Chapter 194 Video Exposure (The Final Countdown Officially Begins)
In the past, it might be possible to jokingly call it a prophet, but now the facts have made everyone a big joke.

Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi still don't know what's the relationship, because they don't know anything about mobile phones.

Jiang Tianhao took a deep breath and looked at the two of them and said, "Listen well, what I'm going to say next, you may think I'm crazy, but what I said is indeed true."

Lin Miaomiao: "Tell me."

Jiang Tianhao: "There was a fire in my dormitory, you all should know."

Deng Xiaoqi: "I know, haven't you been criticized for this matter?"

"That's right, but what I want to say is that before the fire broke out, Ye Xingchen once reminded me that there might be a fire in my dormitory."

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but said, "Isn't it normal to remind you to be careful of fire? What does this mean?"

"That's right, it's really normal. At first I thought it was just a normal concern, but later Brother Chen accurately predicted that the fire in the dormitory was caused by the concave-convex mirror I brought back from the laboratory, but when he reminded me, I hadn’t taken a physics experiment class at the time, and I didn’t have any concave-convex mirrors.”

Deng Xiaoqi thought about the connection, and couldn't help but said: "So you think Brother Chen set the fire?"

When Jiang Tianhao heard this answer, he felt a group of crows flying over his head.

Lin Miaomiao next to her seemed to have some clues: "Haozi, you continue."

Jiang Tianhao continued to say: "If this is a coincidence, do you still remember our school trip? Miaomiao, you made a bet with Brother Chen at that time."

"Remember, Miaomiao lost the bet and successfully gave away a wave of heads." Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing beside her.

The term "giving away the head" was also learned from them when playing King of Kings.

"If these two times can be regarded as a coincidence, or Brother Chen is lucky. But Brother Chen told me that my family will go bankrupt early, and his tone is very sure. I asked him how he knew, But Brother Chen couldn't tell at the time, anyway, he insisted that something would happen to my family, but you all knew about it. Don't you understand by now?" Jiang Tianhao looked at the two and said excitedly.

"You mean Brother Chen is from the future?" With the advanced mobile phone and the ability to foretell, even the most stupid person can know what Jiang Tianhao wants to express when the two are combined.

"That's right, and do you still remember what Brother Chen's dream is?"

Deng Xiaoqi replied: "Brother Chen said that his dream is to protect our dreams, but even so, saying that Brother Chen is from the future is too outrageous."

This is Lin Miaomiao, who has been silent all this time, said, "It's not outrageous."

She raised her head and continued, "The same thing happened in my house."

"What?" the two asked in unison.

"Back then, a company wanted to hire my dad to work for them. The salary was doubled and a position of deputy director was given. At first, our whole family thought it was my dad's luck, but when I told Ye Xingchen that day, He suddenly became very interested in this matter, and in the end persuaded my dad not to change jobs with inexplicable reasons, and of course my dad listened to him."

"And then." Jiang Tianhao couldn't help asking, because he wanted to know the truth of this matter more and more.

"Then that company really went bankrupt, and all the staff above the director ran away. If my dad had jumped to their company, he might have gotten into a lawsuit. This incident is too coincidental, and the coincidence is a bit unnatural, but I I didn't think much about it at the time. Thinking about it now, what Haozi said may be true."

Lin Miaomiao chose to believe Jiang Tianhao's words not only because of this, but more because of the bracelet in her hand. Compared with the mobile phone, the technology contained in this bracelet is not what should be in this era.

"Brother Chen is from the future, this is too sci-fi, if not, I'll take it easy." Deng Xiaoqi sat in a chair and was confused.

Lin Miaomiao continued to flip through the photo album. If it really came from the future, the photo on the phone is her appearance when she grew up, then everything can be explained.

But I can't find that photo in the album.After thinking about it, Ye Xingchen probably deleted it, just to prevent himself from doubting.

"Miaomiao, show me your phone."

"Here, there's nothing inside." Lin Miaomiao handed the phone to Jiang Tianhao again.

Jiang Tianhao took the phone and opened the commonly used software, and found that besides WeChat and QQ, which are the two most used ones, there is also video. He clicked on the video software, saw that there were several episodes of TV dramas in the cache, and quit without paying attention, but Suddenly feel that something is wrong.

that cover!

Jiang Tianhao clicked in again and opened the video.

"How is it possible..." If Jiang Tianhao just felt a little unbelievable, then Jiang Tianhao's world view has completely collapsed at this moment.

Seeing Jiang Tianhao's eyes wide open, Lin Miaomiao asked, "Haozi, what's the matter?"

Deng Xiaoqi also came over at this time.

Jiang Tianhao put the phone in front of the two of them: "Look."

After Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi saw it, their minds became even more confused.

"How could this be, isn't Haozi a fake?" Lin Miaomiao squatted on the ground with her head in her hands.

"Our world..." Deng Xiaoqi only said the first half of the sentence.

"Hehe, so that's the case, everything is very clear." Jiang Tianhao also sat down on the chair decadently.

The video was only cached for two episodes. Ye Xingchen accidentally clicked on the cache, but he didn't expect to expose himself completely.

"When Brother Chen wakes up, let's have a showdown." Deng Xiaoqi said.

Jiang Tianhao: "Yes!"

Lin Miaomiao: "I also want to know the truth."

The next few people sent Ye Xingchen home, and then they also returned home. They wanted to wait for a suitable time for Ye Xingchen to explain.


Ye Xingchen didn't wake up until after 7 o'clock in the evening. The first thing he felt when he woke up was thirst. He dragged his tired body to the living room and poured himself a glass of water.

Mu Ying heard the commotion outside and hurried out to have a look and found that her son had woken up.

"Xiaochen, you're awake. Why did you drink so much? Thanks to Miaomiao and your classmates who brought you back. Are you hungry? Let me make you some soup?"

Ye Xingchen replied: "I'm not hungry, I'm just a little thirsty. I'll drink some water."

But after I finished speaking, I suddenly found that something was wrong.

"Mom, who did you say brought me back?"

Mu Ying said: "Miao Miao, there is another female classmate and a tall male classmate, what's wrong?"

Ye Xingchen's face changed and he quickly took out his mobile phone, and found that it was not in his trousers pocket, and quickly asked:
"Mom, where is my cell phone?"

I put it on the desk in your room for you.

Ye Xingchen ran to the room to turn on the phone, and checked the background records.

"No way."

(End of this chapter)

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