a good appetite, Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but said: "Don't eat Miaomiao, it's important to get down to business, come back later and pack it up, it's all yours."

"Wait for me, I'm breaking a chicken leg." Lin Miaomiao put on disposable gloves and tore a chicken leg.

"Let's go."

The two got up and quickly went to Jiang Tianhao's private room next door.

When she entered the room, she saw Ye Xingchen lying unconscious on the chair. Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but care and said, "How much did you drink? Are you okay?"

Jiang Tianhao signaled Lin Miaomiao not to worry: "Don't worry, I didn't drink much. Brother Chen's drinking capacity is too bad. Now he just fell asleep. Hurry up, Brother Chen's phone is over there."

Lin Miaomiao looked up, Ye Xingchen's mobile phone was placed on the table impressively, Lin Miaomiao hurriedly stepped forward to pick up the mobile phone, unlocked it skillfully, and then opened the photo album, she slid down the photos, and the silky high brush immediately It caught Jiang Tianhao's attention.

"This mobile phone is not made in China, the screen refresh rate is so high."

Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Tianhao continued: "Don't you feel that this phone is very smooth?"

"It's really smooth. Ye Xingchen said it was his friend's phone. I don't know what brand it is, but there is this logo on the back, xiaomi"

Lin Miaomiao showed the back and saw the Xiaomi label.

"Is this a Xiaomi phone? But the latest Xiaomi phone is the 6, right? It doesn't have such a big screen, even the max doesn't have such a big screen."

Jiang Tianhao took the phone and checked that it was indeed a Xiaomi phone. He found the settings again, turned on my device, and saw Xiaomi 12 displayed on the screen.

"How is this possible?" Jiang Tianhao couldn't believe his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi came over and asked Jiang Tianhao surprised.

"Look, this is Mi 12." Jiang Tianhao showed it to them.

Lin Miaomiao had no idea what this meant: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

"At present, the latest Xiaomi mobile phone is 6, and this one is 12." Jiang Tianhao figured out everything at this moment, why did Ye Xingchen know that there would be a fire, why did he know that the school organized a school trip, why did he know that his home would bankruptcy.

 Thank you guys for your votes.

  Thanks sonxin for the monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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